Hi Steemians
This time I wrote a post here to try to explain what I want and that is from the knowledge I know so far with the title of the post ; SEC S17-W5 || Whales In Steem blockchain.
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There is no hope of being able to rise higher if we are not willing to try to move forward and that is the right strategy to become a whale on the Steemit platform.
Becoming a whale on the Steemit platform is one way to make a big contribution to this platform and it is a very good choice because things need to change.
✅ Who are considered whales on the Steem platform, and what are their responsibilities to the community?
Having been on the Steemit platform for a long time, of course we already know who we can consider a whale and with the existence of a whale, that is a significant change that has occurred so that their existence will be taken into account.
As far as I know, who is a whale on the Steemit platform, of course they are those who have the ability to be able to do something for change and also by their existence they are greatly influenced by a community that exists on Steemit now and forever until an indefinite time.
Whales can make a big contribution so that the Steemit platform can become more advanced and many enthusiasts join together on this platform and thus we are more enthusiastic about sharing all creative, innovative and useful posts.
✅ How do whales influence the value of cryptocurrencies and what role do they play in the functioning of the Steem blockchain?
From what we know, whales have a big influence on cryptocurrencies because they have a lot of assets and we can't take that into account so that there is unity and mutual trust in the crypto world and the next thing is that we have to accept the reality if something happens in the wrong way. maybe different from what is expected from whales of course.
From the past until now the role of whales has been very important so that with satisfactory performance, progress will continue until everyone can enjoy it.
From what I have said and that is from my own thoughts since I got to know the Steemit platform, crypto and so on, with the role of whales on the Steemit platform in carrying out their duties well so that we can all feel the extraordinary impact and that is a reality that happens and hopefully we can be fine and don't forget to continue to improve the quality until there are changes that are better than before.
✅ What are the different phases that whales use in their activity on Steem and how does it affect other users?
Seeing and reading and understanding what is happening while registering to become a member of the Steemit platform, of course we can understand what the whale has done here and it is also done to make a good contribution so that with the whale there is always an influence on everything on the Steemit platform in general and especially wherever they are.
With the presence of whales on the Steemit platform, of course it has a big influence on other users, especially for new users and if there is support from whales for new users then they will be more enthusiastic about being creative with their writing skills, of course from science and they will be more enthusiastic in promoting Steemit to others to want to join the Steemit platform.
Everything has a process and it is a journey that must be maintained in order to provide a sense of optimism to all parties from bottom to top and for everyone too.
✅ What potential challenges might users face on Steem due to the presence of whales, and what strategies can they adopt to protect their investments?
This is related to potential challenges related to Steemit platform users because the presence of whales will of course have certain effects depending on what they have obtained from them and of course there are also good things and vice versa because it is not always beautiful.
Potential challenges are always there and it depends on the journey process that is carried out and carried out whether it is in accordance with the wishes of the Steemit platform user or not because as an ordinary human being, we definitely make mistakes and are not always right.
Carrying out activities and providing everything in the form of investment will of course be considered by all groups about the pros and cons, so in this case what must be done is to be thorough and thorough in the lightest matters so that the investment made is not wasted and wasted without any results.
Investments made by anyone, including whales, are of course with careful consideration and there is already a multiplication of profit and loss, so the investment will be safe if they feel safe.
Like the challenge of progressing and love being a whale, especially if it can provide benefits for all then that will also be one of the reasons to be able to survive and invest in the Steemit platform.
✅ How does the presence of whales impact ordinary user participation and engagement on Steem, and how can we encourage a greater diversity of voices and contributions?
There are lots of things that we have seen and happened on the Steemit platform, of course in the community, so the presence of whales always makes a difference which can make them more enthusiastic in providing my writing more creatively and usefully for readers.
Steemit platform users of course always have the desire to be able to get something better and can be used in this journey of life and it is just a matter of time when they can get what they want so if there is a whale who is able to encourage their enthusiasm with the abilities they have then that is an impact very valuable positive.
Different people have different perspectives so I think it depends on each of them in assessing the diversity of voices because if we just have fun here then that will only bring happiness.
"Happiness is simple and can be found anywhere".
That's all from me for this post and I hope it can be understood well even though it's just the knowledge I have and don't forget to say thank you to all my friends.
I invite my friends @kunwal, @kamal11, @midiagam, @pea07, @rahmadvirgosa, @hdnur08, @sualeha, happiness is always there for my friends.
Special thanks to ;
Best regards always ;
Indonesian text version
Hai Steemians
Kali ini saya menulis postingan disini mencoba menjelaskan apa yang saya inginkan dan itu dari ilmu yang saya ketahui selama ini dengan judul postingan ; SEC S17-W5 || Whales In Steem blockchain
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Tidak ada harapan untuk bisa naik lebih tinggi jika kita tidak mau berusaha untuk maju dan itulah strategi yang tepat untuk menjadi paus di platform Steemit.
Menjadi paus di platform Steemit adalah salah satu cara untuk memberikan kontribusi besar pada platform ini dan merupakan pilihan yang sangat baik karena banyak hal yang perlu diubah.
✅ Siapa yang dianggap sebagai paus di platform Steem, dan apa tanggung jawab mereka terhadap komunitas?
Sudah lama berkecimpung di platform Steemit, tentunya kita sudah mengetahui siapa yang bisa kita anggap sebagai ikan paus dan dengan adanya ikan paus, itulah perubahan signifikan yang terjadi sehingga keberadaannya akan diperhitungkan.
Sejauh yang saya tahu, siapakah yang menjadi paus di platform Steemit, tentu saja mereka adalah orang-orang yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk mampu melakukan sesuatu demi perubahan dan juga keberadaan mereka sangat dipengaruhi oleh komunitas yang ada di Steemit sekarang dan selamanya sampai waktu yang tidak ditentukan.
Paus dapat memberikan kontribusi yang besar agar platform Steemit bisa semakin maju dan banyak peminat yang bergabung bersama dalam platform ini dan dengan demikian kami semakin semangat untuk membagikan segala postingan yang kreatif, inovatif dan bermanfaat.
✅ Bagaimana whale mempengaruhi nilai mata uang kripto dan peran apa yang mereka mainkan dalam berfungsinya blockchain Steem?
Dari yang kita ketahui, whale mempunyai pengaruh yang besar terhadap cryptocurrency karena asetnya yang banyak dan itu tidak bisa kita perhitungkan agar ada kesatuan dan rasa saling percaya di dunia crypto dan hal berikutnya yang harus kita terima. kenyataannya jika sesuatu terjadi dengan cara yang salah. mungkin berbeda dengan apa yang diharapkan dari paus tentunya.
Dari dulu hingga saat ini peran whale sangat penting sehingga dengan performa yang memuaskan, kemajuan akan terus berlanjut hingga semua orang bisa menikmatinya.
Dari apa yang saya sampaikan dan itu adalah hasil pemikiran saya sendiri sejak saya mengenal platform Steemit, crypto dan lain sebagainya, dengan peran para whale di platform Steemit dalam menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik sehingga kita semua dapat merasakan dampak yang luar biasa. dan itulah kenyataan yang terjadi dan semoga kita bisa baik-baik saja dan jangan lupa untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas hingga ada perubahan yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
✅ Apa saja fase-fase berbeda yang digunakan paus dalam aktivitas mereka di Steem dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap pengguna lain?
Melihat dan membaca serta memahami apa yang terjadi selama mendaftar menjadi anggota platform Steemit, tentunya kita dapat memahami apa yang dilakukan paus disini dan itu juga dilakukan untuk memberikan kontribusi yang baik agar dengan adanya paus selalu ada pengaruhnya. pada segala sesuatu yang ada di platform Steemit pada umumnya dan khususnya dimanapun mereka berada.
Dengan hadirnya whales di platform Steemit tentunya memberikan pengaruh yang besar bagi pengguna lainnya khususnya bagi pengguna baru dan jika ada dukungan dari whales bagi pengguna baru maka mereka akan semakin semangat untuk berkreasi dengan kemampuan menulisnya, tentunya tentu saja dari ilmu pengetahuan dan mereka akan lebih semangat dalam mempromosikan Steemit kepada orang lain agar mau bergabung dengan platform Steemit.
Semuanya ada proses dan merupakan perjalanan yang harus tetap dijaga agar dapat memberikan rasa optimisme kepada semua pihak dari bawah hingga atas dan juga semua pihak.
✅ Tantangan potensial apa yang mungkin dihadapi pengguna Steem karena kehadiran ikan paus, dan strategi apa yang dapat mereka terapkan untuk melindungi investasi mereka?
Hal ini terkait dengan potensi tantangan yang terkait dengan pengguna platform Steemit karena kehadiran ikan paus tentunya akan memberikan dampak tertentu tergantung dari apa yang didapat darinya dan tentunya ada juga hal baiknya begitu pula sebaliknya karena tidak selalu indah.
Potensi tantangan selalu ada dan itu tergantung dari proses perjalanan yang dilakukan dan dilakukan apakah sesuai dengan keinginan pengguna platform Steemit atau tidak karena sebagai manusia biasa kita pasti melakukan kesalahan dan tidak selalu benar. .
Melakukan kegiatan dan memberikan segala sesuatunya dalam bentuk investasi tentunya akan menjadi pertimbangan semua kalangan mengenai untung ruginya, sehingga dalam hal ini yang harus dilakukan adalah dengan teliti dan teliti dalam hal sekecil apapun agar investasi yang dilakukan tidak sia-sia. sia-sia dan sia-sia tanpa hasil apa pun.
Investasi yang dilakukan siapapun termasuk Whale tentunya dengan pertimbangan yang matang dan sudah ada kelipatan untung dan ruginya, sehingga investasi akan aman jika dirasa aman.
Suka tantangan untuk maju dan cinta menjadi ikan paus, apalagi jika bisa memberikan manfaat bagi semua maka itu juga akan menjadi salah satu alasan untuk bisa bertahan dan berinvestasi di platform Steemit.
✅ Bagaimana kehadiran whales berdampak pada partisipasi dan keterlibatan pengguna pada Steem, dan bagaimana kita dapat mendorong keberagaman suara dan kontribusi yang lebih besar?
Banyak sekali hal-hal yang kita lihat dan terjadi di platform Steemit tentunya di komunitas, sehingga kehadiran para paus selalu membawa perubahan yang bisa membuat mereka semakin semangat dalam menyajikan tulisan saya dengan lebih kreatif dan bermanfaat bagi para pembaca.
Pengguna platform Steemit tentunya selalu mempunyai keinginan untuk bisa mendapatkan sesuatu yang lebih baik dan bisa digunakan dalam perjalanan hidup ini dan hanya tinggal menunggu waktu saja kapan mereka bisa mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan maka jika ada paus yang mampu. mendorong semangat mereka dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki maka itu merupakan dampak positif yang sangat berharga.
Beda orang beda sudut pandang jadi menurut saya tergantung masing-masing dalam menilai keberagaman suara karena kalau kita bersenang-senang saja di sini maka itu hanya akan mendatangkan kebahagiaan.
“Kebahagiaan itu sederhana dan bisa ditemukan dimana saja”.
Sekian dari saya untuk postingan kali ini dan semoga dapat dipahami dengan baik walaupun hanya sekedar ilmu yang saya punya dan jangan lupa ucapkan terima kasih kepada teman-teman semuanya.
Saya ajak teman-teman @kunwal, @kamal11, @midiagam, @pea07, @rahmadvirgosa, @hdnur08, @sualeha, kebahagiaan selalu ada untuk teman-teman.
Terima kasih khusus kepada ;
Salam hormat selalu ;
Greetings @ana07
You've been able to explain more on whales which makes me see a more clearer view on it. Whales have huge powers in cryptocurrencies just like how whales have power in the sea. These whales have great impact and influence in steemit which helps users in steemit to grow and teach their goals. We all have dreams of becoming whales in the future, which is all left for hardwork, consistency and support from the whales.
Wish you success
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@ana07 You have effectively highlighted how whales influence the platform's value and function as well as their impact on user participation. Emphasizing the potential challenges users may face due to whale presence shows a balanced perspective. Encouraging diversity of voices and contributions is crucial for a vibrant community and your insights on this matter are valuable. Keep up the great work and best of luck
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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.
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It is true to know that you are knowledgeable about the whales on Steem blockchain, without mixing words I can say they have a very powerful influence that can make any user they visited to be on the lime light. Thereby fueling the spirit of the user to do more. To become a whale in the Steem blockchain is not easy but hardworking and more investment to our Steem power can take us there. See you there my dear friend.
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My dear friend, without hesitation i would certainly commend your art of writing and the way you made to explain who and what are classified as whales in the steemit platform. Its is no doubt or new thing that these so called whales are influential users on the system and leaves their footprint on the account of any lucky user they visit.
Becoming a whale is not very much easy because one has to gather a huge amount of steem power to enable the ability to possess a good voting power to support creative and quality contents. But by with consistency, patience and hard work we shall get there soon!!!
Thanks for sharing and GoodLuck with the challenge..
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Thank you, friend!

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Wow, you really did a great job explaining how the whales make a big difference on this platform, showing how they affect the value of how the platform works, and also how they impact the users. It's awesome that you've highlighted both the positive and potential challenges users might face because of the whales. Having different people with different ideas and contributions is super important for a lively community, and your thoughts on this are really valuable. Keep up the fantastic work, and I wish you the best of luck.
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Hello friend
Its obvious that you are aware and enlightened about how the steem blockchain runs and you indeed know what and how valuable the whales are to the blockchain. You wrote intensely and I appreciate your hard work please keep it up.
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