A kind of application as a Steem Representative / Eine Art Bewerbung als Steem Representative

in hive-107855 •  6 months ago 

Deutsch im Anschluß...

Dear Steemians and Dear Steemit Team!

Over the last two weeks I have been occasionally but emphatically informed that my new application for Steem Representative is still pending. As a result, I felt compelled to mention here and there that I was still unsure. That I would have to think about it further and that I would decide in time...

An Ukrainian Steem friend (I won't mention any names ;-)) asked me to "make a wise decision". Well, wisdom is one of those things... I certainly don't feel too comfortable with the attribute. So the obvious thing for me to do was to ask the wisest person I know for his opinion (you know, I'm not mentioning any names ;-))

He, in turn, preferred to confront me with counter-questions. I have already answered two of them in today's report. I left two unanswered and will address them here:

Do I even want to hold on to this position...? Unfortunately, that's not so easy to answer. I like the idea of being a role model or pioneer. I like to live the idea of community, at least online. Both are part of my personality, regardless of a title or function. It's just that the reach is greater with one. And yes, that's exactly what appeals to me: I'm contacted by unexpected people and confronted with problems. I like exactly this challenge. I like to pass on experiences and information and I like to stand up for things that I think are good and right.

I don't like writing reports. I don't like to stick to (incomprehensible) guidelines. I like to step out of line (and talk about it). And I don't like to give an account of what is already easily accessible as public information. Nothing against transparency, but it is already in the nature of the blockchain here on Steem; we don't need to fuel it with prayer wheel-like statistics.

Especially not when the decision on the appointment of Steem Representatives is regularly made by the same committee. In other words, by players who are always keeping an eye on us anyway (which I welcome in this context ;-))

My transition to the fourth question: in my opinion, the Steem Representatives would be better Steemians Representatives and as such should also be elected by the mass of Steemians.
Representatives of the people, so to speak. So far, this seems to be wishful thinking on my part...

So the ball flies from here directly to the Steemit team: if you want to put your trust again in someone who would never open a Twitter or Instagram account, who doesn't wear Steemit T-shirts and doesn't shine with canvas graphics, who doesn't see the great blessing for Steem in more and more users, but better and better ones, who can express absolutely nothing in under 200 words and who fulfils all your requirements, even without constantly listing them in a bold way - then I'm still happy to be on board!

The Steem friend who advised me to make a wise decision was right: European users are fatally underrepresented. This shifts priorities in user behaviour, which are due to cultural differences, economic constraints and a different mentality. I like to be a counterweight to too much uniform consensus.

And my wisest friend of all is also right: I can set an example with my application. What happens as a result is no longer in my hands ;-))

Yours @weisser-rabe


Deutsche Version:

Liebe Steemians und liebes Steemit Team!

In den letzten beiden Wochen wurde ich gelegentlich, aber nachdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, daß meine neue Bewerbung zum Steem Representative noch aussteht. Daraufhin sah ich mich veranlaßt, hier und da zu erwähnen, daß ich noch unsicher wäre. Daß ich weiter überlegen muß und daß ich mich beizeiten festlegen werde…

Ein ukrainischer Steem-Freund (ich nenne keine Namen ;-)) bat mich, „eine weise Entscheidung zu treffen“. Nun, das mit der Weisheit ist so eine Sache… Ich fühle mich jedenfalls mit dem Attribut nicht allzu gut getroffen. Naheliegend war also für mich, zunächst den weisesten Menschen, den ich kenne, nach seiner Meinung zu fragen (Ihr wißt schon, ich nenne keine Namen ;-))

Der wiederum zog es vor, mich mit Gegenfragen zu konfrontieren. Zwei davon habe ich in meinem heutigen Report bereits beantwortet. Zwei ließ ich offen und gehe an dieser Stelle darauf ein:

Will ich denn überhaupt an dieser Position festhalten…? Das ist leider nicht so einfach zu beantworten. Ich mag die Idee, Vorbild oder Vorreiter zu sein. Ich mag den Gemeinschaftsgedanken zumindest online leben. Beides gehört zu meiner Persönlichkeit, unabhängig von einem Titel oder einer Funktion. Mit einer solchen ist lediglich die Reichweite größer. Und ja, genau das reizt mich: ich werde von unerwarteter Seite kontaktiert und mit Problemen konfrontiert. Ich mag genau diese Herausforderung. Ich gebe gerne Erfahrungen und Informationen weiter und ich setze mich gerne für Dinge ein, die ich für gut und richtig halte.

Ich schreibe nicht gerne Berichte. Ich halte mich nicht gerne an (nicht nachvollziehbare) Vorgaben. Ich tanze gerne aus der Reihe (und rede darüber). Und ich lege nicht gerne Rechenschaft darüber ab, was ohnehin als öffentlich zugängliche Information leicht abrufbar ist. Nichts gegen Transparenz, aber die liegt hier auf dem Steem bereits in der Natur der Blockchain; die müssen wir nicht mit gebetsmühlenartigen Statistiken befeuern.

Erst recht nicht, wenn die Entscheidung über die Berufung der Steem Representatives regelmäßig vom gleichen Gremium getroffen wird. Soll heißen, von Akteuren, die uns ohnehin permanent im Blick haben (was ich in diesem Zusammenhang begrüße ;-))

Meine Überleitung zur vierten Frage: meines Erachtens wären die Steem Representatives besser Steemians Representatives und als solche auch von der Masse der Steemians zu wählen. Volksvertreter, sozusagen. Bislang scheint das Wunschdenken von meiner Seite zu sein…

Also fliegt der Ball von hier aus direkt zum Steemit Team: wenn Ihr also noch einmal jemandem Euer Vertrauen schenken wollt, der nie einen Twitter- oder Instagram-Account eröffnen würde, der keine Steemit-T-Shirts trägt und der nicht mit Canvas-Grafiken glänzt, der den großen Segen für den Steem nicht in immer mehr Nutzern sieht, sondern immer besseren, der absolut nichts in unter 200 Wörtern ausdrücken kann und der alle Eure Anforderungen erfüllt, auch ohne das ständig plakativ aufzulisten – dann bin ich gerne weiterhin mit im Boot!

Der Steem-Freund, der mir begründet zu einer weisen Entscheidung riet, hatte recht: die europäischen Nutzer sind fatal unterrepräsentiert. Dadurch verschieben sich Prioritäten im Nutzungsverhalten, die kulturellen Unterschieden, ökonomischen Zwängen und einer anderen Mentalität geschuldet sind. Ich bin gerne ein Gegengewicht zu allzu viel uniformem Konsens.

Und auch mein weisester aller Freunde hat recht: mit meiner Bewerbung an sich kann ich Zeichen setzen. Was daraus erwächst, liegt nicht mehr in meiner Hand ;-))

Euer @weisser-rabe

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Alas, there is no election mechanism on Steem that would not be abused.

I am aware of that. However, I always take the view that if freedoms can be misused, the consequence must not be to curtail them. In debates about freedom vs. security, I am always on the side in favour of freedom. Broken down to Steem or my Community, this means: I am prepared to allow a certain amount of abuse in order not to curtail the great opportunities for all...

Everyone is free to devise and use any sort of voting mechanism on Steem.

If a system is found that is not open to abuse, and easy to administer, then it might be used.

The starting point for any voting system would be stake weighted, or all accounts equal.

Many would have many views on that.

It is difficult to meet all the criteria, everyone wants to be right on one point or another. From my point of view it is best to stick to a general strategy or approach, in particular I think the way to choose is sensible, because I am sure that the Steemitblog team is not linked to any user, that is, they are not family members, nor friends, you do not even manage agricultural accounts to direct support towards the candidates, your analysis is based on the participation and productivity that each of us shows.

Probably true. To be honest, I would have two completely opposing opinions myself ;-))

Hola! Es cierto los mecanismos de elección de elecciones siempre son vulnerables a muchos factores, pero cuando la desicion es tomada en base a la fidelidad y al compromiso de los postulados los resultados pueden ser sorprendentes y exitosos.

Espero con mucha ilucion el nuevo resultado y que los nuevos representantes puedan ser piezas clave para seguir mejorando nuestro ecosistema.

Saludos 🤗

My thoughts exactly


Blush ;-)))

Hola amiga 😌
Tu actividad en steem es buena así que la desicion de postularte debla manera más sincera está bien acertada, te felicito y te deseo mucho éxito.

¡Muchas gracias! Veremos cómo caen los dados ;-))

I have always followed from afar..
Now I think am ready to follow closely.
Thank you for the decision to stay put.
Wishing you the best.

From your new friend..🤗

One can never have enough friends ;-)) Welcome to my universe!

Greetings dear @weisser-rabe

I think you are facing an interesting decision whose result will be given by a team that has been working towards a super-centralized Stemit for some time. Sometimes I wonder if they have forgotten that the success of bockchain is in diversity and decentralization.

From the outside, what I see is more and more uniformity between communities and the emphasis on compliance without replicating an exaggerated list of standards, to "become worthy" 😐😥😳of being classified as "quality content" worthy of a super vote in favor,

One problem that I see you alert to is the danger of falling into groupthink (members convince themselves that they have made the best decisions).

In a team I value divergent thinking and being free to tell me that I may be wrong at some point, and continue working together and in accordance with that person.

Hopefully, you are "considered worthy" 😂🤣🤣 and can continue to contribute with your dissenting voice and even common sense, in the group of representatives.

Thank you very much! I am very glad that there are actually quite a number of "free spirits" active here. Can't be right that they are simply overlooked...!

Here you go!
And I'll just say, go for it ,hence you are sure your mind is set.

Succes to you.

Thank you very much! And I am already happy and joyful with the approval I receive from you here!

ich nenne keine Namen ;-))

Namen!? Sind doch Schall und Rauch ;-) Außerdem "kennt" man sich mittlerweile so gut, dass das überhaupt nicht nötig ist. Die Akteure sind längst enttarnt ;-)

Ich drücke die Daumen, dass du im Boot bleibst...

Ist doch krass, daß dieser große weltweite Steem so ein gottverdammtes Dorf ist! Hihi!

You see why I say I just love how outspoken you are and don’t hide your feelings. You just say things as they’re..

I know I’m not the only one in love with this qualities and if we are to go by the fourth question, were you mentioned steemians should vote their representatives, trust me, you will win in every election.

Thank you very much! As a self-confessed friend of clear words (amazing how many misunderstandings can be avoided ;-)), I still endeavour to remain objective and not get personal even when criticised or displeased. This is where many debates fail from the outset.

I don't think you have left any stone unturned. Or you can say most of them!

All the very best to you 🤞

Sometimes you have to mix things up to be able to organise them better ;-)) Thank you very much!

There is much more to it than you say. I have a couple of more points to bring to their notice. That's all for now.

Can't wait to read about your thoughts...!

A wise decision 😉

Praise from the master...! It's like a title of nobility that one has just been awarded ;-)) Thank you for everything!

Genau. Hier auf dem Schdiihm hat heute morgen ein Kollege auf SORA hingewiesen: kennst Du? Video AI - fand ich ziemlich krass Klasse...

Sischä , wird ja vielleicht auch irgendwann ´mal freigegeben , oder auch nicht .

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We are the hope!

In my opinion, Steem Reps will be better than Steemian Reps and therefore should be elected by the masses of Steemians. People's representatives, therefore, must speak. So far this seems like wishful thinking on my part...

The ball now flies straight to the Steemit team: if you want to trust someone who never opens a Twitter or Instagram account, who doesn't wear a Steemit t-shirt and doesn't shine with canvas graphics, who doesn't have many users of Steem- Big congrats to that, but even better users, who can't express themselves in less than 200 words and who meet all your requirements without being constantly listed in bold - I'm happy to be on board though!

The Steam friend who advised me to make a wise decision was right: European users are severely underrepresented. It changes user behavior priorities based on cultural differences, economic constraints and a different mindset. I want to be a counterweight to the overwhelmingly uniform consensus.

What is the poet trying to tell us...?