Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 3: Week 5 || Death cross & Golden cross, How to use Binance P2P trade by @g0h4mroot for the Cryptoprofesor @yousafharoonkhan.

in hive-108451 •  4 years ago 


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Question no 1: Define Death Cross and Golden Cross in your own words. And what is the significance of DC and GC in trade? And what effect do these two have on the market?(in your own words.)

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In trading and within technical analysis we always hear that moving averages are very effective indicators, if we analyze the market in the long term, moving averages provide us with great reliability when creating a position, in general we hear about exponentials of 50 and 200 periods.

these averages are extremely important because they give a very strong signal, so we say that a moving average of 50 periods is a fast average and an average of 200 periods is a slow average, when these averages are intercepted in a specific way we can To say that we are facing a death cross or a gold cross, when long periods are used to study the graphs, these averages generate fewer signals but the signals are more exact, while if we use shorter periods, we will have more signals but not all will be true, we must bear in mind that short periods generate many false signals, below we detail each crossing.

Death Cross:

This is the name given to the intersection of the moving averages, this death cross is generated when the exponential moving average of 50 periods falls below the exponential average of 200 periods, this indicates a possible downtrend, Although the death cross does not give us entry, it is advisable to combine it with other indicators to have a very good market strategy.


Golden Cross:

When the 200 period moving average crosses above the 50 period exponential moving average and rises, it indicates that the golden cross was generated, and we are facing a strong signal of an uptrend.

We can use a simple moving average or an exponential moving average to look at the different crosses, either of them are good for this!


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Question no 2: Explain the points given below.

How many days moving average is taken to see Death cross and Golden cross in market for better result and why?

How to see death cross and golden cross on the chart.

Explain Death cross and Golden cross on the chart, (screenshot necessary)

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To make an assertive technical analysis, it is advisable to use the fast moving average of 50 periods and the slow moving average of 200 periods, for this we must bear in mind that 200 period is equivalent to 200 days, that is, a little more than six months.

This 200 day slow average is used to look at the death cross or golden cross in the long term.

To determine a death cross or a golden cross in the short term, the average of 50 periods or less is used, although the standard is normally used, which is equivalent to 50 days.

Because the technical analysis that is done using an average of 200 periods, is equivalent to almost a year of market behavior, the signals are more accurate, this type of analysis generates fewer signals although they are more forceful.

the market is studied for almost a year, to determine this type of behavior, while the moving averages are slower, more accurate and generate fewer false signals, which makes a trader trust more in these moving averages, unlike the faster moving averages that generate more signals but many of these signals are false.

How to see death cross and golden cross on the chart.

To watch the death cross or the gold cross is simple, we just have to open a chart and configure the moving averages as explained below:

For this I will use trading view here I leave the link:

  • We look for the pair we want to look at, in my case I chose the BTC / USDT pair.



  • then click on the next box.


  • there we click to configure our moving averages.


  • ready we already have our mobile media configured.


Explain Death cross and Golden cross on the chart, (screenshot necessary)

In this graph using the BTC / USDT pair, we can see how the moving averages cross, taking into account that the 50-period moving average that is the orange average crosses the green moving average and breaks upwards, starting a strong uptrend.

always usually waiting for a confirmation of 2 candles to be 100% sure of the change in trend.


In this graph using the BTC / USDT pair, you can see the 200-period moving average, this moving average is the green one, when the 200-period green moving average crosses the orange moving average and breaks above the average of 50, gives us a strong signal of a downtrend.

always usually waiting for a confirmation of 2 candles to be 100% sure of the change in trend.


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Question no 3:

What is Binance P2P and how to use it ?
How to transfer cryptocurrency to p2p wallet?
How to sell cryptocurrency in local currency via p2p (any country or coin)(screen shot neccessary to verify account)

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What is Binance P2P and how to use it? To know what binance P2P is, we must first know what P2P means.

This term for its acronym in English means Person to Person, and it is an exchange that occurs between two parties. In the case of p2p binance, it is a section within the exchange that is used to change our cryptocurrencies to fiat money, this trade is carried out between 2 parties, a party that wants to buy and one that wants to sell.

Binance for its part acts as an intermediary, while the buyer makes the shipment, Binance retains our cryptocurrencies and isolates them, to protect the purchase, and gives us some time for the counterparty to release the coins in a period of 30 minutes, if the counterparty does not release the funds binance proceeds to release them.

In the p2p exchange of Binance we can exchange our cryptocurrencies for almost all the existing fiat currencies in each country, except for a few countries that have binance blocked.

in the p2p market of Binance we can buy our cryptocurrencies through a credit card, or as explained above to another person who wants to sell their cryptocurrencies for fiat money.

How to transfer cryptocurrencies to p2p wallet?

To transfer our cryptocurrencies to the p2p market is extremely simple.

1- we enter in Binance.


2- click in resume wallet.


3- select the spot wallet.


4- we click on transfer.


5- we choose spot wallet to send and select p2twallet to receive.



6- we click on transfer and that's it.


go to the p2p section of our wallet and they will be there.


1- click on sell in this case.


2- we choose the currency that we want to receive in return.


3- then we choose the merchant that best suits our taste, I say this because there are many merchants that handle different prices and banks.


4- We place the amount we want to sell, in this case 0.041BNB = $ 12. 47, we set up the bank and we wait for our counterpart to make the transfer, for us to proceed to release the cryptocurrencies and voila, the money will be in our bank in seconds.



5- click in sell and finished.


At the time of releasing the money, we will receive one or more codes, depending on the 2fa configuration that we have, there are 4 factors in total, we need to configure at least 2 to be able to make Transactions in the p2p trade.

  • 1- phone configuration: in this case we receive a text message with a code that we must type when releasing the money.

  • 2- email confirmation: When adding this configuration, they will send us the confirmation code to our email that we have registered in binance.

  • 3- Google authenticator or any other app that generates codes: in this case we must download an app like Google authenticator, this app generates a random code that we must type in binance, in order to release the money.


  • 4- authenticator by key: in this case we configure a password that we can remember.

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Question no 4:

What are the things to keep in mind during P2P trade and descrbe its four advantages and disadvantages.(own words)

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As in any market in any part of the world, we must bear in mind that there are bad people, and we must always be careful with extammers and thieves who want to take over our capital. We must have on hand, the telephone, the email, the Google authenticator and the key as the case may be to release the money in the shortest possible time.

If we are going to buy and they ask us for a bank deposit, we must do it to the account registered in the merchant's profile that is in the app, since binance is not responsible for transactions that are made outside the platform using p2p as a means of contact, that is, if we need to make a claim and our support does not match the account number affiliated with the application, binance will not refund the money.

it's fastmerchants are the ones who stipulate the minimum amounts
we can sell or buy cryptocurrencies anywhere in the worlddepending on the Crypto that we have, we must change them to a stable currency such as usdt or busd to be able to sell, since it only accepts few cryptocurrencies
we use fiat money or credit cardsthe buy / sell price is different from the market
simple and easy to usemany scammers
no feesGoogle authenticator sometimes doesn't work
binance is an intermediary and ensures a secure exchangesometimes the codes take a long time to arrive

Important Students can use any exchange to solve P2P trade questions. Which facilitates exchange P2P. All questions are required and a screenshot must be attached.

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Moving averages are a very powerful instrument and of great importance for traders, by configuring it well we will be able to obtain very strong signals that will help us to carry out a good technical analysis. Through the MA, we can look at the famous crosses, these crosses are: the cross of death and the cross of gold. The death crossover happens when the 50 moving average crosses the 200 average and it falls, giving a signal of a downtrend change. and the gold crossover occurs when the 200 moving average crosses the 50 moving average and it rises, indicating an upward trend reversal. We demonstrate these crossovers with popular screenshots. We learned how to transfer cryptocurrencies to Binance's p2p wallet and how to sell our coins. All the cover images, as well as the images of the examples are real and created by me.

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Hi @g0h4mroot

Thanks for participating in the Steemit Crypto Academy

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This is good work. Thanks for taking the time to demonstrate your understanding of GC and DC plus the Binance P2P trading.