Crypto Academy Week 6
Homework Post for [@besticofinder] Protect Orchi
Buenos dias, un dia mas en la crypto academia, ya cerrando el ciclo de la primera temporada esperando la salida de una segunda temporada ya que con estas clases somos muchos los que hemos aprendido sobre criptomonedas y sus multiples utilidades, es impresionante la cantidad de cosas y funciones útiles que tienen, desde la implementacion de los contratos inteligentes las personas y empresas le an dado la vuelta a lo que se creía que no se podía reinventar, esta semana seguiremos con el tema de las invenciones financieras y en especial que monedas emergentes o no tan nuevas vienen en escalada y con esto buscar una oportunidad de invercion, hoy he decidido empaparme mas del proyecto ORCHI un mercado descentralizado que busca lograr un total anonimato en sus transacciones.
Good morning, one more day in the crypto academy, already closing the cycle of the first season waiting for the exit of a second season since with these classes there are many of us who have learned about cryptocurrencies and their multiple utilities, the amount of things is impressive and useful functions that they have, since the implementation of smart contracts, people and companies have turned around what was believed that it could not be reinvented, this week we will continue with the topic of financial inventions and especially that emerging currencies or not so new come in escalation and with this look for an investment opportunity, today I have decided to immerse myself more in the ORCHI project, a decentralized market that seeks to achieve total anonymity in its transactions.
Comcepto del proyecto
Project concept
Es un mercado decentralizado con comunicaciones 100% anónimas que cuenta con redes privadas para resolver problemas de privacidad con servicios comerciales con riezgo de Centralizacion con protocolo per to per gratuito. En esta red los clientes crean redes enrutadas con uno o varios saltos de nodos aleatoria mente y filtra criterios según, precio ubicaciones y calidad, se especialisa en ser un sistema de pago probabilistico que alcanzaría a millones de transacciones en el mundo en tan solo 1 segundo, lo que permite un mercado con un ancho de banda grande y con una liquidez envidiable sin mencionar que es un sistema descentralizado , seguro y confiable.
It is a decentralized market with 100% anonymous communications that has private networks to solve privacy problems with commercial services with risk of Centralization with free per to per protocol. In this network, customers create routed networks with one or more random node jumps and filter criteria according to price, locations and quality, it specializes in being a probabilistic payment system that would reach millions of transactions in the world in just 1 second. , which allows a market with a large bandwidth and enviable liquidity, not to mention that it is a decentralized, secure and reliable system.
Alcance social.
Social reach.
Este sistema plantea poder ser llevado a escala mundial para si solventar el problema de las transacciones lentas y ese es su principal fuerte al tener un ancho de banda de transacción alto soportaría miles de transacciones simultáneamente sin colapsar su sistema. acctualmente cuenta con varias redes sociales para asi expandir su proyecto y ser reconocido a nivel mundial entre las mas populares y con mas movimientos son las siguietens:
This system proposes to be able to be taken on a global scale in order to solve the problem of slow transactions and that is its main strength as having a high transaction bandwidth would support thousands of transactions simultaneously without collapsing your system. He currently has several social networks in order to expand his project and be recognized worldwide among the most popular and with the most movements are the following:
Twitter : Acctualmente cuenta con mas de 60 mil seguidores, y publican informacion del proyecto apenas tenga una acctualizacion es una de las redes sociales mas acctivas que tienen hasta los momentos.
Twitter: It currently has more than 60 thousand followers, and they publish information about the project as soon as it has an update, it is one of the most active social networks that they have so far.

Youtube; Cuenta con una gran cantidad de vídeos informativos del proyecto y tiene un diseño agradable a la vista , se nota que le han dedicado tiempo a este canal por que todo esta bien ordenado y tiene mucha informacion explicativa referente al proyecto.
Youtube; It has a large number of informative videos about the project and has a design that is pleasing to the eye. You can see that they have dedicated time to this channel because everything is well organized and it has a lot of explanatory information regarding the project.
Facebook: Con una gran cantiada de seguidores al igual que en facebook comparte todo lo necesario para que las personas se mantengan informados de cada avanze que tenga el proyecto aunque no es una de sus redes sociales mas fuertes si se ven una gran cantidad de personas que apoyan y siguien el proyecto.
Facebook: With a large number of followers, as well as on Facebook, it shares everything necessary for people to stay informed of each progress that the project has, although it is not one of its strongest social networks if you see a large number of people who support and follow the project.
Web Proyect
Proposito del proyecto
Purpose of the project
Act as a VPN where customers are safe when making their transactions since it is the first Blockchain that wants to make all movements anonymous and it is almost impossible to detect where a movement has been made, for no one it is a secret that all Current VPNs reduce the speed of bandwidth, so the group of programmers came up with this great idea of creating a vpn that apart from making you anonymous on the network, serves to make transactions and trade on its own blockchain.
La respuesta actualmente en el mercado.
The answer currently on the market.
It is currently in 140th place in the general ranking with the most movements, with a total of $ 197,087,956 dollars moved in its last 24 hours and its price is around $ 0.885 with a price increase in the last hours of 27% among other important data of This currency can be said that there are currently some 367,584,352 OXT shares circulating in the market and its strongest market is
Por que invertir en esta moneda.
Why invest in this currency.
Me parece un proyecto solido personalmente buscando información sobre ella tuve la oportunidad de entrar a cada una de sus redes sociales y se ve que es un proyecto serio con una pagina web solida y única así como la información que presenta la mayoría de sus redes sociales son relevante otro punto que tomo en cuenta es que es el primer vpn que corre dentro de una block chain lo cual lo hace un producto novedoso sin mencionar la respuesta del mercado que tiene una tendencia alcista de principio a fin.
It seems to me a solid project personally looking for information about her I had the opportunity to enter each of her social networks and it is seen that it is a serious project with a solid and unique web page as well as the information that most of her social networks present are Another relevant point that I take into account is that it is the first VPN that runs within a block chain which makes it a novel product without mentioning the response of the market that has an upward trend from beginning to end.
Hello @anrosmarth,
Thank you for submitting homework task 6 ! You have done a very good analysis on orchid project. We organized article with clear facts.. nice work [7]
Thank you
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