Bull's Eye!

in hive-107855 •  4 months ago  (edited)

Do I,
or will I ever hit the bullseye?
With my DIYs,
my words on paper,
my longing to connect?

Or am I —
will I always be —
just shy of enough?
A whisper away from perfect
but never quite there.

Maybe I can paint,
maybe I just don’t dip my brush enough,
maybe I’m bound by too many lines —
the ones that say,
"Stay inside,"
"Blend in,"
"Get it right.",


Should I dance?
What about,
"Stay in rhythm,"
"Don’t stumble,"
"Keep it graceful."

Can I sing?
They keep repeating,
Hit the pitch,"
"Stay in tune,"
"Make it flawless."

In short:
"Try harder,"
"Fit in,"
"Make it work."

a diy in progress

But you know what?
Forget the rules.
I’ll keep throwing darts,
one after another,
missing the mark
but loving the throw,
the flight, the fall.

So maybe I never hit the bullseye,
but who cares?
It’s the aim, the arc,
the sweet release,
that keeps me coming back
for another

Don't mind my messy DIYs,
just pieces of imperfect dreams...

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That switch board art is inspired by our mutual acquintance?

Is that a frog on your dresser?

Love your DIYs and your knack for words, even more.

Thank you :)

That switch board art is inspired by our mutual acquintance?

You could say this. But ever since we shifted, these humangous switch boards were bothering us. So we were thinking about stencils and painting the board, meanwhile this was a quick fix.

Is that a frog on your dresser?

It's a handmade tortoise, I guess. My maternal uncle brought it for me for me from Hong Kong. It's been in my possession for more than two decades.

it’s okay to miss the bulls eye, what matters most is that you enjoy the process.

Who drew the ballet dancer on pink?? I need to register you on xpillar..😊

what matters most is that you enjoy the process.

Oh yes, that I do

Who drew the ballet dancer on pink

That's my daughter's very old art :)

It's quite simple: perfection is a boring façade with usually nothing behind it. Whether it's people or objects: the supposedly perfect ones turn out to be flawed or untrue at some point...

I second!

Perfection is overrated. Work hard, be diligent, and leave the rest to fate...