Rainbow Nest in the Twilight Sky

in hive-107855 •  4 months ago 


At the end of the small town decorated with green hills, there is a small hill which is a silent witness to the love of Rama and Sita. Every evening, they would gather there to watch the sunset and the colorful show of the evening sky. One day, Rama took Sita to the hill with a mysterious smile on his face.

They sat on the soft grass, looking at the sky which was starting to turn red. Rama took out a small box from his trouser pocket and smiled gently. "He's like a rainbow painting, isn't he?" said Rama, pointing to the sky filled with colors.

Sinta nodded in agreement, "Yes, this is always an amazing sight." Rama smiled wider, "I want us to have something that can be a witness to our love, like a rainbow in the sky "With trembling hands, Rama opened the small box.

Inside there were a number of small, colorful balloons tied with long strings. "This is our 'rainbow nest'," said Rama while showing the balloons to Sinta. "Each balloon has a different color, like our feelings are mixed, but still beautiful." Sinta was surprised and moved.

Together they tied a small love message on each balloon, representing the promises and beautiful memories they shared together. When everything was ready, Rama and Sinta released the balloons one by one. Gently, the small balloons floated in the air.

The evening wind carried them away, forming colorful trails in the fading evening sky. Rama and Sinta looked at each other with hearts full of emotion, as if seeing a series of their dreams flying high towards the sky. "Each color represents a story of our love," said Rama while looking into Sinta's eyes.

Sinta smiled and said, "And every time we see a rainbow in the twilight sky, we will know that our 'rainbow nest' is still there, among those beautiful colors." They sat on the hill, both of them enjoying the twilight sky which now only left traces of a fading rainbow.

However, their love is like that rainbow nest, still present in every color and memory created in that beautiful evening sky.

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