RE: Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S8W4 - Blockchain Oracles

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Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S8W4 - Blockchain Oracles

in hive-108451 •  last year 

Wow @artist1111, this post was very informative and gave a great overview of blockchain oracles. I was impressed by the use cases you highlighted in each industry, like how DeFi applications can use oracles to access financial data and gaming platforms to create more engaging experiences. It's incredible how much decentralized oracles can affect our lives in such positive ways!

I'm excited to see how else blockchain oracles will be used to unlock the potential of smart contracts and how they'll help create trustless solutions to complex problems. Keep up the good work!

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Hey @fabiha thank you for your valuable feedback. I appreciate your precious time that you gave to my article .