Steemit Crypto Academy Feedback

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 
To be honest I had wanted to do this for a long time, but at that time I had not found the right moment to express myself, so I am grateful for this opportunity.

Image edited by me in Powerpoint

Before I begin, I must say that the Academy changed my life in many aspects. First of all in the personal aspect (which I consider to be the most important) it gave me a boost in my soul, it motivated me to study and learn new things, to improve myself and to realize that even with my age I can undertake totally new things.

From the professional and financial point of view, words would be lacking to define the amount of blessings I have received thanks to good education.

I have been in the Academy since the beginning, since season 1, although I formally joined in week 2 or 3. I still remember the first class of Professor @stream4u which talked about Supports and Resistances, this class cemented the foundation of everything I know today.

Since then I have moved on, I have gone from student to Professor, to Student again. The Academy has also allowed me to expand to new horizons and study in other Trading Academies, specifically in one called MINED ACADEMY, which is focused on teaching Trading in Latin America.

Image taken from: Source

For these reasons I believe that I do have something to say about the Academy, and something to contribute.


What worked well with the Academy?

Definitely the whole initiative has been wonderful, and by itself works because it adds knowledge and value in an area that is completely unknown to most people.

If you ask me what I have liked most about the academy, or what I have gotten the most out of it, that would be the Technical Analysis classes, chart reading, study of trend continuation patterns and reversals, how to enter a trade and how to exit.

I personally think that the classes that leave practical content are the best.


What did not work well?

I don't mean to make any teacher feel bad, but I am sincerely of the opinion that there is content that does not fit well with the objectives pursued by the Academy...I should mention two things.

1- Too theoretical content focused on the Cryptographic and computer science part: I think the purpose of the Academy is to teach in a practical way, which allows students to use the knowledge in the real world. I know that the technological and computer science subject can be exciting, but unfortunately it does not apply to everyone. 2- This is the one that I consider most important. I have seen with concern that in some classes focused on the DeFi Sector, some teachers require the use of some platforms with flaws or not working properly.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with asking for the use of platforms and the use of real money that will ultimately become the students' portfolio. What I don't agree with is the use of platforms that by not working properly cause people to lose money.

Specifically at the close of season 4 students were asked to perform a Staking process on a Platform, but for some reason the money was transferred but nothing happened. I got to read comments from people who invested 10 and even 30 USD, but were not able to complete the operation.

Finally we realized that the platform had some flaws, so the teacher stopped demanding its use with real money, however for many the money was already lost.

I personally believe that every teacher should fully review DeFi platforms and their limitations before engaging students in their use...or otherwise not require the use of real money on faulty platforms.


How you would improve the Academy?

Specifically on the topic I was talking about earlier, I would still support the use of Real Money in classes, but not on DeFi platforms, but for cases of Classes where Swing Trading, Scalping trades, or any that involve Chart Reading and Analysis, Entry to trades, exit strategies such as Take Profit or Stop Loss are taught.

You could even be asked to use Real Money to build portfolios, For example:

In the following seasons, a Professor could be dedicated only to Portfolios. In his first class talk about TERRA (project), and demand the purchase of LUNA (its native currency) by making DCA; for the next week talk about Polkadot and demand the purchase of DOT, for the third talk about SAND and demand the purchase of SAND, and so on. (The minimum amount should not be mandatory).

At the end of the course, students should have (and demonstrate) in their portfolio at least 4 coins (from good projects) that were purchased with their own money. I think this is a better use of students' money... or at least this is how it has worked very well for me.

In addition, week after week the teacher is able to track the development of each student's portfolio, advising them on entry points and when to take profits.


What changes would you make for future seasons of the Academy?

This part is related to the previous one, and is the part I have thought about the most to make this Post. The change I would add to the Academy to make it even more formal than it is, is regarding dedicating one Teacher per subject.

The three levels that the Academy is divided into seems very accurate to me, however I think it would be great if each Professor specialized only in a specific Subject within each level, such as:

Beginner Level

Professor 1: Basic Concepts of the Crypto World.

Professor 2: Basic Concepts of Charts Reading and Candlesticks.

Intermediate Level

Professor 1: Technical Analysis (Indicators) and How to do Real Trading.

Professor 2: NFT Gaming.

Advanced Level

Professor 1: Fundamental and Onchain Analysis

Professor 2: DeFi platforms and economics.

Additionally we could add a New Level totally separate from the 3 levels to be called "Portfolio Construction", where there is no minimum requirement to participate and which is dedicated exclusively to receiving Crypto Asset Portfolio Construction Advisory Classes.

The minimum requirement would be to own an Exchange, or Wallet account and per class the teacher would explain a project and require REAL purchase and HOLDING of the native currency of the project. As a minimum requirement for the following week it should be required to prove that the wallet still holds the asset purchased in the previous weeks.



Every recommendation and every opinion given is done with the intention that the Academy will continue to bless the lives of many as it has blessed mine. I hope that in the years to come this Academy can transcend even beyond Steemit and why not... be recognized as an Online Study Center in a formal way. I still believe that our teachers have a lot to give and teach.

Finally, regarding the grading and voting scheme I think it is Fair. The voting system consciously reflects the level of effort and time invested by the students in their assignments, or at least that is how I see it at the Advanced level.

Regarding the grading method of the teachers I have no complaints, indeed, I must praise the degree of thoroughness and effort it takes to read and review hundreds of Posts a week. I know you do a great job which demands a lot from you.

For my part, today I can say that I am a full Trader, and that I am motivated every day to continue exploring this world... this fire I feel for the Crypto world and Trading was born with a spark in the Steemit Crypto Academy.

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