Steemit Crypto Academy semana 7 Hometask por Professor @ stream4u | Gestión de dinero y gestión de carteras

in hive-108451 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Steemit Crypto Academy semana 7 Hometak

@stream4u | Gestión de dinero y gestión de carteras


Hola amigos saludos a todos los usuarios de steemit y al profesor @strean4u en la clase de la semana 7 nos hablo sobre la economia personal, gestion de diner y las carteras, un tema muy importante si decides ahorrar en cualquier acctivo no solo en criptomonedas, sobre todo la vision personal en futuras inverciones criptograficas, se podria decir que es una clase de economia pura.
Hello friends, greetings to all the users of steemit and to the teacher @ strean4u in the class of week 7 he told us about personal economy, money management and portfolios, a very important topic if you decide to save on any asset not only in cryptocurrencies, especially the personal vision in future cryptographic investments, it could be said that it is a kind of pure economics.



Administracion del dinero

Money Management

La administracion del dinero es un punto importante en las finansas personales, ya que una mala invercion puede hacerte perder mucho dinero, solo una vision calmada de la situacion y una buena investigacion del proyecto invertir hace que una invercion se convierta en algo beneficiosos, desde luego hay que estar atento a oportunidades imprevistas, por eso si quieres administrar bien tu dinero no puedes estar relajado hay que estar siempre atento asi nuestro capital crecera cada dia, a todo esto se le suma la importancia de saber administrarte y no derrochar en cosas inesezarias ya en un futuro habra tiempo para todo eso.
Money management is an important point in personal finances, since a bad investment can make you lose a lot of money, only a calm vision of the situation and a good investigation of the project investing makes an investment become something beneficial, of course You have to be attentive to unforeseen opportunities, so if you want to manage your money well, you cannot be relaxed, you have to always be attentive so our capital will grow every day, to all this is added the importance of knowing how to manage yourself and not wasting on unwanted things. in the future there will be time for all that.

A la hora de invertir en una criptomoneda lo recomendable es no tener todo el dinero en un solo criptoacctivo esto reduce el riezgo de perdida de dinero y muy por el contrario aumenta las posibilidades de ir incrementando nuestros ahorros, ya que si se tiene invertido todo en un solo proyecto y el mismo fracaza se perdera toda la invercion, claro esto es en caso extremos pero una simple caida del precio nos puede hacer perder mucho dinero dependiendo de la cantidad que tengamos en juego
When investing in a cryptocurrency, it is advisable not to have all the money in a single crypto asset, this reduces the risk of losing money and, on the contrary, increases the chances of increasing our savings, since if we have invested everything in a single project and the same failure will lose all the investment, of course this is in extreme cases but a simple drop in price can make us lose a lot of money depending on the amount we have at stake

Por eso la importancia de saber cuando entrar y salir del juego, y si divides toda tu invercion en varios acctivos tendras mas seguridad pero desde luego mas trabajo, aun asi es preferible eso a perder el dinero invertido.
That is why the importance of knowing when to enter and exit the game, and if you divide all your investment in several assets you will have more security but of course more work, even so it is preferable to losing the money invested.

Mi plan a futuro para administrar mi dinero

My future plan to manage my money

Antes de comentar mi plan es importante aclara que vivo en Venezuela, hay una crisis tremenda donde la gente come basura, recoge basura de la calle debido a un gobierno que a destruido todo si no fuera por esta red social, so sabria que hacer, por eso mi plan a futuro tengo que adaptarlo a la situacion que vivo, acctualmente administro mi dinero ahorrando en criptomonedas, son las unicas que me han sacado del fondo donde estaba asi que confio en ellas y en que son el futuro de los pagos en el mundo, el que no lo quiera aceptar pues esta atrazado, a futuro pienso invertir en varias monedas buscando asi una oportunidad de hacer crecer mis ahorros, ya que cuento con ahorros en BTC . USDT , STEEM y STEEM DOLAR .
Pienso dividir mi invercion en varias monedas, estoy a la espera de que el doge tenga esa explocion que tanto esperan aunque no me desvivo por eso, yo sigo buscando oportunidades para invertir en cualquier moneda prometedora, me he topado con muchos amigos y amigas que me pregunta que es mejor ? ahorrar en dolares Fisicos o en criptomonedas, y sin duda alguna les digo ahorra en steem.
Before commenting on my plan, it is important to clarify that I live in Venezuela, there is a tremendous crisis where people eat garbage, collect garbage from the street due to a government that has destroyed everything if it were not for this social network, so I would know what to do, for That is my plan for the future I have to adapt to the situation I live in, I currently manage my money saving in cryptocurrencies, they are the only ones that have taken me out of the bottom where I was so I trust them and that they are the future of payments in the world Whoever does not want to accept it because it is late, in the future I plan to invest in several currencies thus looking for an opportunity to grow my savings, since I have savings in BTC. USDT, STEEM and STEEM DOLAR.
I plan to divide my investment in several currencies, I am waiting for the doge to have that exploration that they are waiting for so much although I do not deviate because of that, I continue looking for opportunities to invest in any promising currency, I have come across many friends who have me question which is better? save in physical dollars or in cryptocurrencies, and without a doubt I tell you save in steem.

Gestión de carteras y plan futuro de gestión de carteras

Portfolio management and future portfolio management plan

Esta gestion es importante si no sabes administrar tu dinero no sabras invertir, en estas carteras recopilamos todas los acctivos que tenemos en una sola billetera, es recomendable usar una multichain, aunque muchos prefieron un exchanger para tener su dinero seguro, personalmente uso Bincance y Poloniex y me ha ido de maravilla, en ellas tengo control total de mis acctivos el momento que quiero proteger mi ahorro lo envio a una establecoin como USDT y cuando quiero invertir simplemente hago algun trade por la moneda que sienta que tenga mayor ganancias y liquidez, si no sabes majera estas cosas tam simples te encontraras grandes perdidas de dinero en tu wallet preferida, a parte tienes que saber elejir bien donde guardar tus acctivos ya que si quieres contar con cualquier tipo de cambio en cualquier momento es importante que soporte la obcion p2p y soporte tu moneda local .
This management is important if you do not know how to manage your money, you will not know how to invest, in these wallets we collect all the assets that we have in a single wallet, it is advisable to use a multichain, although many preferred an exchange to have their money safe, personally I use Bincance and Poloniex And it has gone great for me, in them I have total control of my assets the moment I want to protect my savings I send it to a stablecoin such as USDT and when I want to invest I simply make a trade for the currency that I feel has greater profits and liquidity, yes You do not know how to use these things too simple, you will find great losses of money in your favorite wallet, besides you have to know how to choose well where to save your assets since if you want to have any type of change at any time it is important that you support the p2p obcion and support your local currency .

Plan de gestión de cartera futura

Future portfolio management plan

Estoy analizando inverir recurrentemente en Steem y cuando quiera salir del intercambio respaldo mis acctivos en USDT, acctualmente he aplicado esa estrategia por un mes y me ha ido perfecto, es importante conocer esto ya que muchos dejan sus steem ahi sin hacer nada y este sube y baja de precio, aunque inconcientemente estan haciendo un hold, inconcientemente tambien estan perdiendo dinero y estan corriendo un riesgo de que la moneda caiga y todo lo que han ganado disminuya su valor, aqui mi plan es invertir en varias monedas con intercambios rapidos, y uno que otro de larga espera, asi esperar um boom y subida explosiva y ganar un poco mas de satoshis.
I am analyzing recurring investing in Steem and when I want to leave the exchange I back my assets in USDT, I have currently applied that strategy for a month and it has been perfect for me, it is important to know this since many leave their steem there without doing anything and it goes up and down. price falls, although unconsciously they are holding, unconsciously they are also losing money and are running a risk that the currency falls and everything they have gained decreases in value, here my plan is to invest in several currencies with fast exchanges, and one than another long wait, so wait for a boom and explosive rise and earn a little more satoshis.

¿Cuándo falló mi última inversión y por qué?

When did my last investment fail and why?

Mi ultima invercion fallo cuando intente depositar a binance y este me retuvo el deposito por mas de 3 horas, desde luego la moneda en la que queria invertir callo casi al suelo, y perdi el 20% de lo que queria invertir, ya binance me lo ha hecho 2 veces la otra vez se quedo con un dinero que le deposite. por eso tengo miedo aveces a la hora de depositar tan es asi que deposito cantidades pequeñas, otra ocacion cuando fallo una invercion que hice fue siguiendo los consejos de Elon Musk y me puse a invertir en DOGE Coin, apenas entre en el mercado se desplomo, por suerte solo eran 10 dolares invertidos .
My last investment failed when I tried to deposit to binance and it held my deposit for more than 3 hours, of course the currency in which I wanted to invest fell almost to the ground, and I lost 20% of what I wanted to invest, and binance He has done 2 times the other time he kept money that he deposited. That is why I am sometimes afraid when depositing so much so that I deposit small amounts, another time when I failed an investment that I made was following the advice of Elon Musk and I started investing in DOGE Coin, as soon as I entered the market it collapsed, luckily it was only 10 dollars invested.



Hay que saber el momento cuando entrar a un mercado para invertir, y tener conocimientos de la billetera que usas es importante, ya que si te confias y no dejas tus ahorros dentro de una stable coin puedes pasar una noche de pesadillas, otro aspecto importante es no dejarte guiar por personas externas es mejor perder dinero por tu cuenta a decir perdi dinero por que otra persona me indujo hacerlo, conociendo bien un proyecto y una moneda podras tener una leve intuision de cuando pueda subir mas que todo si la moneda se adentra a exchanges de calidad y nuevos, a parte las acctualizaciones de cada moneda tambien forman parte importante de las cosas que tenemos que tener en cuenta ya que nuevas tecnologias implica mejoras en la plataforma y cada mejora es un aumento de precio.
You have to know when to enter a market to invest, and having knowledge of the wallet you use is important, because if you trust yourself and do not leave your savings inside a stable coin you can spend a night of nightmares, another important aspect is not letting yourself be guided by external people it is better to lose money on your own than to say I lost money because another person induced me to do it, knowing well a project and a currency you can have a slight intuition of when it can rise more than everything if the currency enters Quality and new exchanges, apart from the updates of each currency are also an important part of the things that we have to take into account since new technologies imply improvements in the platform and each improvement is a price increase.



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Hi @bealau19

Thank you for joining Steemit Crypto Academy and participated in the Homework Task 7.

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Guidance, Feedback, Suggestions
Verification (Done, Hold)
Explained Well.
Looks good.

another time when I failed an investment that I made was following the advice of Elon Musk and I started investing in DOGE Coin, as soon as I entered the market it collapsed, luckily it was only 10 dollars invested

as soon as I entered the market it collapsed, I read this 3-4 times :) :), this happen with all at initial stage even this happen with me too which I remembred now thats why :), not sure if you have gone throught my last lecture.


And thats why I prefer only technical concept while trading and investment which I covered in all my lectures. I never do trading and investment based any news.

Your Homework task 7 verification has been done by @Stream4u, hope you have enjoyed and learned something new in the 7th course.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

@stream4u - this post is using copyrighted images from iStock - the watermark means they are not copyright free

It seems I only focus on the source and not closely look at the image. I will take care of it in future reviews.