Hello friends a loving greeting for all question quite difficult to answer because first we must ask ourselves if we are happy, if they asked me 10 years ago I would have answered no, at that time I was on the verge of despair a bad job a bad marriage a bad life, all the time anguished desperate stressed trapped in that life I did not want and for worse I got sick, I did many exams and so that to be told that it was stress, that my life was killing me that it was not changed I would simply die in that period I lived in Italy city of Modena I am originally from Santiago de Chile in that period I had just found love to be honest she did the exams and realized my bad being and not being able to be happy although the I loved very much and we were together and I had a job in which I earned good money we lacked something was something very important to be happy was something that is not bought with money was the tranquility a quiet life so we decided to leave the economic stability of Europe for the tranquility now I live in Santiago de Chile with the woman I love a quiet job where I accommodate the schedules I am my boss I don't earn what I did before but I'm happy.
Answering the question
What do I need to be completely happy?
What I needed was tranquility and balance because balance because we want or do not want money is an important part of our lives we need it to live and also be happy so I had to stop earning more money, but always finding the balance to be able to live well without problems.
She is Ximena my love the one who saved my life
photo made by me with samsung j3
I say that I saved my life because if I had not supported myself in all the change of life and country I would have died in Italy.