Steemit Crypto Academy Feedback by @daiky69

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Hello, I'm @daiky69 and I'm from Indonesia, this is my feedback post for the steemit crypto Academy season 5. Actually I have followed the steemit crypto Academy from seasons 3 to 5. I am very grateful to @steemitblog who has given us the opportunity to provide feedback on Crypto Academy's steemit performance so far.

I've been keeping these things under wraps even before season 5, but I'm not brave enough to share them because I know it's not my right and it's not my domain to interfere. But this time, it's @steemitblog who wants to hear feedback from us.

In this season 5, I had the opportunity to take all classes because I had fulfilled all the requirements. So every week, I almost certainly finish two posts from the advanced class, sometimes I also finish the tasks from the beginner and intermediate class. So there are some points that I will highlight in my feedback this time.

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Not Working Well

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In this section I will highlight some parts that I think have not worked well, after that I will give my ideas and input, if it is acceptable then I will be happy, but if it is not accepted that's okay too.

Delay in voting

In this season, I saw that only the @steemcurator02 account was activated to give rewards/votes to all students' homework. But I think this doesn't work smoothly, because Voting Power @steemcurator02 requires a break so that a lot of homework is missed. The number of homework posts made by students causes delays in giving rewards/votes.

In fact, almost 50% of beginner class students have to repost in order to get votes, this is very different from previous seasons. In the previous season, there were not as many students who participated in the crypto Academy as it is now, and prizes/votes were also given through two accounts (@steemcurator01 and 02). SC01 is devoted to advance classes and SC02 for beginner and intermediate classes so that all homework from students can be handled properly, and does not cause delays in giving votes.

Professor has worked really hard

I am very impressed with the performance of the professors, I know it is not easy to review dozens of posts made by students, especially those who work in the beginner class. I know professors @nane15, @sachin08, @reminiscence01, and @lenonmc21 have to work extra hard to review hundreds of posts every week, I really appreciate their hard work (thanks professor).

However, if they can, they must work together in reviewing the students' posts so that they are not late in providing a review. I highlight the collaboration between professors @reddileep and @kouba01 in the advanced class. They both really work very well together and help each other in reviewing posts. Professor @fredquantum also works very perfectly and very fast.

I know the homework that goes in the advanced class is not as much as the beginner class, but if the professors can work together as shown by professors @reddileep and @kouba01 then it will be really amazing. Overall I really appreciate the hard work of all the professors, thanks to all of you.

Club5050 has been going well but there are still gaps

I'm not against the idea of ​​#club5050, #club75, or club100. I know this is for the good of the community and the steemit platform, but there are still gaps in the field. I think it's still not working properly, so allow me to give you an idea of ​​why there is no inequality.

First, steemit users who can only take part in SCA at the beginner level cannot make withdrawals at all because it will cause them to fail to join club5050. To be honest, I really like this idea but I think that the distribution of prizes at this time is not in favor of those who play at the beginner level. Because they can only earn $2.5 sbd per post, not to mention there are homework posts that they can't do so they can only finish one post per week, and they must at least power up 150 steem per month.

I have some friends who say they can't make withdrawals because they have to power up every week to meet the club5050 requirements, and I saw it myself. I continue to motivate them to continue to power up and increase their account reputation so that they can take part in the intermediate class and below.

I personally think, it's very unfair to professor @sapwood for not getting curated for every homework post that he publishes every week. The reason is because he was unable to join club5050, and maybe another reason is because he didn't power up in the previous season. This is due to the economic downturn that hit the world, especially developing countries like us, so professor @sapwood made a withdrawal for all the steem he made in the previous season.

However, if he was able to join club5050 in the previous season, then I'm sure that last season 5 he would meet the requirements. Now he's getting worse because he has to power up at least 150 steem for the next season, I know he can't buy it because of economic problems. So let's help him, by sending 1 steem or more per user who cares for him, so he can join club5050 for the next season.

Please only use one language, that is English

We really had a hard time understanding Spanish because it wasn't translated well by google translate, so we wanted the professor to use English, only English don't use other language.

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Things That Have Worked Well

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Student has successfully followed all protocols

There may still be some students who make mistakes and so on, but that has been decreasing and students have grown rapidly to follow all existing protocols. Although some people out there criticize us and our community, because we should be rich already if we are able to trade with the knowledge we have at SCA.

It should be underlined that, not all of the strategies we plan work perfectly, sometimes we fail or succeed, but for sure we have to keep learning and have the courage to try to trade directly. Then we don't have to pay attention to them

The professor has served all the students well

There are some newcomers who still need guidance to take crypto Academy classes, and thankfully the professors are gentle enough to serve us all even though he himself is tired.

So here are some points that I can convey, while others I think have gone perfectly, we just have to continue it for the next season. Now I'm going to give some ideas for the coming season, hopefully it's acceptable.

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Things That Need To Be Improved More

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Homework publishing accelerated

For this season and previous seasons, the homework given by the professor may still be a little late, some even exceed 20 hours from the end of the previous week's homework. If only the professors were able to prepare homework the day before the end of the assignment for the week, then they could publish the next homework right after the end of the week before. For now, only professor @kouba01 is doing it on time.

This doesn't mean I'm criticizing the processor's performance, I really appreciate their efforts and kindness, but this is just a suggestion from me to improve the community to be more patient and disciplined. However, if it is 1 to 6 hours late, it is still understandable because of the time difference in our countries.

Professors work together to do a review

The beginner professor is probably the worst, because there are more than 100 posts that come in every week. If only one professor does a review of assignments, then delays are inevitable unless the professor doesn't sleep for 24 hours, and this not possibles be because they need rest and health is expensive. So it's a good idea for them to work together by dividing tasks, for example, professor A is doing the review today and tomorrow is professor B.

We hope that no posts have to be reposted

We know @steemcurator02 will have to recover VP after voting for 50 posts, it may take a few hours to recover VP. However, in previous seasons, this rarely happened because SC01 was focused on the advanced class and SC02 at the beginner and intermediate level. We really hope it will be like the previous seasons and there will be no more posts to be reposted.

Homework must be adjusted to the level of each class

There are some assignments that may not seem suitable for Intermediate and beginner classes because of the difficulty, maybe there are still some students who do it but not for some other students because they are too difficult or maybe there are those who think the assignments given are not in accordance with the curation that we will get.

So it's better if the homework is reviewed before it is published, whether it is suitable for beginner or intermediate class or not. Again, this is just my opinion not to blame the professor because I know it's not easy being a professor who has to work extra hard. But in particular, the beginner level season 5 yesterday worked well and all the homework was appropriate and suitable for that level.

Adding course material

We also hope that there will be additional lecture material, especially in the beginner and intermediate classes so that they can produce more steem to do power ups and as income.

Add two weeks for one season

Currently one season consists of 8 weeks, then SCA will take a break of 2 or 3 weeks. But think, why don't we just make it 10 weeks for one season.

Removed the power up requirement of 150 steem

We know this is in our common interest so that the price of steem can increase, but this requirement is less relevant for users who want to join SCA or users in the beginner class, they will find it difficult to follow all these requirements.

The only thing that should be reviewed is spending, so if we transfer 150 steem to an exchange or other user, then there must be 150 also power up. So the assessment of power ups in terms of expenses, do not require 150 steem per month.

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What did you think of the marking scheme for Academy posts? And the rewards available?

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For the grading system given by the professor, I think it's good and worth keeping. All professors have done very well and gave appropriate and fair grades, although there are one or two mistakes that occur, this is understandable because we humans are bound to make mistakes.

One thing I want the professor to explain in detail is our point of error, so that we know where it went wrong and can fix it. If indeed the point deduction is made on the authenticity of the post, then explain why it was deducted.

However, for available rewards, I think this is still not suitable. I know this is the impact of the recent decline in the price of steem, causing a weakening of the voting weight of @steemcurator02. I don't feel like the current rewards match because we have to power up 50% of our income. Imagine for those who can only take part in the beginner class, they will find it difficult and even unable to make withdrawals because they have to save 150 steem in order to participate in the next season.

The advanced class has also decreased recently, even though with the implementation of club5050 we have to get a slightly bigger reward than usual. I personally will try to join club75 if the rewards are bigger, like when this idea was implemented in SCA season 4, where people who power up get bigger rewards.

Even some people who post Diary game that almost always get more than $50 votes per day, they follow club5050 or club75 because they get a big reward for each post. We who do the advanced class homework spend 24 hours or more for one post. But if we only get a score of 7 and below, then we can be sure the reward is below $25 then we will have a hard time joining club75.

This is not for rebellion, this is just my heart's content. But if this is considered unreasonable then do not ignore this section. In essence we only want the best for steemit, the community and all steemit users. I will follow all the rules and wish the best for the steemit platform.

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Thanks to steemit, SCA, and all professors

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Overall I feel SCA is doing well and perfectly in raising community standards and also teaching people about cryptocurrencies, although some people only take part in SCA classes and don't practice it directly in the market.

But in particular I am very grateful to the SCA community for teaching me a lot of knowledge. Before, I didn't dare to go directly into the cryptocurrency market because I didn't know anything about cryptocurrency trading, but after I took the SCA class my knowledge has grown tremendously. Even though I still make some mistakes when trading, I understand that not all strategies work perfectly.

So SCA has really improved my overall knowledge, that's why I want to thank all the professors who teach us tirelessly every week. Rewards from SC01 and SC02 are a nice bonus for us. Thank you also to the steemit team for your kindness, because we know that social media needs each other between users and the platform, if there are no users, it is certain that the platform will die and will not run as it should.

Best Regards @daiky69

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Oo, this is amazing, you deserve to apply to be Professor for this season.

There are others who are more worthy,

I support the idea of adding extra material to beginners and intermediate and also making it 10weeks per season, I also like the idea of sending relieve to Professor @sapwood because he's been very dedicated to the cryptoacademy and deserves much more than what he is getting.
Anyway I still think the idea of 150steem power ups monthly is good and should remain, personally it has forced me to save more steem than I would have done normally and believe same applies to many other users.
If the first point I recalled on adding more lecture to intermediate and beginners classes then it will solve the problem of not being able to withdraw in other to power up.
Much respect friend 👍🏾

Thanks brother, yes, if the 150 steem power up is not removed from the rules, the team must be dedicated by adding 3 lecture materials for the beginner class and 3 for the intermediate class. Or by adding a reward for beginner and intermediate classes.

Even some people who post Diary game that almost always get more than $50 votes per day, they follow club5050 or club75 because they get a big reward for each post. We who do the advanced class homework spend 24 hours or more for one post. But if we only get a score of 7 and below, then we can be sure the reward is below $25 then we will have a hard time joining club75.

I completly agree with you. Rewards for SCA users not suitable. Because here we working hard,spending huge time here but those are not worthy thats much.

If they incresase rewards for SCA,then we can full fill our needs along with requirements to participate.

I prefer the rewards in season 4 yesterday for the advanced class.

Yes i read.

Asli bang @daiky69 setuju lage droeneh pegah, long season 5 nyo hanjet peget homework karena hana memenuhi 150 steem/month dan club50. Semoga saran droeneh iterimeng le awaknyan.

Mudah-mudahan season uku jeut ikot. Nak rame awak tanyo yang na power.

Hi @daiky69,

Many of the things you raise here are true and can be improved, especially at the beginner level, which is a good idea to add more teachers because there are many more tasks. And encourage the entry of beginners by making the requirements more flexible, I agree with that.

And in general, the performance of the Cryptoacademy I also agree that it is good in general because it has allowed us to obtain a lot of knowledge that is important in this ecosystem.

I liked reading you, thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading my post too.
