Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season 7 Week 3 - Understanding Crypto Trading

in hive-108451 •  2 years ago 

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Hello, steemer friends, this is Ajay from Chennai. I hope you are all doing well. This blog is about my participation of Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season 7 Week 3 - Understanding Crypto Trading.

Explain your understanding on crypto currency trading and tell us what you understand by the word "trading"

Cryptocurrency is a new form of currency that is based on block çhain network. Cryptocurrency trading is becoming one of the most popular methods for investing in digital assets. Unlike traditional stock markets, cryptocurrency works on a decentralized network that is completely reliant on its users to provide liquidity and value. In other words, people all around the world are exchanging different types of cryptocurrencies with each other without relying on any middleman or organization to facilitate their transactions.

Trading can be defined as buying and selling an asset quickly in order to make a profit from changes in the price of said asset over time. This applies to trades made using fiat currency (like US dollars) just as much as it does those executed with crypto coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum. By taking advantage of rapid market movements and finding smart ways to place orders, investors who trade cryptos regularly stand to gain quite significantly if they play their cards right.

When traders buy into an asset such as Bitcoin, they need to have both foresight into where its price might go next and knowledge about which strategies could potentially net them bigger profits than losses depending on when they decidet o enter and exit positions within certain markets As technology advances - specifically artificial intelligence uping algorithms meanta nd predicting crowd sentiment - savvy traers may come accross better opportunities than ever before by matching what’s available through current produts while staying ahead of competition at the same time While this requires attention fo rdetail ad coming preparedwith sophisticated foe anticipate futut marketing trends , experienced players will no doubt find themselves wth plentyrewards form participatingn intradaytradig espoecially when ch ews well-crafted plans equipped wit h proper insight .

What are the trading principles to always keep in mind as a Crypto Trader and how can you build your own crypto trading strategy

Trading cryptocurrencies can be incredibly rewarding but it also carries a number of risks. To maximize profits and minimize losses, there are some key principles that all crypto traders should follow. Let's discuss five important trading principles to keep in mind when creating your own cryptocurrency trading strategy.

The first principle is understanding the market you’re dealing with. Cryptocurrency markets can be highly volatile which adds an extra layer of complexity for traders to consider when planning their trades – predicting how prices could move within certain time frames or being able to quickly adapt strategies based on new information about economic events such as regulatory changes are essential traits for any successful trader. Researching the asset before investing, staying informed about news affecting them, and utilizing expert analysis from trustworthy sources (e.g., professional technical analysts) are critical components that cannot be overlooked if you want consistent success with your trading endeavors

The second principle is risk management: always prepare yourself by using stop-loss orders; calculating what size positions you should take; properly assessing potential payoffs vs losses; and ensuring that spreads between buy/sell bids won't affect profitability too severely (aka "slippage"). Also understand margin finance & leverage structures so one didn't get caught up in having too much money tied up without getting benefit out of other deals still pending execution / settlement etcetera - protection against overexposure by diversification across different tokens along crytocurrencies baskets would increase probability pf achieving greater ROI while limiting downside implications due unexpected negative price movements -- overall good practice also applicable on investment into fiat currencies derivatives beyond crypto domain .

Lastly we have the third principle is emotional detachment: no matter whethet boom bust cycles seem tantalizing enough remain focused composure driving operations regardless external influences behavior modification induced erroneous impulsiveness concept artificial intelligence helps keeping emotion control making hard ask easy manage operating sustainably great profit margins eventually established solid core usership each site visited regularly leveraging network effects optimization component compliance protocols Furthermore acting line basic commitments made justifiable returns therefore exercising caution friendly financial environment absolutely needed order .. All these factors combined help forming lasting relationships integrated easily digital wallets push transactions smooth efficient manner around clock services improve customer service effectively provide interactive dashboard stats indices monitoring available alert notifications set responding reactively seconds thus fostering better transparency accuracy

Explain how you can use Fundamental analysis to generate your own Crypto Trading Ideas

Cryptocurrency trading is a highly competitive and volatile market. As an investor, understanding how to analyze the crypto markets is paramount in order to successfully generate profitable trades. One useful tool for traders to use when analyzing cryptocurrencies and other assets are fundamental analysis techniques.
Fundamental Analysis (FA) looks at cryptocurrency from factors outside the price movements such as adoption rate, team behind the project, partnerships established ,news & industry reports etc. This can help you gain insights into current value of various coins across different exchanges by inspecting all available data related to that coin or token – namely news releases/press releases, technical blogs about new developments, organizational activity like hiring’s/releases and conference events not limited official announcements on social media accounts . All this should give a holistic picture of what lies ahead for certain projects- if their goals are achievable within predefined time period said teams financial standing compared with peers in same field.

Once one has identified potential trade opportunities based upon these fundamentals its then logical conclusion determine whether those positions will be taken given risk profile personal preferences parameters keep watch over your position open would include things like using RSI indicators monitor overall trend direction reactively where necessary patiently collecting profits while also protecting downside via stoploss orders just case volatility amplifies too much unwelcomed levels defined earlier through realistic yet conservative estimates actual cost basis portfolio values traded asset against benchmark index itself whatever appropriate ; set timeframe realize multiple scenarios outcomes adjusting strategies accordingly achieve maximum rewards minimal risks exercising sensible discretion after evaluating past present future prospects partcipated digital tokens cyber investments context cut losses early enough exit position once target predetermined level reached regardless further gains decline may come unexpectedly instead relying pure luck making sure handle own risk mitigation prior during post entry periods vital success!

Explain how you can use Technical analysis when trading on Crypto

In Trading cryptocurrencies without the guidance of an expert in the market, it is challenging to make wise decisions and succeed in this volatile environment. One way that traders have found success when trading crypto is through Technical Analysis (TA) which uses historical data and charts to predict future price movements.

What Is Technical Analysis?

Technical Analysis or ‘TA’ refers to the techniques used by traders to identify patterns or trends of recent activities around security prices – typically stocks but also other markets like foreign exchange and cryptos. A trader may then base predictions of future performance onto these historical occurances before taking action on any given trade with either buying or selling during a certain range depending upon their assessment from pattern recognition within historic behaviour study &trading alerts tracking . TA aims at measuring past price activity rather than predicting events that haven not yet occurredor evenreached its anticipation peakpoint- These include support/resistance levels ,stochastic momentum oscillators such Fibonacci retracements -allput togethercomprehensively increase risk assessingproficiencytolet investors /speculate decide accordingly keepingconsistent methodology basis objectives focus&planningin concerned contextinto considerationwhen finally making final concluding callas arbiters of the market+investments into research too..

Explain the 3 key concepts of Risk Management every new Crypto Trader Should Know

This product is perfect for new crypto traders who are looking to maximize profits while minimizing risk. With the three key concepts of Risk Management, you can go into trading with a deep understanding and confidence in your decision making.
The first concept is Risk Appetite: how much risk or reward the trader is willing to accept at any given time; this could be speculative trades, arbitrage opportunities, margin trading, etc. Next up we have Risk Tolerance Levels: understanding when risks should and shouldn’t be taken across markets that may vary greatly from one another; for example knowledge of both short term price fluctuations and long-term trends must be properly managed. Finally comes Diversification Strategies: mitigating systemic single asset/market exposure by distributing investments among multiple positions/markets ;for example investing in large cap coins as well small alt coins rather than putting all eggs in one basket . With these core strategies under your belt , cryptocurrency traders can begin their journeys securely yet confidently!


These my understandings of Crypto Trading. According to me thing I have mentioned in this blog is mandatory thing for Crypto Trading. I would like to join my friends @rey01 ,@erode and @jannatmou to participate in this contest

Best regards @ajay27,
I'm officially verified achievement1 by newcomers community.

Thankyou for reading my blog.


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thanks for mentioned me so nice The first concept is Risk Appetite

Welcome, will you follow back me As we become friends


You have written well my friend, trading has to do with the buying and selling of asset with the sole aim of making profit due to price variations. You have also explain what you understand by fundamental and technical analysis and have given the 3 concepts that every trader should be aware of. Diversification of portfolio is important to traders because its not good to gather all our eggs in one basket. I wish you success in this contest my friend.

thank you for reading my blog and your time my friend.

Great post, @ajay27! Your understanding of crypto currency trading is very clear and well-explained. I particularly liked how you highlighted the importance of understanding the market and staying informed about news and events affecting the assets you are trading. It is also very important to have a good understanding of risk management and emotional detachment when creating a trading strategy.

I also appreciated your explanation of how to use fundamental analysis to generate your own crypto trading ideas. It is a great tool for investors to gain insights into the current value of various coins and make more informed trading decisions. The adoption rate, team behind the project, partnerships established and industry reports are important factors to consider when analyzing a cryptocurrency.

Overall, your post provides a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in trading cryptocurrencies. Your knowledge and experience in this area is evident and I believe it will be very helpful for many Steemit users who are new to crypto trading. Keep up the great work, @ajay27!

Thankyou brother....for your time and compliment

Hi friend.

You are right that the cryptocurrency trading deals with the buying and selling of crypto assets and the main motto for this process is to claim good profits.

Moreover, I will define crypto trading as the process of taking advantage from the high fluctuations in the cryptocurrency markets on either sides.

Yes, you are right that the diversification of the portfolio, stop loss and take profit levels and the division of the risks on either sides are the best techniques that the new traders should have to adopt.

Thanks for sharing and good luck for the contest.

Thankyou for reading my blog and the compliment

A very interesting and entertaining article from you boss, Cryptocurrency trading carries with it some unique risks that are not necessarily associated with other traditional investments.

While many of these risks can be managed or minimized through careful research and planning, it is important to understand them before engaging in any cryptocurrency trading.

As you have rightly mentioned, implementing risk management strategies, as well as diversification Strategies would go a long way in guiding us from lose.

Thanks for sharing such an educative and interesting content with us boss, I would appreciate if you equally engage in mine.