Trading is the exchange of item for thing of value or value for value just like exchanging a commodity for cash and cash for commodity. With Trading on cryptocurrency we trade a coin for another coin of value depended on supply and demand the price is determined.
The first task by @besticofinder is to;
Make an article with short explanations of following fundamental trading terms : Altcoins , Stable coin , trading pair , Bagholder , HODL , Sats , Bear/Bearish , Bull/Bullish , FUD etc. You need to do your own research on each term and provide a small explanation.
So I will be explaining the fundamental trading terms.
Altcoins also known as Alternate coins are coins created on the blockchain after Bitcoin. Coins such as Dash, Ripple, litcoin, Steem, Doge, Ethereum, and so on. Altcoins were created to improve on some lags associated with the Bitcoin. Lags such as speed, fee, consensus mechanism and so on. Alts have their unique properties and they differ from that of Bitcoin.
Stable coin
Stable coins are cryptocurrencies that have their prices pegged to a stable currency and/or asset. As we know, non-stable cryptocurrencies are very volatile and so when doing business transactions, it is required to have crypto assets that hold value equivalent to that of a fiat which does not fluctuate. With cryptocurrency volatility, loans, derivatives, and prediction of market can't be attained but with stable coins.
Trading pair
Trading pairs are functions where two trading assets are traded with one another. It is can be regarded as a market front to trade two different coins or asset on an exchange.
Bag holder
Bag Holders are investors or traders who keep underperforming/worthless assets. In cryptocurrency, this assets are regarded as shit coins.
This is a slang in cryptocurrency used to mean holding of an asset for a long time instead of selling for short gains with the aim that the asset will increase in price.
This is the short word for Satoshi, which is the smallest divisible part of a Bitcoin named after the founder of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto. A Sat is 0.00000001 of a Bitcoin.
This is a continuous fall in the price of coins. It is regarded as a period when there are more shorting in the market to longs. If the price of assets in the market drops continuously, it is said that there is a bear in the market.
When there is a high buying force in the market leading to an increase in the price of assets in the market, then there is a bull in the market. When this continues for a long time, it is then regarded as a Bull Run.
An acronym for Fear Uncertainty and Doubt is referred to as the psychological game of creating fear, doubt or uncertainty about a particular coin which would lead to the fall in the price of the coin.
There are a lot of terms that should be known before trading cryptocurrency and explaining these few is a good start. Thanks to Steemit for the crypto academy and thanks to @besticofinder for the class.