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Sukses untuk kontesnya ya.. thanks atas undangannya

Terima kasih buk @sailawana kunjungannya 🙏

I'm impressed by the effort you've put into that article, despite your mention of still getting the hang of it. On a lighter note, there are a few inaccuracies in the information presented in the post. However, please rest assured that you will continue to improve over time. 🙂

Thank you @waqarahmadshah

You are welcome. 😊

Congratulations on participating in the Crypto Academy contest! Your insights on how news and events impact cryptocurrency prices are valuable. Keep learning and improving your understanding over time.

Terima kasih, saya akan terus mempelajari yang lebih dalam tentang cryptocurrency.

Great insights shared in your article! Remember, news can indeed impact cryptocurrency prices significantly. Keep learning and improving your understanding. Congratulations on participating in the Crypto Academy contest!

Terima kasih, pastikan saya akan semakin mempelajarinya.

Welcome brother ☺️

Your insights on how news and events impact cryptocurrency prices are valuable. Keep learning and improving your understanding over time. Congratulations on participating in the Crypto Academy contest!

Thank you @malikusama1

Hola Elrazi 😊

Veo que no obtuviste lso resultados que quisieras, pero la verdad aqui en la crypto hay que esforzarse bastante, asi que te invito a que siempre que hagas una tarea, investigues lo mas que puedas y des lo mejor de ti.

Saludos 😊

Thank you brother @marianaceleste

thanks for trying your best to participate in this engagement challenge but unfortunately your participation is not like this as it should be according to the requirement of the contest because you don't go into depth in any question as well as it seems that you don't have enough knowledge about that topic but still I wish you good luck for your future