Back to Black (A Batman fanfiction inspired by a song by Amy Winehouse)

in hive-107855 •  7 months ago 


Source : A panel from Batman 2016

'He left no time to regret
Kept his dick wet
With his same old safe bet'

Talia al Ghul saw her ex lover and the father of her child, Bruce Wayne walk into the Wayne Manor. He was back from some sort of a business trip, or at least that's what the butler told her. And of course, She was with him.

Selina Kyle. Founder and CEO of KyleTech by day, the Catwoman by night. She was.... a Cat burglar? A vigilante? A spy master who worked with the Justice League? Talia wasn't sure, as the woman could turn on a dime. What she did know was that, just like her beloved, Selina Kyle liked dress like an animal and swing from rooftops.

Is that what he was attracted to? It that what drew Bruce to Selina again and again? Made him reject the mother of his child? Until he decided to stay with Selina for good.

Talia could no longer lie to herself that her heart didn't hurt every time she saw her beloved with that other woman. He loved her, desired her, respected her.

What had Selina given him that Talia al Ghul, the Demon's daughter, couldn't?

This question had tormented Talia more often and more intensely than she would ever admit.

'Me and my head high
And my tears dry
Get on without my guy'

Whatever the answer to that question may be, Talia knew she could never have her beloved again. He had made his choice a long time ago. But like a fool, she had held on to a delusion that perhaps their son would bring him back to her.

How many nights had she spent weeping over him? How often had she longed for him to look at her the way he looked at that woman?

But her longing and heartache was all she was left with. Talia would nurse her broken heart in the guilded walls of her family's palace, while that low born woman lived the life that she had dreamt of for so long.

Selina Kyle was in Bruce Wayne's bed, in his heart and his head. To Selina, he was the loving partner that he could never be to Talia. He hid nothing from her. An honour Talia hadn't been accorded even when she and her beloved were together.

Still, Talia was no ordinary woman. And she would maintain her strong and unbreakable exterior no matter what. Hence, she didn't allow her face to betray any emotion when the butler asked Selina if any changes were to be made to the guest list, for the fundraiser that would be held at the Wayne Manor.

He hadn't asked Bruce, but Selina. Meaning he saw her as the Lady of the Manor. On the other hand, he had never treated Talia with anything other than cold formality.

'You went back to what you knew
So far removed
From all that we went through'

What was it about that woman? Beautiful, highly intelligent, powerful.... Talia would admit that she was all of those things. But so was Talia herself. So what is it that her beloved saw that set Selina Kyle apart?

Did she love him the way Talia did? Could she be as devoted?

When Talia had her beloved in her arms, she had given herself to him completely. Bruce was unlike any man she had ever know. Before, or since. He was as strong and valiant as her father. To the point that Ras al Ghul saw him as a worthy successor. Yet, unlike Ras, the Batman hadn't a shred of misogyny in him. He had always treated Talia as an equal. She never had to fight for his respect or regard. A rarity in the world where she had grown up.

Bruce had been a thorough gentleman. All the while acknowledging Talia's capabilities and never underestimating her. He would be the ideal husband for her, she was sure of it. Together, they would rule the LOA. And in time, the world.

Unfortunately, he didn't share Talia's dream. Rejecting everything she, and a life with her could offer, he went back to Gotham.

'And I tread a troubled track
My odds are stacked
I'll go back to black'

Talia wondered who had come to get him, when she saw the Bat land on the premises. It wouldn't be Dick Grayson. The boy was only fifteen and would not be allowed to fly such a sophisticated aircraft. Was it the butler? Someone from the Justice League?

She later learned from her bodyguards that it was Catwoman who flew the jet.

He had left with.... her.

Talia's heart broke when she realised what this could mean. Had her beloved ditched her? Had the time they spent together, the nights they shared meant nothing to him?

This was when her father decided to offer some kindness and told her she would find another partner. One who was more suitable for her. This rare show of tenderness from Ras had led Talia to believe that her only comfort in this world could be to serve her father with devotion and work to further his legacy.

'We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to
I go back to us'

Talia's feelings for Bruce however, had never died. And they had never been as strong as when her son was born. Damian looked so much like his father, but had his mother's eyes. A symbol of their union.

When she finally introduced Damian to his father, and proposed that they get back together to raise their son and lead the LOA, she was certain that her beloved would not turn her down. But he did. He would be a father to his son, of that there was no doubt. But a relationship with Talia was out of the question. He was in love with Selina, he had told her as he gently pushed her away, preventing her from kissing his lips.

Talia had underestimated the hold that that woman had on her beloved.

And once again, she was left only with her tears.

Bruce had never been unkind to her, and told her to move on. To find her happiness with someone else.

Did he not realize that each time he left, each time he rejected Talia for his mistress, he took a piece of her heart with him? Was he so blind to her pain?

'I love you much. It's not enough
You love blow and I love puff
And life is like a pipe
And I'm a tiny penny
Rolling up the walls inside'

In time, Talia would realise that just like Bruce's mission was an addiction for him, serving her father had become as addiction for her. The two addictions could not be reconciled. Hers would prevent the fulfilment of his, and vice versa.

Was this the advantage that Selina Kyle had? That she facilitated the Batman's addiction to Gotham? Something Talia couldn't do.

A little digging into Selina's past helped Talia realise something. Batman, in his childish nativety, saw Catwoman as the personification of Gotham. In his mind, he had to love her. In light of his addiction to Gotham, his addiction to Selina Kyle seemed perfectly logical.

This is what helped that harlot maintain her stranglehold on him, Talia would bitterly think to herself. And for all the love she had for her beloved, this was something she could never give him.

'We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to'

Now, in the Wayne Manor, as she watched Bruce's oldest son talk and laugh with Selina, she thought of the time she had tended to her love.

Batman lay injured and unconscious, when she and Dick had taken him to safety. Dick aka Nightwing had asked her to stay with his father while he made arrangements to get them home. One of the handful of times the young man had been polite to her.

Talia had simply nodded as she sat down next to her beloved.

She had gently stroked his head and whispered words of reassurance to him. Her heart had skipped a beat when his eyes fluttered. Her touch was affecting him, Talia had told herself. He was responding to her.

She was ready kiss him when she saw him trying to speak, assuming he wanted to say something to her. But then, he opened his eyes ever so slightly, and whispered "Selina".

This devastated Talia.

She was right there by his side, and yet he had called out for.... her?

'We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to'

All of Talia's dreams for her love were shattered that night. She finally came to realise that she would never have him. No matter how much she loved him, how much she was willing to sacrifice for him, he would always choose Selina Kyle.

Now, all she had was her son. Her Damian. Her pride and joy, and the only link between her and Bruce.

She would not let her son be stolen by Selina. No matter how many "interests" they shared, Selina Kyle was not going to replace her as Damian's mother.

So, Talia al Ghul made it a point to visit the Wayne Manor at least a few times and year and spoke to Damian as often as she could. She was determined to maintain a presence in her son's life.

Even if it meant having to witness Selina Kyle live the romantic dream, that Talia felt the master thief had stolen from her.

'Black, black
Black, black
Black, black

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This song always makes me think of Talia al Ghul's love for Batman and the pain it causes her.

Hope you enjoy this one shot.

There is a movie in the cinemas now, isn't it? A bio pic about Amy? I would like to watch, I think...

Her story is gut wrenching.