Larix is a project built on the solona blockchain. Solona blockchain is known and identifies as the most scalable blockchain ever. The scalability rate of the solona blockchain cannot be compared to any other blockchain. Their transaction rate is far lower and the speed is awesome. Imagine the processing of more than 50,000 transactions per secs. Damn! That's fucking ceiling-breaking
When you talk about a lending platform on the solona blockchain, Larix is one to mention because they are just new and they aim to cut across almost every angles (Not only cryptocurrency)
Some of the info can be gotten from the coin market cap. see below a screenshot.
Larix token did their IEO between September 15 2021 and sep 16, 2021, and that was 30 days ago. The token for sale was 6,666,666 LARIX, and on the coin market cap, you can check their info all through. As of when this post was created, the coin was $0.6
The coin is listed on various platforms like, bitmart, and so on and they are the first lending protocol on the solona blockchain.
Question 5
Create an imaginary token. Write about the project including its use case. Develop an ICO which includes Private sales (3 stages) and Public sales (1). Note that: You are expected to explain what the funds are intended to be used for, your Private sale should have 3 stages, and specify the initial supply available, and the price you are issuing the token in each stage. Also, specify the price you are issuing the token at the Public sale phase (including the supply)***
Earn while typing(EWT TOKEN)
Most of us know about Mavis Beacon. What do they do? They help users to improve their typing speed. So this concept is also the same, but the difference is that you get rewarded as you type. This is the sole use case of this token. But to participate, you need to have some token in your wallet to be able to mine the EWT token. But there's a free version that enables users to type and check their WPM
EWT used a set of nodes to create sustainable means of interaction with the steem network. Using proof of stake concepts, I derive a system called typingShare. TypingShare is key to ensure the growth of the Earnwhiletyping ecosystem is well tracked, managed and sustainable. Also, it determines the governing power of users in the ecosystem. Users' typing share is primarily determined by the controlled power of 10,000,000,000, circulating supply of the EWT token, and user’s stake
User’s EWT = Uewt
Con-pow = 10,000,000,000
supply = 900,001,000
(Uewt * Con-pow / supply = typingShare)
How to determine the typing share of users
If John have 12,000 EWT, his typing share would be calculated thus using the typing share formula
12,000 x 10 billion / 900 million = 133,333.333
So it means john’s typing share from the 12,000 EWT he’s holding in his wallet is 133,333.333.
Every user’s typing share is calculated the same way with respect to their holdings.
Typing credit recharge rate
For every user, it takes approximately 432,000 seconds for typing credit to recharge if exhausted, just as we have RC on steem. However, the user's stake determines the regeneration speed. The higher the stake the higher the account would generate in a minute
Typing Credit consumption
In other to have a well-managed and sustainable system in case of congestion, there is a set of nodes that manages users' transactions and activities, and they are all created by
@ckole. However, activities on Earn while typing consume a fixed amount of the user typing credit. The consumption is explained below
Typing takes 5%
competing with others takes 2%
Likes/Dislikes 1 %
All these makes the platform more functioning and alive
Allocation & Supply
The EWT token has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens, out of which 10,000,000 EWT are fixed for public sales. The rest are fixed for miners as they type and carry out other activities. There are ways that the EWT could be mined, but most access is put in the typing activities. However, one of the key EWT use in regulating the mining of the token is the inflation rate. The inflation rate reduces mining in every percentage just to make the token scarce and boost its price in the market
1st private sale
Date: 30th january 2021
Token Price: $0.50
Token Available: 2,000,000 EWT
Amount generated: $1,000,000
2nd private sale
Date: 5th March 2021
Token Price: $0.65
Token Available: 3,000,000 EWT
Amount generated: $1,950,000
3rd private sale
Date: 25th June 2021
Token Price: $0.75
Token Available: 3,500,000 EWT
Amount generated: $2,625,000
From the three private sale, $5,575,000 was generated.
public sale
Date: 15th september 2021
Token Price: $1
Token Available: 1,500,000 EWT
Amount generated: $1,500,000
System upgrades and changes will constantly happen on the EWT platform when they are deemed valuable for the ecosystem. In system upgrades/changes, there will be a means for agreement between the 50 top EWT token holders within the ecosystem before any changes will be made on the nodes and the system in general. The top 50 holders are known as the EWT power members
This will make users of the EWT platform try to be among the first 50 holders of the token
This project is solely designed by
@ckole (An upcoming developer (front and back end. I'm good at HTML, CSS, bootstrap, React native (not completely perfect), javascript (halfway), and NodeJS ))
Question 6
What are the criteria required for listing a token on CoinMarketCap. Is there a criteria for listing an asset on a Centralized Exchange? If Yes, use an exchange for your explanation in response to the question
There are criteria really. Every field must be filled in the form designed by coinmarketcap for listing of coin.
You must sign with your email
The full name of your project is required
You must accept all their terms and conditions
Discuss your relationship with the project in full for them to know who you are
It's also important that you give the full description of the project and the platform on which it's built
Your team members must be included. The country where the project is located must also be included
All the information about the person listing the coin and the information about the project would be collected. If any of this info is not complete, there's a possibility of a request being turned down.
listing of centralized excahnge
Every platform has its policies and ways of listing. I would be using Houbi as a case study. On the Huobi platform, you can see the 'apply to list' in the footer of their website. Clicking on it would take you to a new page where you would have to fill in all the information about yourself, the team, the project and accept all their terms and conditions
Also, the company must be registered because you will have to upload several documents to proof that you are not trying to fake their system. There are other steps too. [You can get them through their application center and authentication](
Thanks for reading.
This is ckole the laughing gas
One love