Crypto Academy S2 Week 5 - Homework Post for @sapwood - Bandwidth & Energy (Tron)

in hive-108451 •  4 years ago 

Hello Steemians,

This is my homework task for The Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2 Week 5 by professor @sapwood

Tron is a vast blockchain platform offering a bunch of services including lending borrow staking and many other ways to be associated with this platform. In this course, the professor has talked about the bandwidth and energy that are used on this platform to perform transactions. This is quite interesting because I was not aware of all these things before and as far as I understand not everyone is aware of all these things even if the person is working on Blockchain is here for quite some time.



Address used for transaction- TN1ye3RPWnjqAHcyzbowwHzYReFduC1Qqs

1- How do I connect my TronLink Wallet to

Open and click on connect wallet option provided at the right side of the page.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 12.46.09 PM.png

Once I clicked on Connect wallet, I get two options to choose between the Tron link and Legder. I selected the Tron Link wallet and clicked on Connect button. There is also an option to download the wallet app in case you don't have one. I had it already so I continued further.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 12.49.51 PM.png

In the next step, the wallet app asks for the password and I entered it and selected the continue button.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 12.51.53 PM 1.png

Once the login is done it gets connected and I can see my wallet address on the Tronscan webportal. It shows the wallet address and balance as well on the portal. The connecting wallet is so easy and happens in less than a minute time.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 12.53.43 PM.png

2- How do I freeze TRX to obtain Bandwidth?

If we need to obtain bandwidth then we can get do it by freezing TRX coins and let's go through the steps.

We need to select wallet and then click on Resources.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 1.12.23 PM 1.png

Once we go on resources then we get two options- Obtain and rent, so because we want to obtain so will go ahead with this option.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 1.13.42 PM.png

I have selected the option for bandwidth from the dropdown.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 1.21.36 PM.png

I am using 6TRX to freeze and it will give me 9.34 bandwidth which slightly more than 1.5k. This freeze will be locked for minimum 72 hours.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 1.23.09 PM.png

Now I need to accept it and it will be done.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 4.40.35 PM.png

Transaction is successul once I selected accept button.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 4.41.16 PM.png

3- How do I freeze TRX to obtain Energy?

Earleir we obtained bandwidth now and its time for energy so some steps are same and I am sharing the snapshots from where we need to choose different option.

I have selected energy option from dropdown.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 4.46.03 PM.png

Entered amount for 5 TRX I will get 149.52 energy and these coins will be freeze for minimum 72 hours.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 4.46.54 PM.png

Its asking for authorsation which I did using the accept button.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 4.48.56 PM.png

Transaction is successful and it will be updated in 1 minute time.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 4.50.05 PM.png

4- What types of transaction consumes Bandwidth only and what types of transaction consume both Bandwidth & Energy? Example of both types of your own wallet?

There are two types of trasaction that we perform on tron blockchain. One we can say is ordinary transaction that is for coin transfer and another one triggers smart contract. Ordinary trsnaction consume Bandwidth onky and smart contraction tramsation use bandwidth and energy both.

This is one of the ordinary transfer transaction that has consumed 266 bandwidth and and I have highlighted some points.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 5.04.52 PM.png

Bandwidth consumed- 266 Bandwidth
Burn 0.03724 TRX for bandwidth

Below is the snapshot of smart contract transaction and it has consumed bandwidth and enery both. It clearly shows the amount of energy and bandwidth however some small amount of TRX was also used as there was not sufficient energy and bandwidth. Goin forward before procssing any transaction, I will check my balance first and I used to think that on tron there is no transaction fee but I was wrong.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 5.11.52 PM.png

Hash- f96eb1654082c210ed036696076b1b71659f5024aeb8cd4ef6cb28c802c1fff7

5- How do I check "how much Bandwidth and Energy are consumed in a particular transaction"?

Here is one of the transaction from my tron wallet adddress.

Hash for this transaction- f96eb1654082c210ed036696076b1b71659f5024aeb8cd4ef6cb28c802c1fff7

Its easy to find out the Bandwidth and Energy consumpion and we need to pick one of transaction.

Here in this one-

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 5.11.52 PM.png

345 Bandwidth consumed.
13,516 Energy consumed.
Burn 0.0483 TRX for bandwidth.
Burn 1.89224 TRX for energy.

6- How do I avoid burning TRX to accommodate the Energy required for a transaction?

This is very interesting question and answer is simple that we nee to have enough amount of enery before initiating transaction.

I did not know that if there is not enough energy then blockchain will burn TRX coin to accomodate.

We can estimate the enery using

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 5.33.43 PM.png

This is quite useul tool and it helps us to deteremine if we have enough bandwidth and energy. There are two ways to get enery or bandwith. We can either freeze or burn trx coins but one thing is noticeable that with burn we get huge amount of enery as compared to freeze.

Eg. for 1 TRX freeze I get 29.91 energy but when we burn 1 TRX then we get 7142.85 and here difference is huge. Its because tron blockchain encourage their users to burn coins and with burn we know that token economics improve as we contribue for supply reduction.

7-Include the real example of your interaction with JustLend & Justswap? Indicate how a "swap"(in Justswap) function consumes different "Energy & Bandwidth" than a "borrow" function(in JustLend)?

I had participated in previous class for Justlend so here is the link having snapshots for Justlend.

Now I go ahead with Justswap and share steps with real example. This is very easy and because I want to swap my TRX to USDT so i first opetion I have selected TRX and in second one USDT. We can adjust amount by both ways like by TRX or by USDT so I have entered 1 USDT and it has taken the require TRX tokens

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 5.46.09 PM.png

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 5.47.42 PM.png

I have authorised the transaction and SWAP is compteted.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 5.51.25 PM.png

Here are the snapshots for. both type of transactions including borrow and swap. I have notced that with SWAP it consumed more bandwidth and less enery but with borrow it consumed more energy and less bandwidth.

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 5.56.38 PM 1.png

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 6.01.54 PM 1.png

8- Explore Tronscan(check your own wallet) to identify an "ordinary transfer" & a "Smart-contract-operated transfer"? Indicate the difference between the two?

Difference between ordinary transfer" & a "Smart-contract-operated transfer.-

When we transfer coin to another address or claim reward etc then it called an ordinary tranasfer but whe we use service like Justlend and thse are known as Smart-contract-operated transfer because smart contract is used to perform these transactions.

Lets find out how we can figure out the difference. We can refer transaction type in Transactions and it shows if it is smart contact or now. Also there {SC} mentioned on the trasaction with small size and this SC refers to smart contract. I have highlighted the same in below snapshot -

Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 6.15.39 PM.png

I very simple and easy to figure out the difference between type of trnsactions on Tron blockchain.

Overall it was a nice experience to learn more about bandwidth and energy on Tron blockchain. Tron is vast blokchain and there is a lot to learn and explore. Last we I learnt about Justlend and this week Justswap I have learnt another great lession. I spent 30 minutes reading and understand it thoroughly. I did not face any issue while performing transactions since @sapwood explained it the nice and easy way. Anyone can do it just by going through the post even if the person is a beginner. Since on steemit we are anyways connected with Tron so we must know these things to make our experince way better here on blockchain.

Thank you so much @sapwood for this nice and full of a learning lesson.

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Hi @alokkumar121

Address used for transaction- TN1ye3RPWnjqAHcyzbowwHzYReFduC1Qqs


We could not able to trace any freezing details with this Wallet Address.


Are you sure you have used this wallet??

Hi @sapwood
I used the same wallet address but not sure what went wrong. I did the real transaction just now and here is the snapshot of the transaction. Please have a look. thanks for letting me know.

Screenshot 2021-05-16 at 4.55.02 PM.png

Thank you.