CONCURSO: "La palabra clave de la semana: Puño de cuña"

in hive-107855 •  last month 
Sé que ya el concurso que promueve @weisser-rabe venció, pero ando haciendo muchas actividades que me han trastocado los cronogramas de publicaciones. Aún así, he decidido compartir mi relato con ustedes:

El hacha de Fortunato

Fortunato era un hombre tranquilo, un leñador que vivía feliz en su casa de la montaña, con Raquel, su mujer, y sus cuatro hijos: dos hembras y dos varones.

Cuando Fortunato escuchaba el grito "árbol abajo" afilaba su hacha y salía rápidamente a trabajar, ya que a eso se dedicaba, a cortar en rolas los árboles derribados por la empresa maderera.


Era un trabajo duro, pero Fortunato lo hacía con alegría, su padre también había sido leñador, y él estaba acostumbrado a hacerlo; sus brazos y manos eran tan fuertes como el acero.

Y todo hubiese seguido así, si no hubiese llegado aquel capataz que le dio por gritar y humillar a Fortunato:

-Vamos animal, apúrate con ese tronco -gritaba mientras blandía un foete, como si fuera a pegarle con él.

Al capataz le advirtieron que no tratara así a Fortunato, que él era un hombre tranquilo, pero que la gente de esos lados era terrible cuando se enojaba.

Un día, cuando Raquel le traía la comida a Fortunato, el capataz aprovechó la oportunidad de lucirse:

-Allí llegó llegó la comida para este inútil; lástima que tenga una mujer con tan buenas carnes -dijo mirando a los ojos de Fortunato.

Fortunato dejó de cortar el tronco y se acercó lentamente al capataz, este soltó el foete y se llevó la mano al cinto donde tenía una pistola, pero no tuvo tiempo ni de respirar, Fortunato le clavó de la hacha en la frente con un golpe rápido y certero, el cuerpo del capataz cayó al suelo bañado en sangre.

Fortunato se entregó a las autoridades, y fue detenido por algunos años en la cárcel. Mientras tanto, los pobladores recogieron su hacha y la pusieron en la entrada del pueblo para recordarle a todo aquel que llegara con deseos de humillar a un leñador, que de hacerlo necibiría su merecido castigo.


I know that the contest promoted by @weisser-rabe has already expired, but I've been doing a lot of activities that have upset my publication schedules. Even so, I've decided to share my story with you:

Fortunato's axe

Fortunato was a quiet man, a lumberjack who lived happily in his mountain house, with Raquel, his wife, and his four children: two girls and two boys.

When Fortunato heard the cry "down with the tree" he would sharpen his axe and quickly go out to work, since that was what he did, cutting the trees felled by the lumber company into logs.


It was hard work, but Fortunato did it with joy, his father had also been a lumberjack, and he was used to doing it; his arms and hands were as strong as steel.

And everything would have continued like this, if that foreman hadn't arrived and started shouting and humiliating Fortunato:

-Come on, animal, hurry up with that log - he shouted while brandishing a whip, as if he were going to hit him with it.

The foreman was warned not to treat Fortunato like that, that he was a calm man, but that people in those parts were terrible when they got angry.

One day, when Raquel was bringing food to Fortunato, the foreman took the opportunity to show off:

-There came the food for this useless man; it's a pity he has a wife with such good meat - he said, looking into Fortunato's eyes.

Fortunato stopped cutting the trunk and slowly approached the foreman. The foreman dropped the whip and reached for his belt where he had a pistol, but he didn't even have time to breathe. Fortunato stabbed him in the forehead with the axe, with a quick and accurate blow. The foreman's body fell to the ground covered in blood.

Fortunato turned himself in to the authorities and was detained for a few years in jail. Meanwhile, the townspeople picked up his axe and placed it at the entrance of the town to remind anyone who came with the desire to humiliate a woodcutter that doing so would be punished accordingly.

[Pixabay]( /)

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Since the foreman has refused to respect himself… wherever he is in the afterlife, he has learned a bitter lesson.

When next any arrogant person comes around the area, they will respect themselves after hearing the story of the foreman

Love your beautiful story!!

Thank you, friend!
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Mil gracias por el apoyo, @irawandedy. Lo agradezco infinitamente.

Personally, I have my problems with this ‘You didn't want it any other way!’ concept. And these silent sufferers who eventually explode instead... They usually enjoy sympathy and are met with understanding, but I think speaking out beforehand and perhaps changing something about the problems as a result would be the better way. But then again, I'm not a lumberjack ;-))

Le temo a las personas silenciosas, ya que , por lo general, suelen actuar de manera inesperada ante situaciones cotidianas. En Venezuela hay un refrán popular que dice:

Del agua mansa, líbreme Dios; que de la brava me libro yo.

Saludos, amiga.

In my country, we normally say: "fear quiet people, e get why " meaning that you should know how to associate with this set of people because if they get angry you'll likely to suffer the consequences. The foreman deserve it. This is a great story, thank you for sharing.

En efecto, los seres humanos tenemos personalidades complejas. Creoq eu ni nosotros mismos nos conocemos.