Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2: An Introduction to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 

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Unlike other tokens NFTs are tokens that cannot be replaced. They are based on Ethereum's ERC 721 protocol. These tokens represent something unique and original, which cannot be copied, modified or replaced.

These tokens can represent one-of-a-kind collectibles, such as digital artwork, music, files, among others.

We have a clear idea of these tokens thanks to the professor @levycore, and currently there are many new projects that are using this type of token. In this opportunity I want to talk about one of them Axie Infinity.

Axie Infinity

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Axie Infinity is a video game based on the Ethereum Blockchain created in 2018. The universe of Axie Infinity is inspired by Pokemon, with different gameplay such as fighting, breeding and collecting.

This game is still in its early stages, but despite that it has been ranked as the number 1 game on Ethereum for its large number of daily, weekly and monthly active users.

Axie Infinity adopts a new game model called "Play to Win" as it rewards its players for their contributions to the ecosystem through Blockchain economic design, thus allowing people from all over the world and all walks of life to get into Blockchain technology, even if they have never done so before. Because of the possibility of profit, it has attracted thousands of people from developing countries looking for a new income stream during these pandemic times.

Mission and Vision

According to its official website, Axie Infinity was created as a fun and educational way to introduce the world to Blockchain technology and has a vision of creating a future where work and play are one, as well as providing its players with economic opportunities, in addition to collecting cute creatures.

Axies, everyone is unique

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Axies are the creatures of the game, each of them are represented by an NFT Token on the Blockchain, this makes each Axie unique. The Axies are based on the Cryptokitties protocol to define their genetic system and determine the characteristics of each Axie, these characteristics can be inherited to their offspring through the reproduction of two of them.

These Tokens can be saved, transferred to other Ethereum addresses or also traded with other players through the Blockchain-based Marketplace.

Axies are divided into 9 classes (Beast, Aquatic, Plant, Bird, Bug, Reptile, Mech, Dawn, Dusk), these in turn are divided to correspond to three roles Axies play in a battle (tank to absorb hits, fighter to inflict large amounts of damage and Agile for fast attacks). Also each Axie has six body parts that can be of each of the classes, when combined they determine the general statistics of the Axie and the skill cards available in the battles. The class, body parts and cards are determined at the moment of the Axie's birth and can never be changed. Each one also has a unique identifier that represents it, which can never be replaced or modified.

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How to play

The game is designed as a universe of digital pets and can be played in the following ways.

•••• Fighting ••••

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The game uses an inactive battle system inspired by games like "Final Fantasy Tactics" and "Idle Heroes". Also in a real-time card battle system and the game is expected to have variations of battles in the coming years.

PvE - player versus environment, the battle system is the same as PvP with the difference that it basically consists of leveling up while facing increasingly difficult AI opponents.

PvP - player against player, at the beginning each player has a team of three Axies, some energy points and some cards, during each turn you are allowed to use the cards spending energy points, each card has an energy cost although some are free, so you must play wisely because each turn you can only get two additional energy points. Each card has an attack and defense score, plus some additional effects such as healing, enhancement and energy, these generally need certain conditions to be enabled. The order of the turns is determined by the speed stats of the Axies.

By winning battles you can obtain love potions, called SLP, which are needed for the following gameplay.

•••• Breeding ••••

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Like pets, Axies can be bred to create new Axies upon reaching adulthood, this takes five days to occur. Each Axie can reproduce up to seven times to avoid hyperinflation.

To breed an Axie you need an amount of love potions which increases as the Axie has more and more offspring, it also has a cost of 0.005 ETH.

As already mentioned, each Axie has six body parts in addition to its body shape. Each part has three genes, a dominant (D), a recessive (R1) and a minor recessive (R2), these have the possibility of being transmitted to the offspring, but since there are two Axies that reproduce there are multiple variations possible.
It is important to mention that these offspring can be sold on the Marketplace for a cost in ETH.

•••• Land ••••

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Lunacia is the homeland of the Axies, it is divided into plots of land, these act as homes for the Axies. Owners of these lands can find AXS tokens on the parcels or explore the resource nodes on the map using the axes occupied by the parcels. These resources are generated at the nodes and used to upgrade both the lands and the axes, and the owners will have first rights to the resources generated on their lands.

You can also encounter monsters called chimeras, which you can face, alone or in groups, in real time battles. These monsters will generate resources, elements and blueprints that can be used to improve lands and axes.

Play to Earn

The game has a self-sustaining economic system governed by the supply and demand of the players. To be able to play it is necessary to obtain at least three Axies, these can be obtained in the store, so to start it is necessary to make an investment of money. But the game allows to earn Cryptocurrencies in a consistent way. By winning battles the player gets love potions or SLP this is a token that is quoted in Binance, this token is necessary for the reproduction of the Axies so if you do not want to use for this purpose can be sold, and since the amount to use is considerable and mandatory arises a demand for SLP in the market. Also when obtaining Axie offspring they can be sold and depending on their rarity and purity the cost will increase. It is important to mention that the costs of SLP and Axies are given in ETH which have a value in the real world.

In addition, the game has recently released its own cryptocurrency called ASX (Axie Infinity Shard), which it plans to use in the future.


Axie Infinity is a revolutionary game that uses NFTs based on the Ethereum Blockchain, combines different game modes and is a good way for new people who have never played before to enter the Blockchain world. The fact that the game also allows to earn Cryptocurrencies, added to all the above, makes it a very interesting and appealing project for many people. Although the game is still in an initial phase, it has already become the number 1 Ethereum game and the future projections promise to be good and interesting, so it would be good to keep an eye on this project from now on.

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