BitTorrent currency can be earned in several ways:
By uploading files online via Torrent and every time users download these files you will get BTT
When you download Torrent, you'll automatically be offered btt profit offers in exchange for making your hard work as a server for other users who upload their files via Torrent.
Note: BitTorrent is based on its protocol on the authorized quota proof algorithm, so it cannot be mined in the traditional sense of the word, as with Bitcoin.
How to use hard drive to win btt:
First, bitTorrent must be downloaded and downloaded, a small program.
Then we choose the disk we want to rent space in.
Then we determine the area to be rented from the disk and the minimum area is 17GB
To be a good host, you have to keep your computer running around the clock, and you have to stay connected to the Internet, and you can't edit the file you shared.