Hello my dear friends of the Crypto Academy, a pleasure to greet you again in this new week of season 3. Today I have the pleasure to bring you the task of this week 2 of our teachers @awesononso who I am completely grateful for being part of this class, where I learned a lot thanks to your great conference ... Without further ado, let's start with the homework.
¿Qué es el bloque Génesis de una cadena de bloques? / ¿What is the Genesis block of a blockchain?
A Genesis block is the name given to the first block to be mined from a cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin. A blockchain consists of a series of so-called blocks that are used to store information related to the transactions that occur in a blockchain network. Each of the blocks contains a unique header, and each block is identified by its block header hash individually, in order to form a chain of blocks, also known as a blockchain.
These blocks are layered, one on top of the other based on the Genesis Block, and grow in height until the end of the blockchain is obtained and the sequence is finished. Unlike the Genesis Block, there is no previous block for reference. In other more practical words, it also implies that the Genesis Block has its previous hash value, which is set to 0. Before the Genesis Block, there has been no data processing. All blocks have a number of sequences starting with 1 and with the previous hash that is set from the previous block.
The rewards earned from a blockchain Genesis Block are generally not profitable. These blocks are generally characterized as being a central block and basically serve as the origin with which all other coins can fully trace their root and additional blocks can be built.
The hash of the Genesis Block is added to all new transactions in a new block. This combination is used to create your unique hash. This process is repeated until all the new blocks are added to a blockchain.
Every Genesis block created on the blockchain always has some meanings behind its creation. One example that we cannot overlook is the story of the Bitcoin Genesis Block, which was the first instance of a proof-of-work blockchain system and is the template for all the other blocks on its blockchains. This topic will be developed a little more in the next point of our task.
Bitcoin Génesis Bloque y su Significado / Bitcoin Genesis Block and it Significance.
Starting with the fact that the name "Satoshi Nakamoto" itself is a pseudonym, the Genesis Block and the founding of Bitcoin remain riddled with mystery. Shortly after the launch of Bitcoin, the person named "Satoshi Nakamoto" disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving barely a trace. This auspicious event paved the path to the continuing enigma surrounding what fans cordially call "the Block."
The origin of the Genesis Block is as shrouded in mystery as Nakamoto himself, with sketchy questions as to why the bitcoins within the original block are still unsustainable, why the subsequent block took six days, and why people still transfer bitcoins to the Genesis Block.
While Nakamoto never clearly expressed the meaning of the message, it has been interpreted by many as a reference to Why Nakamoto developed Bitcoin: to weed out banks and intermediaries he deemed corrupt and unreliable, choosing to create a more people-driven currency.
The genesis block hash, 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f, it has two more leading hex zeros than is needed for a leading block.
Although the original Genesis Block contained 50 bitcoins, people have been sending the address bitcoins in tribute to Nakamoto since the early days of the system.
These donations and tips take on an even more symbolic motif, as they may very well not be consumed when joined to the original address. It is unknown if Nakamoto's intention was not to allow the 50 bitcoins in the original block to be spent or if it was an oversight, but the Genesis Block has become synonymous with Nakamoto and exists as the backbone of the entire project and as a kind of sanctuary. for Nakamoto fans to drop their bitcoins, like a wishing well.
Perhaps the additional bitcoin offerings found on the Genesis Block are intended as an almost religious sacrifice, or perhaps a small "thank you" to the anonymous creator. Either way, Nakamoto casts a long shadow over his creation, and as Bitcoin moves further into the mainstream, more and more attention is being paid to the clues he left behind on the Genesis Block.
Go to Steem World and locate the Steem Genesis Block (You must provide screenshots and sign in as proof of completion).
° Para revisar nuestro Bloque de Génesis, tenemos que visitar Steem World
° To review our Genesis Block, we have to visit Steem World
° Entramos a la página, y tenemos que ir a Sing In... el cual tenemos que colocar nuestro usuario y clave posting.
° We enter the page, and we have to go to Sing In ... which we have to place our username and posting password.
° Una vez ya entrada con nuestra cuenta le damos a Block Explorer...
° Once we have entered our account, we give Block Explorer ...
° EL objetivo es ver el primer Libro, el cual le daremos a 1 y le damos en "Aceptar"
° The objective is to see the first Book, which we will give to 1 and click on "Accept"
° Nos saldrá el primer Bloque de nuestra plataforma junto con el testigo.
° We will get the first Block of our platform together with the witness.
To finish this task, the Genesis Block has been an important piece in the development of cryptocurrencies today, since it is definitely the most important mining process that has been developed in this world of crypto, thanks to it They have been able to develop thousands of other projects.
This task taught me a lot more about the Genesis Block as it never crossed my mind to examine the Block on our Steem platform and check out the little details about them. In advance I thank the teacher @awesononso for creating such a suggestive topic and being able to share it for us.
@beatriz01 / @awesononso