Contest - Story9: "My Student Life" / "Mein Leben als Schüler / Student"

in hive-107855 •  last year 

Deutsch im Anschluß...

This week, @dove11 seems to have hit a nerve with his contest: the topic "My Student Life" triggered a multitude of interesting contributions that I read with excitement and curiosity. Especially because I have not experienced myself what the participants described . And that came about in such a way..:

Today I am a sociophobe and cannot stand people around me very well. Whether the foundation for this was laid in my childhood, when I had private teachers for many years and did not go to regular schools, or whether I was privately educated partly BECAUSE I had difficulties in groups, I unfortunately do not know. It seems to be a chicken-and-egg problem: which came first...?

Anyway, my everyday school life was characterised by travelling, teachers who sometimes accompanied us and sometimes changing local teachers. There were no ties worth mentioning, but my horizons were pretty wide at an early age ;-)) I had all the attention of the respective persons to myself; the teaching of subject matter took place both through lessons and through practical "grasping" and self-appropriation. Both at the time and in retrospect, I find this form of imparting knowledge very effective...

I have always read, with broad interests. Of the classical school subjects, I found the natural sciences quite exciting and history fascinating. Overall, I think I was well supported. Learning was easy for me, I never had to deal with any group dynamics.

I started "real" school when I was 13, in the middle of Grade 8. It was a big change, but not as extreme as you might think. What was worst for me was the strict rhythm of school hours, breaks, timetables... Before that, everything was flexible, depending on the situation or mood. Completely individual and without this structure.

With the entry into a class group, there would probably have been problems in any other school, in any other constellation. Not so with us: we were an institution for "special" children. By that I mean neither particularly intelligent nor particularly ponderous, but socially special. In plain language this means: we were all children of certain important people. To understand this, I need to take a little historical excursion into Germany's past: I come from the former GDR, the eastern part of what is now the Federal Republic of Germany. In the so-called socialist state, the important people in question were members of the government, high army officials, ambassadors and secret service people. You may now classify me or my family as you wish ;-))

The special thing about this elite circle was that no one trusted anyone else. Therefore, the children's highest maxim was: don't talk to each other about private matters! We kept to this to a large extent... We were so socialised and moulded that it is hard to grasp and believe in retrospect. But: we attended school together for several years and didn't know each other a bit. We had no common experiences or connections with each other; there was simply no group dynamic, because we were not a group, but a set of individual beings...

After school, things went on a bit unpleasantly for me, as I indicated in another post: I joined the army involuntarily, at some point I got the club to let me out. Another story... I had bad cards in our system because I didn't behave willingly. Politically, meanwhile, a great upheaval took place, the " Turn " came - the accession of the GDR to the FRG. The reunification, as it was euphemistically called...

I worked, did further training, worked again. Through a boss who motivated and directed me much later, at the age of 31, to study alongside my job, I came to environmental technologies. I did not study in person, but by distance learning, in the evenings and at weekends, after my actual work. At that time I already had two children - that was incredibly exhausting. But satisfying. I am very glad that I chose this path and was able to persevere.

Again, of course, there was no collective involvement. My lonerism was again encouraged and daring teen stories about school days and studies I only know from books....

Was I a gifted student? I have no idea. I have no comparison. My grades at school were very good without any effort from my side, my degree is okay, although it required a lot more hard work on my part. I later turned my diploma thesis into a technical book that sold well for several years and was used as teaching material at some technical colleges.

Do I have good memories of my educational path? I have memories of it, but they are completely unemotional. Objectively, I am grateful for all the opportunities that were offered to me and that I was allowed to take advantage of. Incidentally, education in the GDR was completely free, so there was no need for scholarships. My later studies were financed by my boss at the time. So in that respect I didn't have to endure any hardship.

I don't know if there are any of you with similar experiences: I would be interested in an exchange...


Deutsche Version:

In dieser Woche hat @dove11 scheinbar einen Nerv getroffen mit seinem Wettbewerb: das Thema „Mein Leben als Schüler / Student“ hat eine Vielzahl interessanter Beitrage ausgelöst, die ich mit Spannung und Neugier gelesen habe. Insbesondere, weil ich vieles, was die Teilnehmer beschrieben, selber nicht kennen gelernt habe. Und das kam so…:

Heute bin ich Soziophobiker und kann nicht gut Menschen um mich herum ertragen. Ob der Grundstein dafür in meiner Kindheit gelegt wurde, als ich viele Jahre Privatlehrer hatte und nicht in reguläre Schulen ging, oder ob ich u.a. deshalb privat beschult wurde, WEIL ich Schwierigkeiten in Gruppen hatte, weiß ich leider nicht. Das scheint so ein Henne-Ei-Problem zu sein: was war zuerst da…?

Wie auch immer: mein Schulalltag war geprägt von Reisen, uns teilweise begleitenden Lehrern und teilweise wechselnden lokalen Pädagogen. Bindungen gab es da keine nennenswerten, aber mein Horizont war ziemlich früh ziemlich weit ;-)) Ich hatte die ganze Aufmerksamkeit der jeweiligen Personen für mich; die Vermittlung von Lehrstoffen erfolgte sowohl durch Lektionen als auch durch praktisches „Begreifen“ und Selbstaneignung. Sowohl damals als auch im Nachhinein finde ich diese Form der Wissensvermittlung sehr effektiv…

Gelesen habe ich schon immer, mit breit gespannten Interessen. Von den klassischen Schulfächern fand ich die Naturwissenschaften recht aufregend und Geschichte faszinierend. Insgesamt wurde ich gut gefördert, glaube ich. Das Lernen fiel mir leicht, mit irgendwelchen Gruppendynamiken hatte ich nie zu tun.

In eine „richtige“ Schule kam ich mit 13 Jahren, mitten in der 8. Klasse. Das war eine krasse Umstellung, aber auch nicht so extrem, wie man vermuten könnte. Was für mich daran am schlimmsten war: der strenge Rhythmus von Schulstunden, Pausen, Stundenplänen,… Vorher war bei mir alles flexibel je nach Situation oder Stimmung. Ganz individuell und ohne diese Struktur.

Mit dem Einstieg in einen Klassenverband hätte es vermutlich in jeder anderen Schule, in jeder anderen Konstellation Probleme gegeben. Nicht so bei uns: wir waren eine Einrichtung für „besondere“ Kinder. Damit meine ich weder besonders intelligent noch besonders schwerfällig, sondern gesellschaftlich besonders. Im Klartext bedeutet das: wir waren alle Kinder bestimmter wichtiger Leute. Um das zu verstehen, braucht es wieder einen kleinen Geschichtsexkurs in die deutsche Vergangenheit: ich komme ja aus der früheren DDR, also dem östlichen Teil der heutigen Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Im sogenannten sozialistischen Staat waren die besagten wichtigen Leute Regierungsmitglieder, hohe Armeefunktionäre, Botschafter und Geheimdienstleute. Da dürft Ihr mich bzw. meine Familie jetzt nach Belieben einordnen ;-))

Das besondere an diesem elitären Haufen war, daß keiner dem anderen über den Weg traute. Oberste Maxime für die Kinder war darum auch: man redet nicht miteinander über Privates! Weitgehend haben wir uns daran gehalten… Wir waren so sozialisiert und geprägt, das ist im Nachhinein schwer zu fassen und zu glauben. Aber: wir haben mehrere Jahre zusammen die Schule besucht und kennen uns nicht ein bißchen. Wir hatten keine gemeinsamen Erlebnisse oder Verbindungen untereinander; eine Gruppendynamik gab es einfach nicht, weil wir keine Gruppe waren, sondern eine Menge von Einzelwesen…

Nach der Schule ging es für mich ja etwas unschön weiter, wie ich in einem anderen Post andeutete: ich kam unfreiwillig zur Armee, irgendwann brachte ich den Verein dazu, mich ‚raus zu lassen. Andere Geschichte… Ich hatte schlechte Karten in unserem System, da ich mich nicht willfährig verhalten habe. Politisch fand derweil ein großer Umbruch statt, die „Wende“ kam – der Beitritt der DDR zur BRD. Die Wiedervereinigung, wie es beschönigend genannt wurde…

Ich habe gearbeitet, Weiterbildungen gemacht, wieder gearbeitet. Über einen Chef, der mich viel später, mit 31 Jahren, zu einem berufsbegleitenden Studium motiviert und dirigiert hat, kam ich zur Umwelttechnologie. Das Studium absolvierte ich nicht in Präsenz, sondern als Fernstudium, abends und am Wochenende, nach der eigentlichen Arbeit. Zu dem Zeitpunkt hatte ich bereits zwei Kinder – das war unglaublich anstrengend. Aber befriedigend. Ich bin sehr froh darüber, daß ich diesen Weg gewählt habe und durchhalten konnte.

Auch hier gab es natürlich keine kollektive Einbindung. Mein Einzelgängertum wurde wiederum begünstigt und verwegene Teenie-Geschichten über Schulzeit und Studium kenne ich nur aus Büchern…

War ich eine begabte Schülerin? Ich habe keine Ahnung. Mir fehlt der Vergleich. Die Schulnoten fielen sehr gut aus, ohne daß ich mich anstrengen mußte, mein Studienabschluß ist okay, wenngleich der deutlich mehr harte Arbeit von mir erforderte. Aus meiner Diplomarbeit habe ich später ein Fachbuch gemacht, das sich mehrere Jahre lang gut verkaufte und an einigen Technischen Hochschulen als Lehrstoff genutzt wurde.

Habe ich gute Erinnerungen an meinen Bildungsweg? Ich habe Erinnerungen daran, aber die sind völlig unemotional. Sachlich bin ich dankbar für alle Möglichkeiten, die mir geboten wurden und die ich wahrnehmen durfte. Im übrigen war Bildung in der DDR komplett kostenfrei, es gab also keine Notwendigkeit für Stipendien. Mein späteres Studium hat mein damaliger Chef finanziert. In dieser Hinsicht hatte ich also keine Not auszustehen.

Ich weiß nicht, ob es jemanden unter Euch mit ähnlichen Erfahrungen gibt: ein Austausch würde mich durchaus interessieren…

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You know what, I knew you from day one when you directed me to various travel posts and from the way we discussed things on this site and elsewhere at a later stage.

There are too many common factors between the two of us, like being the offspring of a higher government or army, etc. As far as higher education goes, I did my management at a later stage because I wanted to go into marketing rather than stay in production.

But one thing is sure: back in my country, there is no alternative to actual education, as homeschooling doesn't have any recognition.

Your post has confirmed what I thought was true about you. You still behave the same way you did at 13, and that is in terms of secrecy and authority.

Oh oh - was that a scolding or a compliment? ;-))

Ha ha! I wondered the same!

That was a fact!


How fascinating. Home schooling is becoming increasingly popular again due to the individualistic nature that can be achieved rather than one-size-fits-all. Having to adapt from that to a uniform approach will have been a subconscious lesson in itself.

I find the idea of the secretive nature of conversations interesting. The idea of there being spies everywhere, waiting to report the most innocent of comments. Was it as bad as that? Did any pupils and their families disappear without explanation?

An experience so different from my own that I can’t help but be utterly intrigued by it.

It was really that bad... Disappeared, no. But two facts: we were 19 pupils in that particular class. When I attended a single class reunion in 2010 - at the age of 45 - only 13 of them were still alive. Besides two fatal cancers, there were three suicides. We definitely have a chip on our shoulder since then.... And almost worse: we still haven't talked to each other. Well, really talked. About that time, about our backgrounds. There was only blah-blah...

Es war wirklich so schlimm... Verschwunden, nein. Aber zwei Fakten: wir waren in dieser speziellen Klasse 19 Schüler. Als ich 2010 bei einem einzigen Klassentreffen dabei war - mit 45 Jahren - lebten nur noch 13 davon. Neben zwei tödlichen Krebserkrankungen gab es drei Selbstmorde. Wir haben definitiv einen Knacks weg seit damals... Und fast noch ärger: wir haben immer noch nicht miteinander geredet. Also wirklich geredet. Über damals, über unsere Hintergründe. Es gab nur Blabla...

That’s so sad, why do you think so many have committed suicide?

I believe that if you grow up under a cheese bell full of mistrust and are indoctrinated to the hilt - and then experience how this whole construct collapses.... You have nothing left at the end that you can call your basis or roots.

At the time, I had no idea that GDR citizens could not travel as easily as I could. That they couldn't buy bananas or oranges at any time - like I could. Or that there was forced participation in elections, prisons for children or involuntary adoptions...

We are all not old enough to have become "perpetrators" ourselves to a considerable extent. But we were downright criminally clueless.

Ah, I understand. You’ve seen a view of the world which is so different to almost everybody else. In one sense, I’m surprised that it didn’t bring you closer together and I hesitate to use the word “ashamed” as the reason it’s not spoken about.

Do you wonder what life would have been for you had the wall not come down?


I once wrote elsewhere that I was forced into army service and screwed up one thing after another until they threw me out. It wasn't possible to resign so easily.

After that I was "burnt" for the GDR - I wouldn't have found work because they didn't hire anyone who had been dishonourably discharged. After the " turnaround" I was just as unacceptable. Precisely BECAUSE I had the army background.

I wouldn't have got along in one system and I had just as much trouble in the other one.

Your comment has been successfully curated by @stef1 at 10%.

It's nice to see you here, as I am a fan of your "dissecting" posts. I read them as and when you post them. I know a few more members need your attention. "The watchers are doing their job, but you do it differently.

Thank you - I think that everybody has their unique way of using the platform. I’d love to have the time to do more and I’m still trying to find the balance with the real world!

What do you mean by “watcher”?

  ·  last year (edited)

"The steem watchers"! The ones who are assigned to each community and submit their report every week. What I feel is there is much more to see if they peep a little deeper, just like you do. I also feel there are too many multiple accounts on this site.

Oh, I understand… unfortunately, that kind of investigation take such a huge amount of work. And even at the end, it’s possible for somebody to find a plausible excuse for what I find. It’s much easier to find somebody who’s copying content, not referencing an image or farming (of which there are too many to mention) and earn the same rewards. It’s too stressful to do regularly but the cheaters piss me off so I catch a couple every now and again!

That's true, it's easy to catch plagiarists but to catch a cheat or duplicate account needs a lot of expertise, knowledge of blockchain, and time. I feel the same what you feel about cheaters and even more when I see some of them getting away with bigger votes. But I know the site is doing enough to weed them out. Thank you so much.

I don’t think anybody is brave enough to stop the bigger accounts. The fear that they’ll withdraw their funds is too strong despite the obvious damage they’re doing 🤷‍♂️

I know that, but it's against all ethics. I will take your leave now. Good night from India.

Heres a free vote on behalf of @se-witness.

Hello, my dear friend! Not the easiest story. Individual training is very effective in the sense of gaining knowledge, education, and upbringing. But at the same time, the process of socialization usually suffers, since there is no rich experience of communicating with peers.
From this point of view, "yard" education and schooling has some advantages. One way or another, in later life, a person is forced to live in society (if he does not become a hermit :-).
I often see in life how not the most successful students, due to their "yard" training, achieve significant success and social statuses... however, their moral component and often their cultural level suffer at the same time.
Apparently some kind of "golden mean" is needed :-)

Привет, мой дорогой друг! Не самая простая история. Индивидуальное обучение очень эффективно в смысле получения знаний, образования, воспитания. Но при этом обычно страдает процесс социализации, поскольку отсутствует богатый опыт общения со сверстниками.
С этой точки зрения "дворовое" воспитание и обучение в школе имеет некоторые преимущества. Так или иначе в дальнейшей жизни человек вынужден жить в социуме (если не становится отшельником :-).
Я часто вижу в жизни как не самые успешные ученики в силу своей "дворовой" закалки добиваются значительных успехов и социальных статусов... правда при этом страдает их моральная составляющая и часто культурный уровень.
Видимо нужна какая-то "золотая середина" :-)

I like my life today. I'll probably always struggle with my past. The thing is, I can't change it. Maybe one day I'll learn to put aside this bitterness and deal with it more calmly....

I'll probably always struggle with my past. The thing is, I can't change it.

You contradict yourself. It is impossible to change, but I will fight...
the past has made you what you are. You just have to accept it and draw strength from it.
The past can't be your weak side. You have an experience that others don't have.

Ты противоречишь сама себе. Изменить невозможно, но я буду бороться...
Прошлое сделало тебя такой, какая ты есть. Это надо просто принять и черпать в этом силы.
Прошлое не может быть твоей слабой стороной. У тебя есть опыт, которого нет у других.

The head knows all that - the stomach is still working on it ;-))

I understand :)