Keyword of the Week: HEROES / Schlüsselwort der Woche: HELDEN

in hive-107855 •  6 months ago 

Deutsch im Anschluß...


Isn't it creepy that these days the word almost automatically conjures up images of comical figures in colourful, tight-fitting leotards, flowing capes and masks...? Superpowers are also on offer - X-ray vision, flying or electrocution, whatever the imagination can come up with.

Well, that may be nice entertainment. I usually find these stories stupid. Their origins usually lie in the comic scene (and I'm not too keen on that either...)

But the word ‘hero’ is much older and must therefore have had a different meaning in the past. You might have guessed that it was primarily about military merit. Heroic deeds in battle. Again - not mine.

Nevertheless, I admit that I am not entirely against hero worship. I read a lot about resistance fighters and partisans, about civil rights activists and martyrs. Names like Martin Luther King, Rosa Luxemburg, Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela were and remain in my memory - full of respect and esteem for their courage and willingness to make sacrifices.

But maybe we don't have to look that far away... What seems almost as heroic to me these days is staying true to oneself. Not chasing after a mainstream and a fashion. Being authentic and standing by own values (even to the boss or the gossipy neighbour) - one of the most difficult personal challenges these days.

I appreciate people who don't allow themselves to be bent, who aren't afraid to swim against the current or in a completely different river. Genuine people who stand by their feelings and can address and express fear, hope, disgust, anger and love in the same way that they don't have to be the centre of attention in order to be self-confident and fulfilled. People who are self-sufficient, who take responsibility for themselves and do not blame the environment for their actual or perceived failures.


There are certainly users among us who hold precisely these attributes ‘sacred’ and who live by principles for which I have great respect. And yes, they are heroes. In an age of influencers and propaganda, cancel culture and ‘categorisation journalism’, supervised thinking and narratives, it takes courage and the effort of doing your own research and reflection to form an informed opinion and to defend it - even in the face of opposition. Those who can do this are reflective and alert. They also help when they see need or rise above themselves when it becomes necessary.

There is a little bit of hero in all of us; we just have to be prepared to realise this and refrain from remaining everybodys darling...

German pop rock band We are Heroes with ‘’When it happens‘’... / Deutsche Poprock-Band Wir sind Helden mit "Wenn es passiert"...

Deutsche Version:


Ist es nicht gruselig, daß man bei diesem Wort heutzutage zunächst fast automatisch an komische Gestalten in bunten und eng anliegenden Gymnastikanzügen, wehenden Umhängen und Masken denkt…? Superkräfte sind auch gerne im Angebot – Röntgenblick, Fliegen oder Stromschläge verteilen, was auch immer die Fantasie so hergibt.

Nun, das mag hübsche Unterhaltung sein. Ich empfinde diese Geschichten in der Regel als blödsinnig. Ihre Ursprünge liegen meist in der Comicszene (und auch für die habe ich nicht allzu viel übrig…)

Das Wort „Held“ ist aber schon viel älter und muß daher früher einen anderen Bedeutungsgehalt gehabt haben. Man ahnt es vielleicht: in erster Linie ging es da wohl um militärische Verdienste. Heldentaten im Kampf. Wiederum - nicht meins.

Dennoch gebe ich zu, daß ich nicht gänzlich gegen Heldenverehrung bin. Ich las viel über Widerstandskämpfer und Partisanen, über Bürgerrechtler und Märtyrer. Namen wie Martin Luther King, Rosa Luxemburg, Mahatma Gandhi oder Nelson Mandela waren und bleiben in Erinnerung – voller Respekt und Hochachtung für ihren Mut und ihre Opferbereitschaft.

Vielleicht müssen wir aber gar nicht so weit entfernt suchen… Was mir nämlich heutzutage fast ähnlich heldenhaft vorkommt: sich selbst treu zu bleiben. Nicht einem Mainstream und einer Mode hinterher zu laufen. Authentisch zu sein und zu seinen Werten zu stehen (auch dem Chef gegenüber oder der tratschenden Nachbarin) – eine der schwierigsten persönlichen Herausforderungen heutzutage.

Ich schätze Menschen, die sich nicht verbiegen lassen, die keine Angst haben, gegen den Strom oder in einem ganz anderen Fluß zu schwimmen. Echte Menschen, die zu ihren Gefühlen stehen und Angst, Hoffnung, Abscheu, Wut und Liebe genau so thematisieren und ausdrücken können wie sie nicht im Mittelpunkt stehen müssen, um selbstbewußt und erfüllt zu sein. Menschen, die sich selbst genügen, die Verantwortung für sich übernehmen und nicht der Umwelt die Schuld für ihr tatsächliches oder gefühltes Versagen zuschreiben.


Auch unter uns sind mit Sicherheit Nutzer, denen genau diese Attribute „heilig“ sind und die nach Prinzipien leben, für die ich Hochachtung empfinde. Und ja, sie sind Helden. In einer Zeit der Influencer und Propaganda, Cancel Culture und „Einordnungsjournalismus“, betreutem Denken und Narrativen gehören Mut und die Anstrengung eigener Recherchen und Überlegungen dazu, sich eine fundierte Meinung zu bilden und sie – auch gegen Widerstände – zu vertreten. Wer das hinbekommt, ist reflektiert und wach. Der hilft auch, wenn er Not sieht oder wächst über sich hinaus, wenn es denn notwendig wird.

Ein bißchen Held steckt in jedem von uns; man muß nur bereit sein, sich dessen bewußt zu werden und darauf verzichten, everybodys darling zu bleiben...

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What about a woman bold enough to have a child and stay sober and virtuous?

As for swimming in a different river, it looked pure as the driven fresh snow from whence it flowed and upstream they dumped raw sewage into it. Tasted good too. And I went to the doctor's and so many true choices.

But you're right there are a lot of heroes and heroines doing strange things that are heroic, heroinic(?) that's Spanish to English.

All you need is folks with box cutters and four pilots' licenses and all of a sudden, military heroes are needed.

What somebody that doesn't know a thing about politics and yet with their own money people can buy houses, even families that the man works?

Royalty free image of Donald Trump from, a Benjamin Franklin favorite, the Library of Congress.

Those heroes are pretty good when they stand in the way of fentanyl and other fun, recreational, illegal, poisonous drugs

An attack of irony? Okay, let's see: You're one of those inconspicuous heroes, I think. You're really doing your thing here. You don't crave attention and votes and followers. You are completely yourself, regardless of the audience...

I was somewhat famous once and I really didn't like it. The things that happened were bizarre I am glad that is over. It was painful. All I wanted to do was play a game and study what I was interested in.

I have done some bizarre faith healing things in public. A young fella of the ceiling on industrial construction project. Landed on his bare head, swallowed his tongue, his heart stopped and I had a natural electric charge that was very powerful for awhile and so I put one finger on one side of his chest, one on the other and he jumped back to life.

Before I did that his jaw was locked closed from the impact and it took me and another man to put or feet against each other with one pulling on the top of the jaw and me pulling on the bottom to open his mouth to clear his tongue so he could breathe.
There were lot's of people there.

The victim lived too.

Is it heroic?

I don't know. Knowledge? Luck? God?

Turned and went back to work.

Well God, the Trinity, is the real hero(es) because, He heals people the best they can and while in purgatory He doles out 100,000,000 points to the marine and hands him 7 days to recover.

I personally don't like the marine of the story but he does do the job.

UMMER(2).jpgTeam True Colours - @aaliarubab

Wow"The post honors historical figures like Martin Luther King, Rosa Luxemburg, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela for their courage and sacrifice, while also appreciating everyday acts of bravery—staying true to oneself, being genuine, and helping others in times of need. The central message is that heroism exists within everyone, and it’s about living with integrity and standing up for what you believe in, despite challenges.

It’s a call to recognize the "everyday heroes" among us and to embrace that potential within ourselves