La sombra de mi Hermano#shortstory"TWINS" CONTEST: "The Keyword of the Week" by @hive-107855 |
— La sesión terminó por hoy Martin, —dijo el especialista. Pero quiero tomarme unos minutos para felicitarte —continuo. — ¿He sido tu psiquiatra desde hace cuánto... 7 años verdad? — Y Creo que hoy has hecho un gran avance; —prosiguió. — Martin, pedirle a tu gemelo que a partir de hoy tengan consultas separadas, me indica que vamos por buen camino, querido amigo.
Martin lo miró unos segundos, y antes que sus ojos se llenasen de lágrimas, suspiró y dijo: — Gracias Doc, —otro suspiro. — Creo que ambos necesitamos espacio. — ¿Le digo a mi hermano qué pasé ahora?, —preguntó Martin.
— Decide tu amigo, —Tu y yo nos vemos la semana que viene a la misma hora. Ahora sal, —dijo el Dr., con una sonrisa en sus labios.
Martin salió del consultorio, y su gemelo no estaba. Se sintió aliviado, como nunca lo había estado en su vida.
Éramos inseparables, —pensó. Mi hermano y yo. Dos almas unidas por un vínculo inquebrantable. Vivimos horas jugando a construir castillos de arena en la playa, exploramos todas las calles cercanas a nuestra casa. Compartimos secretos susurrados en la oscuridad de nuestro cuarto. Mi hermano gemelo es y será mi confidente, mi cómplice, mi mejor amigo—.
Se detuvo un momento, pues una duda cruzó su mente; — ¿O lo fue?. Mientras esperaba el ascensor para ir a casa, un escalofrío sacudió su cuerpo, sintiendo que hacía mucho tiempo que no había visto a su hermano.
Extractos de las notas del Dr. Prince, Psiquiatra de Martin.
Primera sesión: (Martin de 7 años).
Se trata del gemelo mayor; Paciente masculino; Edad 7 años; quien tras el accidente de autos donde murió su otro gemelo, afirma que su hermano sigue vivo, y que siempre está a su lado. Olvidó todo lo relacionado con el aparatoso accidente. Me impresiona como un caso de disociación, aunque es muy temprano para seguir esa hipótesis.
Sesión 35
Como es común, la relación gemelar entre Martin y su hermano era muy fuerte. Hablando de él hizo referencias a que: Inventaban mundos fantásticos, donde vivían imaginarias aventuras; donde eran héroes invencibles. Remarcando que “TODO” prácticamente lo hacían juntos. Martin cree que él y su gemelo siguen durmiendo en el mismo cuarto.
Sesión 143. (Martin a dos semanas de cumplir 10 años)
Reacción contraria a la esperada. Martin hizo un berrinche con características de regresión. Al sus padres, compartir con él la idea de aprovechar que se mudarían de casa, para que cada hermano tuviese su propio cuarto. Tras 1 hora de llantos y gritos, Martin les dijo (con palabras muy significativas para su proceso) algo como: “Él es como mi sombra y yo lo suya”; “Entiéndalo, él me ha dicho que nunca se irá de mi”.
Toca atender esta urgencia.
Sesión 170.
Empiezo a percibir necesidad de individuación en Martín. Aumenta la frecuencia de sentimientos de rabia y miedo hacia su hermano. Relatando un episodio de la semana, compartió: “Dr. Me desperté en medio de la madrugada y él estaba allí; me asustó sentado en la orilla de mi cama, como vigilándome.” “Cuando vio que me desperté, sonrío, levanto mis sabanas y se metió acurrucándose a mi lado. Sentí fastidio, él a veces no me deja dormir, Doc.”
Sesión 237. (Martin entrado en su 12)
Doc, pelee con mi hermano. No me deja en paz. La otra vez, quería ver algo de porno en el celular y él estaba allí. Le dije que saliera del cuarto un rato y no quiso. ¡Me fastidió doc! Parece que no entiende, ya no pensamos de la misma manera, el quiere seguir como si fuese un niño de seis años, y sabe yo ya voy a cumplir trece y pienso diferente.
El no quiso salir del cuarto, pues entonces yo me fui y me encerré en el baño con mi celular. Por primera vez, no me siguió.
Sesión 246. AVANCES.
“Doc. Otra pelea. De verdad me obstinó. Está allá afuera (señalando la puerta), parece un bebe, sin hablar y con cara de molestia. Se puso así desde que le dije que no quería seguir en las consultas con él. Que pidiésemos citas separadas, que usted lo vería después de mi”.
“Doc. Él no quiere dejar el cuarto, así que yo me voy en mitad de la noche a otro cuarto de la casa, para dormir a mis anchas. No cierro la puerta, y él no ha hecho intentos de seguirme”.
“Doc. Uff, olvidé cual era el tema que traía para hoy. Vera, en ese cuarto, todavía hay cajas de la mudanza”. “Una tarde me puse a revisar y encontré una foto de cuando mi hermano y yo teníamos seis años. Lo raro es que en la vida real yo he crecido, pero el sigue viéndose de la misma edad que la foto...”, “qué raro, ¿verdad?”, “no he querido mostrarle la foto a mi mamá, antes de hablar con usted....”; “ok, para la próxima sesión”.
English Version
My Brother's Shadow#shortstory"TWINS" CONTEST: "The Keyword of the Week" by @hive-107855 |
— The session is over for today Martin, —said the specialist. But I want to take a few minutes to congratulate you —he continued. — I've been your psychiatrist for what... 7 years, right? — And I think you've made a big breakthrough today; —he continued. — Martin, asking your twin to have separate appointments from today on tells me that we're on the right track, dear friend.
Martin looked at him for a few seconds, and before his eyes filled with tears, he sighed and said: — Thanks Doc, —another sigh. — I think we both need space. — Should I tell my brother what happened now? —Martin asked.
— That's up to you, my friend. — You and I will see each other next week at the same time. Now get out, —the doctor said, with a smile on his lips.
Martin left the office, and his twin was gone. He felt relieved, like he had never been in his life.
We were inseparable, —he thought. My brother and I. Two souls united by an unbreakable bond. We spend hours building sand castles on the beach, we explore all the streets near our house. We share whispered secrets in the darkness of our room. My twin brother is and will be my confidant, my accomplice, my best friend —.
He paused for a moment, as a doubt crossed his mind; — Or was it?. While waiting for the elevator to go home, a chill shook his body, feeling like he hadn't seen his brother for a long time.
Excerpts from the notes of Dr. Prince, Martin's Psychiatrist.
First session: (Martin, 7 years old).
This is the older twin; Male patient; Age 7 years old; who after the car accident where his other twin died, claims that his brother is still alive, and that he is always by his side. He has forgotten everything related to the spectacular accident. It strikes me as a case of dissociation, although it is too early to follow that hypothesis.
Session 35
As usual, the twin relationship between Martin and his brother was very strong. Speaking about him, he made references to: They invented fantastic worlds, where they lived imaginary adventures; where they were invincible heroes. Remarking that they practically did “EVERYTHING” together. Martin believes that he and his twin still sleep in the same room.
Session 143. (Martin two weeks away from turning 10)
Contrary reaction to what was expected. Martin threw a tantrum with characteristics of regression. When his parents shared with him the idea of taking advantage of the fact that they were moving house, so that each brother would have his own room. After 1 hour of crying and screaming, Martin told them (with words that were very significant to his process) something like: “He is like my shadow and I am his”; “Understand, he has told me that he will never leave me.”
It is time to attend to this urgency.
Session 170.
I begin to perceive Martin's need for individuation. The frequency of feelings of rage and fear towards his brother increases. Recounting an episode from the week, he shared: “Dr. I woke up in the middle of the night and he was there; he scared me by sitting on the edge of my bed, as if watching me.” “When he saw that I woke up, he smiled, lifted my sheets and crawled in next to me. I felt annoyed, he sometimes doesn't let me sleep, Doc.”
Session 237. (Martin entering his 12th year)
Doc, I fought with my brother. He doesn't leave me alone. The other time, I wanted to watch some porn on the cell phone and he was there. I told him to leave the room for a while and he didn't want to. I'm annoyed, Doc! It seems that he doesn't understand, we don't think the same way anymore, he wants to continue as if he were a six-year-old child, and he knows that I'm going to be thirteen and I think differently.
He didn't want to leave the room, so I left and locked myself in the bathroom with my cell phone. For the first time, he didn't follow me.
Session 246. PROGRESS.
“Doc. Another fight. He really got on my nerves. He's out there (pointing to the door), he looks like a baby, not talking and with an annoyed look on his face. He's been like that since I told him I didn't want to continue seeing him. That we should make separate appointments, that you would see him after me.”
“Doc. He doesn't want to leave the room, so I go in the middle of the night to another room in the house, to sleep at ease. I don't close the door, and he hasn't tried to follow me.”
“Doc. Ugh, I forgot what the topic was for today. There are still boxes from the move in that room.” “One afternoon I started looking around and found a photo from when my brother and I were six years old. The weird thing is that in real life I’ve grown up, but he still looks the same age as in the photo…” “Strange, right?” “I didn’t want to show the photo to my mom before talking to you…” “Ok, for the next session.”
- [1] Las imágenes y gif son de mi creación a partir de Promts editados en Dicha aplicación emplea la Inteligencia Artificial, para generar imágenes, a partir de frases y oraciones escritas. Estas son libres de derechos. [1] Ver mi galería en joslud
Original production by @joslud -- #wox-joslud |
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That doctor can't be so good those sessions with him are pointless.
Good story
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Greetings @hive-169911
Well, that's right, it's not about "the sessions" (sometimes I also think that therapy doesn't make sense, that's why there are so many sessions😄), however, "therapy" here works as a space for listening, acceptance and support that accompanies Martin in his process.
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Goid to hear there are still people listen if they get paid. Sessions are many and so are the years.. If that's the case nothing changed. Unfortunately.
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