Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season 9 Week 5 - "Cryptocurrency Mining"steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-108451 •  last year  (edited)


Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying life with the blessings of Allah Almighty. I am happy to take part in the exciting challenge hosted by SteemitCryptoAcademy community' Contest Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season 9 Week 5 - "Cryptocurrency Mining" So, without any further delay, let's dive right in!

What is cryptocurrency mining? How does it work? Can STEEM token be mined?

Blockchain technology operates in a decentralized way , where each blockchain employs its own methodologies to verify transactions. The process of verification and incorporating transactions into a blockchain network is commonly referred to as cryptocurrency mining. However this undertaking is far from effortless.

Initially, proof of work (POW) emerged as the the vary first mining method, wherein miners were required to tackle ambiguous mathematical problems to menage the transactions. However, subsequent to its introduction, various alternative mining strategy surfaced, such as proof of stake & delegated proof of stake (DPOS).

In essence, crypto mining parallels to the concept of real-world mining, such as extracting gold, wherein miners must exert substantial effort to locate valuable resources. Analogously, the procedure of Bitcoin mining is highly intricate, demanding significant computational power & electrical energy.

Within the cycle of crypto mining, miners undertake extensive labor to authenticate transactions through the resolution of colossal & intricate mathematical challenges. This also allows them to validate transactions and acquire newly minted cryptocurrency currencies , such as Bitcoin.

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Can STEEM tokens be mined?

Steem tokens can be obtained through a ways called mining, just like other cryptocurrencies. However, the mining process in the Steem community differs from many other blockchains. The Steem ecosystem utilizes a consensus protocol known as Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS).

Only the top 21 witnesses of the Steem blockchain are can able to mine Steem tokens. These witnesses are selected by the platform's stakeholders through voting process to system , with the voting power based on the user's stake. These witnesses play a most important role in validating transactions and generating blocks within the ecosystem.

Every time a steemit block is created, approximately 3.1 new Steem tokens are generated and distributed it to the top witnesses. The Steem blockchain produces a new block every 3 seconds, which resulting in 20 blocks being generated per minute. However, it's worth to noting that the block reward on the Steem ecosystem decreases over time due to the increasing inflation of Steem tokens. This minimize in block rewards may make mining Steem tokens more challenging in the future.

Name The various types of mining methods for cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency mining is the process of verifying transactions on a crypto blockchain network, & it employs various consensus protocols for block validation. Common and most famous methods of mining cryptocurrencies include validating transactions, utilizing consensus protocols, & participating in the blockchain network's validation process.

Proof of Work (PoW)

Proof of Work is an age-old technique for validating blocks, with miners tasked with solving intricate mathematical problems to verify transactions and earn newly generated tokens. Miners with greater computational power stand a higher chance of being the first to validate transactions and receive mining rewards.

Proof of Stake (PoS)

Proof of Stake (PoS) is an directive to consensus of protocol introduced to address the drawbacks of Proof of Work (PoW) . In powr of stake (PoS) block validators are chosen based on the amount they have staked on the platform. The higher the stake of a chain user, the greater their likelihood of becoming a block output . These selected validators receive mining rewards for validating blocks on the blockchain .

Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)

The Steem ecosystem utilizes a consensus protocol where the validation of transactions is entrusted to the top 21 steemit witnesses. These witnesses are chosen by platform stakeholders through voting process as i already discussed above . Mining rewards are generated with each new block & distributed among these top witnesses.

Proof of Burn (PoB)

In this strategy , mining rewards are created through token burning. Miners, who actively contribute to the growth of the blockchain , send tokens to inaccessible wallets known as dead or null wallets. In return for their contributions, these steem chain users receive new tokens as rewards.

Over with time, various consensus protocols have been introduced in the blockchain industry to address the limitations of earlier protocols in chain . These new protocols aim to overcome the drawbacks and improve the overall efficiency & effectivity of the blockchain technology.

Have you ever been involved in cryptocurrency mining?

This is interesting question and my answer to this question is no . Firstly reason of me why still not envolved in mining is low financial status anddomestic responsibility plus additionally lack of awareness .

The Pakistani government has declare crypto currency illigal in recent past few day , which has instilled fear in me and discouraged my participation in crypto mining. However, I have taken part in the Steem blockchain by employing the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) method. Specifically, I have voted for several trusted witnesses who play a vital role in verifying transactions on the Steem blockchain. Among the witnesses I have supported few witnesses include 1 pakistan witness .

Nevertheless, I am very my eager to venture into crypto mining once Pakistan fully legalizes cryptocurrencies. I believe that day is drawing near since cryptocurrencies are undeniably the future currency .

Give some of the Importance and benefits of cryptocurrency mining.

Cryptocurrency mining plays a mst important role in the digital currency ecosystem, providing several important benefits. Firstly, mining ensures the security & integrity of the blockchain network. Miners use their computing power to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain, creating a decentralized and transparent ledger. This is the process prevents fraud, double-spending,
unauthorized changes to the transaction history, enhancing the trustworthiness of cryptocurrencies.

Secondly, cryptocurrency mining also promotes decentralization. Unlike traditional banking systems that rely on a central authority, mining distributes the power among many participants. This decentralized nature makes cryptocurrencies resistant to censorship & control, as no single personality can menage the network. By encouraging widespread participation, mining fosters a more democratic & inclusive financial system.

Thirdly, mining incentivizes innovation and also technological development. Miners invest in powerful hardware & energy resources, driving advancements in computing technologies and energy efficiency. As the mining industry grows, it spurs research & development in the areas such as chip manufacturing, cooling systems, and renewable energy sources, leading to technological progress beyond the cycles of cryptocurrencies.

Lastly, mining offers financial opportunities to people and communities. Miners are rewarded with newly minted cryptocurrency tokens for their works in field , which can be sold or held as an investment. This provides a means for individuals to earn income & participate in the cryptocurrency economy. In some cases, mining operations can also gives courage to local economies by creating job opportunities and attracting investments to regions with abundant energy resources.


Name some of the challenges of cryptocurrency mining.

Cryptocurrency mining faces verious challenges that may impact its efficiency, profitability, and sustainability.

One significant challenge is the increasing difficulty of mining. As more miners join the chain & compete to solve complex mathematical problems, the difficulty level adjusts to maintain a consistent block generation time. This means that miners need more powerful & specialized hardware to stay competitive, which can be costly and lead to a higher barrier to entry.

Another prominent challenge is the high energy consumming associated with mining. Cryptocurrency mining requires ver enough computational power, which in turn requires a significant amount of electricity. This energy consumption has draw a big criticism for its environmental impact, particularly when mining is reliant on fossil fuel-based energy sources. The quest for more sustainable for mining exercises l, such as utilizing renewable energy, is an ongoing challenge for the industry.

Lastly but not least , the lifespan of mining hardware can poses a challenge. As technology advances rapidly, mining equipment can quickly become obsolete, reducing its efficiency & profitability. Miners must continously invest in upgrading their hardware to stay competitive, which can be financially demanding & may result in significant financial risks if the market conditions change or the value of mined cryptocurrencies declines.


Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all and participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it's time for me to move on. Take care and I hope to see you all again very soon , Best of Luck .

As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten

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Thanks you or sharing your valuable views and acknowledgement about cryptocurrency mining and it's significance in Crypto world. You also shared that you have no experience of cryptocurrencies mining but you shared logically reasons not to involve in it. Thanks for participating. Wish you good luck


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags. Curated by: @chant

You really discuss what is very useful for mining, I am very interested in your post, sir😊

Hola artist

El mundo de las cryptomonedas ofrece un sin fin de oportunidades para toda la población en general. La transparencia con la que son dadas las transacciones lo convierte en algo único.

Por otro lado es bueno que apuestes por testigos dentro de la plataforma que en su mayoría como dices están haciendo un espléndido trabajo.

Suerte y éxitos ✌️

  ·  last year (edited)

Hi @artist1111

Crypto mining and how it works is explained well in your post. I'm totally agreed with you that

over with time, various consensus protocols have been introduced in the blockchain industry to address the limitations of earlier protocols in chain .

These all are to improve mining industry and to overcome the problem of it.

Best of luck for the contest.
I need you feedback too on my post