Summary On Homework Task Week3-Season 3. @allbert: DCA to create a portfolio

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 

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Hello again my Crypto Gears...

This third week has been wonderful, full of outstanding entries and very good and interesting work.

All this wonderful participation came from a total of 63 students who joined this class and posted under the tag #allbert-s3week3. To all, again thank you very much for your trust and effort.

Class 3, which I titled: DCA to create a portfolio, was the first step I wanted to take together with you in this exciting world of cryptocurrencies. I know that many of you already have experience and a portfolio, however, I know that there are also many others who are just starting out.

Precisely on them, I wanted to focus, on practical activities that I have personally used to build my portfolio. These are fundamental analysis, whitepapers, hodl, and DCA. We also touched on an additional topic such as the risk of garbage coins.

For this class, I decided not to place theoretical but 100% practical assignments, which had to be completed in full by the students to receive a grade. The assignments were:

1-Select two Crypto, perform fundamental analysis, and based on your fundamental analysis explain why you chose them. Exclude BTC, ETH, RUNE. Develop and justify your answer.

2- Through your verified Exchange account (screenshot needed), make a real purchase of one of the cryptocurrencies selected in the first assignment and explain the process. The minimum investment must be 5USD (mandatory) and must present screenshots of the verified account and the whole operation.

3- Finally, make a simulated exercise, using the DCA method to perform the purchase of two assets and present charts showing the data of days in which the operation was performed, price of purchases, average price, sell point, percentage of profit or loss. (include screenshots)


Rating ContentExcellentGoodAverageUnder averagePlagiarismMulti account

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It is also interesting to analyze this graph which shows the dispersion of the grades obtained by the participants as well as the average score.

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General observations:

As we can see in the second graph the average score was 6.12. This tells us that the content of the publications was between Good and average. Again this was due to a few phenomena that I noticed when reading the articles.

First I must start with the nasty part, in which I came across two articles that possessed plagiarized content. I must stress that Steemit has zero tolerance for plagiarism, which is why we take very seriously the correct use of citations and acknowledgement of original sources.

Most of the time plagiarism is not as simple as copy and paste, but some users have taken to the task of spinning the content of their articles. Such practice is also prohibited.

Another phenomenon was that a user was detected trying to abuse our reward system through two accounts. I must remind that multi account is also prohibited within the Academy.

As for this week's assignments, the first task was to conduct a fundamental study of two currencies that would serve as a long-term investment. While most understood the remit of the question, a few spent time talking about garbage coins, while others just posted data without providing actual white paper or roadmap research.

As for the second question I am glad to say that everyone knows how to place a trade, and even more glad to know that the students have started to build their portfolio from the same fundamental analysis they did in question 1. I think the goal of the class was met.

Regarding question 3, many were limited to just performing the same trade that was done in class, however they did not indicate exit strategy let alone profit or loss percentages.

I am aware that most were at a loss, but because it was a drill you should have come up with a scenario where you would make an exit. This was an important point that separated the students into two groups. In fact very few had the creativity or the need to run an extra mile.

Finally there are the presentation details (again). I know most are just starting out in the Steemit Crypro Academy, however it is important to be clear on the correct use of HTML codes, and the correct use of tags, in-text citations, references and links.

Any image taken from the Internet, in addition to being free domain must be referenced with the link to the site where it comes from. Otherwise it may be considered as plagiarism.

Similarly, the general presentation of the publication plays an important role. The use of subtitles, centered text, justified, the use of separators, colored text are a factor that will make your work stand out from others... on the other hand, the poor management of them will detract from its value.


Again my first recommendation is, don't settle for the content seen in class. I personally do not share all the content in the post, I do this to generate in students the need to study and explore for themselves. Remember; the knowledge that is best entrenched in our brains is not the one we are given in a classroom, but the one we discover by our own means.

This brings me to the point of CREATIVITY. Before being an academy, we are a Social Network that rewards the use of creativity. So you can't limit yourself to just answering the questions, but you must give it a personal and funny touch that captures the attention of the reader.

Few students achieved that this week, and it is precisely those few who achieved high grades. One student was complaining about his grade due to the fact that he had answered all the questions, however, my response is that for the most part, the posts followed a repetitive pattern, which gives me the impression that for the most part the students were reviewing previous posts made by their peers and copied their model.

Because of this, my next recommendation again is, DO NOT READ OTHER PEOPLE'S POSTS, just focus on doing your own research. Because only people who truly contribute witty and creative content will be best rewarded.


As usual, choosing only three people is not an easy job, however, this time I wanted to award not only the three who stand out for their qualifications but also stand out for their proactivity and originality.

The three most outstanding Gears of the week are:

To those selected, congratulations and keep up the good performance. To the rest, don't give up, study, improve and keep trying.

I see next week, your Crypto Professor @allbert.




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Thanks for choosing one of best post of mine. It giving lot of encouragement to continue my journey.

Thank you very much

Good job My friend!!!

I got a 9 in this task and still didn't make it to the top 3, don't know whether you liked my task or not, if I am missing some point regarding making it to the top 3, please let me inform.

Thank you professor.

Of course I liked your post My friend. It was very good, if it hadn't been like good, you wouldn't have gotten that rating.

One factor that I value in my students' assignments is originality, thinking outside the box and taking different directions from the rest (obviously without leaving the content)

I chose these three posts because I consider that they set the tone for the rest of You. It is normal that we always want to be the best but never forget that this time is to celebrate the achievements of your colleagues.

Thank you professor @allbert for the clarification, I will be doing better in the next task.

You didn't replied to my query regarding presentation yet, if you don't reply to my comment, how will I be improving myself?

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

My friend. I already answerd your query the same day you got your grade. In the post's comment. There are The topics You can improve.

Guao Profesor @allbert Estoy tan feliz de ver esto....🙏🙏 Y lo agradezco mucho. Saludos y bendiciones

Sigue así amiga. Buen trabajo.

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