The Six types of love (A Catwoman and Batman fanfiction based on six types of love in Greek philosophy) (WARNING : SEXUAL CONTENT)

in hive-107855 •  7 months ago  (edited)



Eros : Sexual passion and desire. Dangerous, fiery, irrational.

His heart raced. His blood rushed in his veins. His testosterone surged and concealed underneath his suit, his manhood throbbed and ached with a ravenous need. A need to claim her, to have her underneath him and devour her. Perhaps then his torment would end. Although he suspected that the first taste of her would awaken something primal inside him, making him well and truly insatiable for her.

Even as he chased her across Gotham's skyline, he would struggle not to admire her perfect curves, complemented by an equally impressive muscle tone. It was a challange to not let his eyes wander towards her voluptuous derriere, or to even consider what it would be like to grab it in his hands as he devoured her full lips.

Her parkour skills dwarfed his. It was obvious that he was the superior fighter of the two, but he found himself in awe of her effortlessly swinging from one building to another. It reminded him of Ibex making a mockery of gravity. Curiously, his admiration of her skills only fuelled his lust for her. As did his enjoyment of the verbal jousting they had engaged in a few times.

A woman who could entice him carnally and stimulate him intellectually, something none of the high society airheads could ever hope to accomplish. But she.... the Catwoman.... the world's greatest thief could either open up a whole new world of experiences for him, or dig her claws in deep enough to scar his heart. One some level, it frightened him that he wanted both.

When he finally did get a taste of her, the addiction took hold immediately.

Her long legs wrapped around him, her soft breasts pressed against his bare chest, his cock sliding in and out of her in the most sinful fashion. All thoughts left him. What remained was a primitive urge to own her, to make her his. Even though he knew very well that she could never be owned, taming this tigress would be an adventure he could relish all his life.
Like a carnivore who had tasted blood, his hunger for her only grew.

Her body and her heart were his for the taking, for she too had ached for him with equal intensity.

Ludus : Love played as sport. A conquest that may include multiple partners.

Selina saw Him with her at the Wayne Foundation Charity Ball. Another beautiful woman playing Bruce Wayne's arm candy for the night. This one however was certainly above average. A supermodel named Gisele Klum. Tall, dusky and curvaceous. A true beauty whose walk on the runway had impressed even Selina Kyle.

Bruce looked almost guilty when he spotted Selina. It amused her. What was he feeling guilty about? They weren't exclusive. Besides, on this night, it was his date that interested her rather than him. The date who, judging from her facial expressions, was rather annoyed that the man she was with kept cranking his neck to look at who knows what. Finally, Gisele followed his gaze to see what fascinated him so.

To her dismay, there stood the enigmatic Selina Kyle. Entrepreneur, philanthropist and an emerging name in the world of tech.

Gisele herself was famed for her beautiful face and near perfect body. But Selina Kyle's magnificence defied description. Her long legs, that curvy waist, her ample cleavage would trigger the imagination of just about anyone who laid eyes on her. Her emerald green eyes seemed to slice through your soul.

However, it wasn't just her physical beauty that teased the mind and tormented the heart. Selina Kyle had an aura about her. One that held both mystery and danger. On some deep level, it made you nervous while drawing you in at the same time. Gisele realised that she had felt that same nervousness when she first met Bruce Wayne. He too was irresistible, yet foreboding.

Gisele felt her heartbeat quicken when she saw Ms Kyle walking towards them. Good heavens, that gait! She took a second to consider how lucky she and the other models were that this woman wasn't interested in their business. She would have murdered everyone on the runway.

Bruce Wayne stood up to greet Selina who, to Gisele's surprise ignored him. Instead, Selina Kyle's gaze was stuck on Gisele.

"Hello, beautiful!" She said in her hypnotic voice.

"Oh.... hello!" Gisele had not intended to sound so nervous, but she felt so small in the presence of this Goddess.

She stood up and shook Selina's hand.

Bruce Wayne then formally introduced them.

"I know who she is Bruce! How could I not?" Selina sounded playful, but her eyes were those of a lioness who had spotted a gazelle.

"It's nice to meet you, Ms Kyle" Gisele managed to say.

"Same here. Tell me beautiful, has he been ignoring you?"

"Well.... I.. "

"I think you need someone to give you the right kind of attention." Selina Kyle said as she held out her hand.

"Selina?" Bruce's voice fell on deaf ears as Gisele took the extended and was led away by the Goddess.

Selina did look back at an utterly puzzled Bruce Wayne and gave him a shrug.

Later that night, Bruce decided to pay Selina's penthouse a visit. He intended to ask her what she meant by these little games she had been playing. He was taken aback when Gisele opened the door. Dishevelled and wearing only a bedsheet. The fact that she was out of breath told him exactly what Selina had been up to.

"Is it you, Bruce!" Selina asked from the bedroom.

Since he was already here, Bruce didn't see the sense in going back.

"Yes, it's me!" He answered and walked towards the bedroom, flanked by the model whose name he couldn't remember.

Before he could say a word, the sight of Selina lying on the bed, her body positioned in a way that her curves called to him, rendered him speechless. His favourite parts of her were covered, albeit just barely. She smirked at him, knowing she had him where she wanted him.

"Gisele, be a good girl and help Mr Wayne out of his clothes" Selina told the other woman.

Gisele was indeed a very good girl, who allowed the bedsheet covering her fall to the ground and began undressing Mr Wayne. It wasn't lost on her that although she was naked in front of him, Bruce's eyes refused to leave Selina. She began to feel that same nervousness again, as if she was stuck between two forces of nature. Forces that were redoubtable individually, but absolutely deadly as a pair. The sum being much greater than it's parts. She wondered how she would survive this night with these two.

She did survive. Even though something inside her had changed by the time they were done with her. That night held a place of honour in Gisele's memories. An experience of pleasure, torment and thrill that she would never forget.

Storge : An affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship, based on similarly.

She tried to turn away. But he had seen her eyes. The pain, the anger, the sorrow they held. Why did he have to be so damn observant? Why did he have to follow her to her penthouse? Why was he so good?

Goodness unsettled her. It wasn't something she was used to.

Batman took off his mask and asked in a compassionate tone "Selina, are you OK?"

"Fine!" She said, trying to keep any emotion out of her voice. A part of her hoped he would go away. Another part of her wanted to cry in his arms. Tell him everything. Spill put all her agony to him.

She couldn't bring herself to do that though, and remained silent.

He placed his hands on her shoulders, as she remained turned away from him. She was trembling ever so slightly. What they had seen tonight clearly affected her.

Catwoman had taken the East End under her protection fairly recently. She dealt with it's slum lords and other scumbags with a vengeful ruthlessness that even the Batman found impressive. She was especially tough on those who hurt children.

Bruce had long suspected that she was a survivor of some kind of childhood trauma. He had never asked her. Knowing it would be too intrusive. He hoped she herself would open up to him. In the six years they had known each other, three of them as allies, she never had.

They had faught many battles together and she had always had his back. She had pushed him out of harm's way, taken bullets for him and even protected his father figure on a few occasions. They often made love. Juat like their equation, that too had evolved. Their sexual connection had gone from the animalistic lust of the early days to the deep, intimate connection they shared today. When she was in his arms and he was inside her, it felt as though all his demons had shrunk away in fear. He felt her tenderness in the way she kissed him, the way she looked into his eyes, the way she snuggled into him for comfort after he had made her orgasm.

And yet, he felt as though there were parts of her she kept hidden away from him. Truth be told, he hadn't opened up to her completely either.

Selina felt Bruce's warm touch on her body and almost instantly she could feel herself get calmer. It frightened her to think how easily he affected her. She didn't resist as he turned her around to face him. She didn't look into his eyes though. She didn't want to show him her tears. But Bruce, being who he was, saw it all. From the wetness under her eyes to the tale of agony written all over her face.

"Selina" He said, placing his fingers under her chin and making her look up at him, "please, talk to me. What's the matter?"

His cowl was off. And she could see just how concerned he looked. They had known each other for so long. And in all these years he had never given her a reason to think she couldn't trust him.

She decided to take a leap of faith and show him her wound.

"Bruce, that mansion.... where we found those girls.... Bruce I've been there before."

"You've been there.... Selina, when?" He asked, putting his arms around her as she began to tremble again.

"When I was 12*. It was.... me and three other girls. They took us there every night. There were always these rich people there.... movie stars, politicians.... and they.... they.."

Selina's eyes welled up again. Her tears seemed to pierce Bruce's heart like daggers. He wiped them off and gently helped her to the couch. They sat with his arm still around her.

She continued.

"One night I escaped. I broke a window and climbed over the boundary wall. One of the other girls....Sylvia.... she followed me but she couldn't climb. She couldn't climb and they caught up with her."

She closed her eyes, and took deep breaths.

"I just ran Bruce. I knew they got Sylvia but I just ran. I didn’t go back for her, I didn't go to the police. If I had....maybe those other girls could have been saved. But I just ran, Bruce. I didn’t do anything to help them."

To say that Bruce was disgusted, utterly furious at what had been done to Selina was an understatement. He wanted to hunt down those who had hurt her and make them beg for their lives.

But in that moment, Selina needed him.

"Selina, listen to me" He said, placing an affectionate hand at her cheek, "for years after my parents died, I kept blaming myself. I kept thinking that I couldn't save them. Just like you, I felt responsible. But the truth is, there's nothing you could have done. You were a child, Selina. You deserved love, you deserved protection. Instead, you were victimised. And I cannot believe you survived all that. I can't believe how strong you are."

Selina allowed Bruce to comfort her. He held her tight for a long time as she felt an unfamiliar sense of security in his arms.

"Could you stay here tonight?" She asked after overcoming her hesitation.

"I'm right here, Selina. I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

His promise wasn't just for that night.

Pragma : Love that is driven by the head, not the heart.

"I will love you, always."* he had said to her in that hospital room, as she recovered from heart surgery.

She had said it back. And since then they had been more determined than ever to stay together. They resolved..... no.... they had vowed to work out their issues and fight for their love.

However, they were two formidable forces of nature. If they were going to avoid butting heads, certain ground rules would have to be established.

"Bruce, I love being at the Manor. I love being around your family. But I need my own space too."

"I know Kitten" He said, running his fingers through her hair as they lay in bed together, "the entire East Wing of the Manor will be yours. It'll be your domain, no one goes in there without your permission."

"Bruce.... that's not what I meant. I'd like to continue to live at my penthouse."

"Okay...." Bruce would be lying if he wasn't just a little disappointed. He had hoped Selina would make his familial home her full time abode. But he would respect her wishes no matter what.

"What I mean is.... I'd like to be able to escape to my penthouse every now and then. And maybe spend an hour there after work. It'll help me unwind. Plus, it'll be a place where you and I can spend time together. Just the two of us."

Bruce kissed her forehead and told her "all right, Kitten. But you still get the East Wing."

"Oh how very generous, Mr Wayne!" Selina said as they exchanged a few kisses.

"Ok, now tell me what you need." She said, looking at him expectedly.

"Your complete and absolute trust. Selina, you need to understand that I love you. I will always love you. And I need you to be completely honest with me."

Bruce waited foe her to fully consider what he had said, before continuing.

"Selina I can never doubt that you love me. But in the past, you have run away from our problems. Please, don't ever do that."

"I won't run away Bruce. You have my word, I'll never run from you again. And I need something from you too."


"You need to let me in. Whatever decisions you make, related to our city or our mission..... keep me in the loop. I'm your partner, not your subordinates. It's very disrespectful when you don't share your plans with me. You wouldn't like it if I did that."

Batman's first instinct was to explain to Catwoman that he did that just to protect her. Thankfully, before he could say something so daft he realised it would sound patronising. His Kitten was no damsel in distress. She was a capable, even dangerous woman who could deal with any threat that came her way. She had proven it time and again.

"Of course, Kitten. You'll know everything I know. You'll have knowledge of all my plans and my decisions."

"Thanks" She said as they kissed again.

"So.... here's my plan for our immediate future. I'm going to fuck you so hard, you won't walk straight for days"

"Hmmm... I love that idea! Excecute immediately and give it everything you've got!"

He flipped her over, and did just that.

Mania : Obsessive love. Very possessive, often jealous lovers.

"Mine!" Bruce proclaimed as his phallus ruthlessly took possession of Selina's womanhood.

Though delirious with pleasure and out of breath with exhaustion she was, Selina did manage to say "Yours.... all yours!".

"Cum for me, Kitten!" He said, looking into her eyes with his piercing blue sapphires.

Her nails dug into his bare back as she obeyed, and came for him. Just for him.

Bruce too reached his climax and almost collapsed on top of Selina. They both lay there together. Phanting, perspiring and overcome with bliss. His head resting on her breast, while her fingers combed through his hair.

Earlier that evening, Mr Wayne and Ms Kyle had attended the inauguration of a new wing of Gotham Meuseum. Jointly funded by the Wayne Foundation and the Maria Kyle Foundation, this new wing's purpose would be to educate people on the history of native cultures from all over the world.

True to form, Selina Kyle was dressed to eat and leave no crumbs. Her deep plum backless evening gown drew the attention of many. Both men and women.

Bruce couldn't blame them for staring. And he would never ever tell his lady what to wear, who to talk to or where to go. Only weak men did that. However, even he couldn't stop annoyance from creeping in when the Greek embassador spent a second too many kissing Selina's hand. It didn't help that this guy was relatively young and good looking. Or when the young and beautiful journalist from the Daily Planet kept practically throwing herself at Selina, with her girlish smiles and compliments like some kind of a school girl with a crush. He would have to ask Lois exactly what she saw in the young rookie that she had deemed her suitable for covering this story. Then again, if he was going to be fair, Selina Kyle's aura was such that even the most brilliant of minds could turn to mush. He was quite experienced in that department.

Selina herself wasn't unaware of the attention Bruce Wayne could draw. Women, young and older seemed utterly incapable of behaving themselves around him. Those belonging to Gotham old money didn't dare to approach him, on account of being deathly afraid of Selina Kyle. But the young and upcoming entrepreneurs, Wayne Enterprises executives, historians..... the kind of women Selina respected, couldn't seem to resist the urge to flirt with him. It amused her to see him shoot down their advances, albeit politely.

"And you're mine!" Selina said as they both came down from their post coital high.

"All yours Kitten!" He said before planting a kiss on her forehead.

"How is it" She asked, putting her arms around his neck, "that even after twelve years of us being together, I'm still addicted to you?"

"Hmmmm..... I was about to ask you the same question." He responded, as he left feathery kisses on her slender neck.

"Darling, why did the Greek embassador look so nervous around you?" Selina asked enjoying his kisses.

"I don't know Kitten. Perhaps you'd like to tell me why Veronica Vreeland is scared to even look in my direction these days."

Selina gave him a knowing smirk. One that was returned, before he once again positioned himself at her cunt and prepared to satisfy her all over again.

"I'm the only one who gets to make you purr." He told her as he slid into her again.

"Yes..... and I'm the only one who awakens the beast in you!"

Agape : Selfless, altruistic and spiritual love.

"Miss Kyle, I'm all right now. Please, let me cook dinner....." said the faithful old butler, Alfred Pennyworth, as Selina took him by his arm and guided him back to his bed.

"Alfred, am I to believe that Bruce's stubbornness is rubbing off on you? You need your rest. The doctor made it clear."

"But Miss Kyle, you've been taking care of me and Master Timothy. You've scarcely had any rest."

"And it's not the first time I've gone without much rest. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me, or about dinner. My sister cooked pur meal for us and Karon is going to deliver it. Just get the rest you need and when you recover, you can be the ship captain again."

As she helped him into bed and covered him with the bedsheet, the old man looked at his son's lover the way a loving father would look at his daughter, before closing his eyes for a nap.

As she tended to Alfred, Bruce wayne too was looking at Selina. This complex, yet lovely woman who had made his life so beautiful. She was his partner now in every sense of the term. A force for good whose efforts had helped transform the East End from a crime ridden cesspool to a thriving commercial and educational centre. A spy master whose organisation kept the likes of Leviathan in a state of paranoia. His woman who never let him fall. And even though she wasn't quite ready to admit it yet, the mother to all his children.

Clark had once teased her over "channeling her inner Italian mom" when she yelled at the boys to stop playing basketball and get their asses inside so they could have lunch.

Selina had put on a mock scowl at his comment. Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian had been within ear shot and heard what Clark said. And of course, Dick decided to have fun with it.

"Maaaa!!" He said in his offensively fake Italian accent, "We made you wait for lunch!"

Jason joined in with "We're sorry Maaaa!"

Tim would not be left behind, of course and added his "We're so very sorry Maaa!!"

Damian just exhaled audibly at the silliness and went off to wash his hands, giving Selina a look that said "good luck dealing with this!"

The three other boys' chorus of "Maaaa!! continued until Selina shut them down with a "I'm tellin' your fatha'!".

This drew a laugh from Bruce himself.

The memory of that day still made him smile. On the surface it was just some dumb joke. But on a deeper level it meant that not only had his boys had come to regard Selina as their mother, Selina too was becoming comfortable with that role.

Her relationship with Damian too had blossomed beautifully. They had come such a long way from the night he had seen them shake hands and promise to look out for each other. Today, it was safe to say that Selina Kyle was one of the few people to whom Damian Wayne would open up. She had broken into his son's heart, just like she once broke into his.

To Stephanie, Selina had been a mentor and a role model. In spite of Bruce's earlier doubts regarding the young woman's abilities, Selina believed in her. And today, Stephanie Brown was an asset to Catwoman's espionage organisation, referred to by the few who knew of it as the "Cat's Paw".

Cassandra Cain had gained nearly all of her social skills from Selina Kyle. Her initial awkwardness was now a distant memory as she grew into a confident young lady.

They were becoming a family.

As a couple, the Bat and the Cat had even developed certain rituals. Every evening, Bruce brushed Selina's hair just before bed. They always washed each other in the shower. They would walk Ace together, as often as they could. At least once a weak, they visited his parents' graves and updated them on what the family was doing. This, of course would be followed by a visit to Maria Kyle's final resting place.

"I just gave Alfred his medication." Selina's voice broke Bruce out of his thoughts.
She stood right next to him on the balcony and took off her face mask.
"Tim has been showing signs of improvement. Doc said we can reduce his dosage."

"Thank you Selina. For everything you do."

Selina let him know how touched she was by giving him the gentlest punch on his jaw.

"Don't go sappy on me, handsome!"

Bruce laughed and put his arms around her.

I just spoke to Karon" she continued, "Holly has almost made a full recovery."

"That's good. She was pretty hands on with helping patients" Bruce said, referring to the people who had contracted the virus that had engulfed the world just a few months earlier.

"How's Lois doing?" Selina asked.

"I just saw her. She looked better."

"Ok, come on!" She said, leading him indoors.


"The dining hall. I'm starving!"

"Anything else you're starving for Ms Kyle?"

"Well...." Selina playfully twirled around and pressed her body against his, "after we've eaten, I might need some TLC. I had a busy day, and what I need is a massage from my husband..."

Selina realized what she had said and became flustered.

"I.... I meant.... from the man I love..."

Bruce smiled lovingly, kissed her lips and said, "Husband. Selina, if you're ready, we can talk about that being our future."

A delicate blush appeared on Selina's cheeks, making her look even more ethereal.

"Bruce, let's wait till all this blows over. After that, we'll talk about it."

They kissed again, before making their way to enjoy a hearty meal with their family.

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