Steemit Crypto Academy week 6 - Stable Coins @yohan2on by @florni

in hive-108451 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Thanks in advance teacher @yohan2on for correcting my homework

Que es DAI


Es una criptomoneda descentralizada, el cual se mantiene respaldad por la moneda digital ethereum manteniendo un valor estable siendo DAI una moneda que emplea la plataforma ethereum con dicho margen de variación de 1USDT a 1 con el dólar estatal a diferencia de otras monedas, manteniendo una copia de seguridad de los activos dentro de las plataformas para mantener la estabilidad en su valor, almacenándola en digital y donde cualquier usuario no compran la criptomonedas DAI sino que la generan a cambio de ETHERS. si que haya una empresa detrás de ella y poner a sus usuarios en un intermediario.

Garantizando estabilidad, sin que nadie pueda bloquear tus fondos, además de protegernos de hiperinflaciones a nivel internacional. operando a través de una red de código abierto en ethereum que permite a los usuarios obtener el control y liberar su dinero tanto del envío como de la recepción de transferencias en cualquier billetera digital.

Cada DAI se crea a través de un protocolo de marcado cada vez que los usuarios depositan a nivel global y emiten un DAI al ser un proceso automatizado que no se puede manipular, solo se puede poner en circulación.

Cuando hay soporte para cada DAI, podemos usarlo en cualquier comerciante para pagar en línea, así como también podemos recibir dinero de miembros de la familia en todo el mundo de forma gratuita, lo que permite que cada persona compre y venda a cada usuario que tenga monedas de DAI a través de la billetera digital en diferentes plataformas de intercambio sin ningún riesgo que permitan que el comercio dure completamente en la cadena de bloquesde ethreum.

DAI cumple con todas las especificaciones de una moneda ya que un usuario puede enviar, recibir y resguardar sus valor el cual no es controlada por un grupo selecto con fin personal.Como tambien podemos participar como jurado antes las desiciones tomadas por el destino de DAI.

Nos permite hacer transacciones globales donde cada usuario puede mover sus dolares digitales, internacionaless y remesas.
Esta moneda se puede cambiar por un dólar estadounidense. También sirve para mantener en reposo los criptoactivos mientras opero en otros mercados.

  • Respaldado por dólares reales

  • Tiene un respaldo de dólares estadounidenses que obviamente da más confianza
    basado en ethereun

  • Esta red blockchain es muy estable con contratos inteligentes y fuertes sistemas de seguridad

  • Transacciones globales

  • Esta plataforma no tiene problemas de acceso a países, es totalmente gratuita con muy fácil acceso y alta liquidez criptográfica.


It is a decentralized cryptocurrency, which is supported by the digital currency ethereum, maintaining a stable value, being DAI a currency that uses the ethereum platform with said variation margin of 1USDT to 1 with the state dollar unlike other currencies, maintaining a copy security of assets within the platforms to maintain stability in their value, storing it digitally and where any user does not buy the DAI cryptocurrencies but rather generates it in exchange for ETHERS. if there is a company behind it and put its users in an intermediary.

Guaranteeing stability, without anyone being able to block your funds, in addition to protecting us from hyperinflations at the international level. operating through an open source network on ethereum that allows users to gain control and free their money from both sending and receiving transfers on any digital wallet. Each DAI is created through a marking protocol every time users deposit globally and issue a DAI as it is an automated process that cannot be manipulated, it can only be put into circulation.

When there is support for each DAI, we can use it at any merchant to pay online, as well as we can receive money from family members around the world for free, allowing each person to buy and sell to each user who has DAI coins through the digital wallet on different exchange platforms without any risk that allow the trade to last completely on the ethreum blockchain.
DAI complies with all the specifications of a currency since a user can send, receive and safeguard its value which is not controlled by a select group for personal purposes.
As we can also participate as a jury before the decisions made by the destiny of DAI. It allows us to make global transactions where each user can move their digital, international and remittance dollars
This currency can be exchanged for one US dollar. It also serves to keep crypto assets at rest while I operate in other markets

  • Backed by real dollars
    It has a backing of US dollars that obviously gives more confidence
    based on ethereun

  • this blockchain network is very stable with smart contracts and strong security systems

  • Global Transactions

  • This platform does not have access problems to countries, it is totally free with very easy access and high cryptographic liquidity.


  • stable value.

This currency can be exchanged for one US dollar. It also serves to keep crypto assets at rest while I operate in other markets

  • Backed by real dollars

It has a backing of US dollars that obviously gives more confidence

  • based on ethereun

this blockchain network is very stable with smart contracts and strong security systems

  • Global Transactions

transaction that can be created from anywhere in the world


For his attention given to each student within this prestigious academy.

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Hi @florni

Thanks for attending the 6th Crypto course and for your effort in doing the given homework task.

This is good work. Well done with the research on DAI stable coin. You just have to keep improving on the clarity of your explanations.

Homework task

Greetings Professor, thank you very much for your correction and your advice, I take your valuable advice, blessings for you