What is TronLink and what is Tronscan?
What are its uses?
Assuming the question asks for the uses of Tronlink and Tronscan:Uses of Tronscan
- Users use Tronscan to search transaction information on the blockchain.
- users can check the status of their transaction or other transactions you want to look for.
- users can obtain the information about transaction size to see how big a transaction is.
- user can obtain a summary of transactions they own and projects they own on a category basis by category name or address if they know which project their address belongs to.
- users can obtain a summary of blocks they own and transactions in them by block height or block number if they know which block it is.
Uses of tron link
- A platform allowing for the sharing of a variety of digital assets used by users to make money or exchange information on social media without fear of censorship or invasion of privacy. (Theft)
- A platform encouraging the free flow of open source code development within an ecosystem that is designed to be community-driven and open to collaboration on all fronts.
- Payment for personal expenses, travel, entertainment and so on could be made using TronLink
- Purchase of products and services from businesses around the world.
- The development of a decentralized entertainment world incorporating various types of content such as text, images, audio and video.
How do you verify a transaction status(including timestamp, resource consumption(bandwidth & energy), nos of confirmations) using Tronscan-- Examples, Screenshot?
To verify a transaction using Tronscan.org, then i added the Transaction hash in the search results.
Then a page will open up that contains the information related to that transactionSource
Then a page will open up that contains the information related to that transaction
I have labeled all the information that is found on the detail page of the transaction to clearly depict my understanding of the topic.
What are the different dApps can you explore using the TronLink wallet?
Different Dapps that could be explored using TronLink wallet are:
Popular DApps by the 9th September 2021 are SUN, justswap, JUST, justlend and others. Shown in the screenshots below:
To explore different DApps using the TronLink wallet I installed the chrome extension of Tronlink wallet into my pc and on the top most menu found this icon for DApps, when clicked it will openup a new small window where we have two sections one for the recent and other for the Popluar Dapps.

Popular DApps by the 9th September 2021 are SUN, justswap, JUST, justlend and others. Shown in the screenshots below:
Make a transaction(a micro-transaction) with Justswap or JustLend using TronLink wallet?Screenshot?
Here I imported Steemit wallet to TRONlink wallet
Now the transaction is made where a little amount (1 TRX) is sent to another accountSource
Clicking on the Swap button took me to the next stage which was the confirmation of the transactionSource
To be even secure and sure this will ask for the digital signature from the userSource
This transaction could be confirmed using the tronscanSource
Thankyou @sapwood for making things clear and understandable :)The next step was to connect this Tronlink wallet to my the justswap
Now the transaction is made where a little amount (1 TRX) is sent to another account
Clicking on the Swap button took me to the next stage which was the confirmation of the transaction
To be even secure and sure this will ask for the digital signature from the user
This transaction could be confirmed using the tronscan