in hive-108451 •  4 years ago 

You know it has everything to do with the bedtime routine for newborn tody topic
night of sleep so you all know I am huge un consistency so before we even get into an ideal bedtime routine the biggest thing you need to know is that you have to do it the same every single night.

Upper bounds on the phone talked with parents on the phone and they say they tell me about your bedtime routine and then like my wet and they


don’t even have anything in place and they’ll start to put little bits and pieces out there like well you know there’s sometimes we do a bath or sometimes

we feed downstairs or sometimes we watch a show all these little things if we can have a systematic bedtime routine every single time.

it actually is not going to like find you into a prison that’s what some families think some families think that having a structured bedtime routine

means you can’t have freedom anymore but what you don’t realise is that when you have a structure it actually opens up your life

to be more flexible more freeing because your baby knows what to expect I constantly tell so take the bedtime routine that we’ve implemented

copy and paste that and bring it with you on vacation so having a consistent bedtime routine happens at home but it also happens on the go now there are a few things.

who are currently three and five years old we don’t watch screens an hour before bedtime see blue light actually blocks the release of melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone?

that queues your child up to fall asleep and stay asleep and if we’re on our phones if we’re watching screens if we have that blue light around us that’s why it’s actually harder to fall asleep

and have a good night so screen time it’s gone don’t include shows don’t include any type of blue light access for your child during their bedtime routine

the second thing I need you to avoid kind of seems obvious but I got to call it out anyway is sugar or any type of energising food they could get your child amped up

but if you’re talking baby then we actually have to avoid food about an hour before they have their bedtime feed so this isn’t for all baby age I focus on ages from like 6 to about 9 to 10 months

I like to see this small grouping of babies not have dinner time solids and then immediately go to their bedtime because what can happen as they get full on their solids

then they’re not as interested in having that bedtime bottle and then that becomes an issue for the night time so absolutely just checking to make sure for your older child there’s

not a lot of sugar and then for your baby if they are in that smaller age group we don’t want to be stuffing them with solid and then expect them to eat massive bedtime bottles.

the third thing I need you to avoid is moving all over the house OK if we can keep your baby’s bedtime to like one location their room okay maybe bonus two locations the bathroom and their room great but

you don’t need to be going up and down all over the house to do these different pieces if you maybe have other kids then it’s fine if you’re maybe going to their own for a moment or this place

soaking in the tub
Moving into nightwear and a new nappy.
They’re being put to bed.
I’m going to bed and I’m going to read a bedtime story.
To build a relaxing environment, dim the lights in the room.
but if you can designate it’s bedtime it’s time to go to like you know that sounds super fancy that wing of the house or that area of the house then great but we’re not going to just go all over the home.

as you try to kill your baby up for sleep the last thing I like to avoid would be like direct sunshine OK I am perfectly fine with all the lights being on but it can be really helpful

to go ahead and to close the blinds closed the curtains make sure that they are not like directly in the sunlight as you’re trying to keep them up for sleep remember what I said about melatonin while our bodies

start producing melatonin an their triggered to make melatonin when the sun goes down so when the sun is getting low into the Sky when the sun is setting that’s when everybody say hey time to amp up that melatonin production to get things working for your baby.

so I don’t like sunshine in the baby’s room when it’s time for bedtime during the day yeah open up the curtains all those good things that are actually a really good step that I teach however right around this bedtime.

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