SEC S16-W4 STEEM Ecosystem Resilience

in hive-108451 •  6 months ago 

Hello everyone I am @hamzayousafzai. I hope you all are good and enjoying your life I am thrilled to be a part of this week Engagement Challenge within the STEEM ecosystem. Its always exciting to explore the depths of STEEM and share insight with fellow enthusiasts.

This week we are delving into a topic close to my hear STEEM resilience in the face of market fluctuation and changing trends. as someone deeply invested in understanding the dynamic of this platform I see STEEM not just a cryptocurrency but testament to adaptability and strength.


In this post I aim to dissect What makes STEEM stand out amidst the volatile crypto landscape. From its inception to its current state STEEM has proven time and again its Ability to weather storms and emerge stronger. Through analyis and reflection I hope to Shed light on the mechanisms driving STEEM resilience and inspire others to leverage its potential.

Steemits Resilience

1. Active Community:

As someone who been part of the Steemit community for the past three year I have witnessed firsthand the resilience of our community. Despte the ups and downs in the value of STEEMs cryptocurrency our communty remains vibrant and engaged. We keep sharing our thoughts creating content and supporting each other showing our unwavering belief in the platforms potential. This continuous activity keeps Steemit alive and thriving even during challenging time.

2. Focus on Development:

Over the years I have seen Steemit evolve and improve. Its like watching favorite app on your phone geting better with each update. Upgrades like Steem 2.0 have strengthend the platform addressing issue and making it more user friendly. This commitment to development ensures that Steemit stay competitve and relevant in the ever changing world of cryptocurrencie.

3. Adapting to Change:

As a long time Steemit user I have seen the platform adapt to changing trends while staying true to its core value. Even when new social media platforms emerge or trend Shift Steemit remain steadfast in rewarding qualty content and fostring supportive community. This unique approach set Steemit apart and attract users who value creativty and Engagement.

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4. Rising STEEM Price:

Recently we have seen a surge in the price of STEEM. As someone who has been here for three years I see this increse as testament to the hard work and dedication of our community. When the price of STEEM rises it not only reflects positively on our effort but also attracts more attentions and investment to the platform further strengthening our ecosystem.

The cryptocurrency market can be volatile and Steemit faces competition from other blockchain based social media platforms. Nonetheless as long time user I am confident in Steemit resilience and ability to navigate these challenges while continuing to thrive and grow.

Health of the STEEM Ecosystem Through On-Chain Metrics

Analyzing on chain metrics such as daily transactions community participation and token distributon provides valuable insights into the health and robustness of the STEEM ecosystem.

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1. Understanding User Activity:

Daily transactions and active addreses show us how much people are using STEEM. Imagine it like watchng how many peoples visit busy market each day. If there are lots of transactions and active users it means more people are interested in STEEM. This tell us if the platform is growing and if users are excted about it.

2. Seeing Community Strength:

Metrics like commenting upvoting and content creation tell us how active and lively the Steem community is. Think of it like seeing how many conversation people are having or how much new stuff they are sharing. When there lots of interaction it shows that the community is strongs and engaged which is really important for social media platform.

3. Checking Token Distribution:

Looking at how STEEM token are spread out among different wallets helps us Understand if the platform is stable. Imagine if you are sharing candy with friends. If everyone get a fair share its good. But if one person takes most of it it might cause problems. Similarly if the token are evenly spread out its sign of healthy platform. But if a few people have most of the tokens it Could lead to issues like markets manipulations.

4. Monitoring Network Use:

Metrics like transaction fees and block confirmation times show us how smoothly the STEEM network is running. Its like checking if the roads are busy or if traffic is flowing smoothly. Low fees and fast confirmations mean the network is workng well. But if fees are high or confirmtions take a long time it might mean there too much traffic and the network need improvement.

When we look at all these metrics together we get clear picture of how well STEEM is doing. If there lots of user activity a strong community fair token distribution and a smoothly running network it a sign that STEEM is healthy and growing. But we also need to remember that these metrics are just part of the story. We should also consider other things like how the platform is developing and what users think to understand STEEM overall health better.

STEEM Relative Strength Analysis

Understanding how STEEM Relative Strength Analysis (RSA) compares to other cryptocurrencies can be a game changer for investors looking for opportunities in different market situations. Here how I see it

Identifying Potential Opportunities:

  • In Bear Markets: When the overall cryptocurrency market is down RSA can uncover assets that might be undervalued. For instance if STEEM price drops more compared to benchmark cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) it could mean STEEM is undervalued. Lets say BTC falls by 8.83% while STEEM falls by 20.03%. This indicates STEEM is underperforming relative to the market.

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  • In Bull Markets: Conversely during market upswings RSA can highlight cryptocurrencies showing relative strength. If STEEM price remains stable or even rises While others fall it suggests STEEM is more resilient. This could be due to factors like increased activity on the Steem platform or positive news about Steem's future.


  • Current Market Scenario (As of March 18 2024): BTC dropped by 8.83% last week.
  • STEEM Performance: Suppose STEEM fell by 20.03% in the same period indicating its underperforming.

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Investment Decision:

Considering the RSA and other factors like STEEM user activity and positive developments an investor might see this a buying opportunity for STEEM. Even though its dropped more than BTC if the user activity and developments are positive STEEM Could bounce back when the market improves.

How STEEM Protocol Upgrades Can Impact the Ecosystem

Boosting Strength:

  • Making Things Better: When STEEM get upgrade that make it faster safer or easier to use it become more competitive compared to other blockchain platform. this can attract more people to use STEEM making it stronger in the Market.

  • Getting More Users: If upgrades add cool new features or make STEEM simpler more people might want to use it. With more People using STEEM there can be more buying and selling which might make STEEM's value go up compared to other cryptocurrencies.

Improving the Way People See STEEM:

  • Having Faith in Progress: When upgrades go well it shows that the team behind STEEM is working hard to make it better. This makes people trust STEEM more and think positively about its future.

  • Showing What's Coming: Upgrades that set the stage for future improvements can get people excited. This excitement can make people think STEEM isa good invstment and can bring more money into STEEM.

The Importance of Community Greeters:

  • Ensuring Smooth Onboarding: Having more active and responsive community greeters is crucial for new users. When newcomers join STEEM they need someone to guide them through the process. If there are delays or lack of response from greeters it can be frustrating for new users and their accounts might remain pending for day. As an instructor I often face this issue when inviting people to STEEM. Its disheartening to see their accounts pending verification for many days with no response from greeters. Having vibrant and energetic community of greeters would greatly enhance the onboarding experience for new users making them feel welcomed and valued.


  • Lowering Fees: Imagine if a STEEM upgrade made it cheaper to do transaction. This could make more people want to use STEEM instead of other platforms with higher fee which could make STEEM more valuable.

  • Making Content Creation Easier: If a STEEM upgrade added better tools for making content like videos or blog more people might want to use STEEM to share ther work. This could make more people interested in STEEM which could raise its value.

Possible Problems:

  • Delays or Bugs: Sometimes upgrades can take longer than expected or have problems. This can make people worry about using STEEM and might make its value go down.

  • Not Meeting Expectations: If upgrades don't do what they promised people might be disappointed and lose confidence in STEEM which could make it value drop.

when STEEM gets upgrades that make it better it can attract more users and make people think positively about its future. But if upgrades have problems or don't do what they said they would it can hurt people trust in STEEM and its value. additionally having an active community of greeters is crucial for ensuring a smooth onboarding Experience for new users and fostering a welcoming environment in the STEEM ecosystem.

Using On Chain Analysis and Relative Strength Assessment to Make Smart Investment Choices

Using On Chain Analysis and Relative Strength Assessment to Make Smart Investment Choices

Combining on chain Analysis with relative strength assessment (RSA) help investor like me understand how strong the STEEM Ecosystem is and make better investment Decisons. Here how it work:

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On Chain Analysis: Understanding Whats Happening Inside

  • Checking User Activity: We look at things like how many transactions are happening each day and how many people are actvely using STEEM. More transaction and active users mean the platform is populars and healthy while fewer might mean there are problem.

  • Seeing How Strong the Community Is: We check if people are commenting upvoting and creating content. If lots of people are doing these thing it show the comunity is active and strong which is really important for STEEM success.

  • Looking at Token Distribution: We see how STEEM tokens are spread out among different wallet. If they are spread out evenly its good for the Ecosystem.

RSA: Comparing STEEM Performance to Others

  • Seeing How Well STEEM is Doing Compared to Others: We compare STEEM price to others cryptocurrence like Bitcoin. If STEEM is doing better than Bitcon during a market dip its sign that STEEM is strong. But if its not doing as well during market boom it might not have much momentums.

  • Finding Investment Opportunities: By looking at STEEM performance and on chain data together we can spot When it might be a good time to invest. For example if STEEM price drop but lot of people are still using it it could be good time to buy because it might bounce back soon.

Example: Using On Chain and RSA for an Investment Decision

Lets say:

  • The Market is Down: Bitcoin drops by 5%.
  • STEEM Performance: STEEM price drops by 10% which is more than Bitcoin.
  • On-Chain Analysis: But we see that lots of people are still using STEEM with lots of transactions and active users.

Even though STEEM price dropped more than Bitcoin the strong on chain activity suggests that people still believe in STEEM. So it could be good time to buy STEEM because its price might go up again soon.

By using both on chain analysis and RSA investors can understand how strong the STEEM ecosystem is and make smarter investment decisions

i am inviting: @shahariar1,@sualeha,@raaji
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Your post has been successfully curated by @𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐲 at 35%.

Thanks for setting your post to 25% for @null.
We invite you to continue publishing quality content. In this way, you could have the option of being selected in the weekly Top of our curation team.

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Burning STEEM by sending it to the @null account helps reduce the supply of STEEM and so increases its price.

It's really electrifying to witness the current rise in the cost of STEEM. Nevertheless not just does an increasing STEEM rate show favorably on our initiatives however it additionally attracts higher focus as well as financial investment to our system preparing our ecological community also additionally. A Great article by you.

The current rise in the cost of STEEM is indeed electrifying and holds great promise for our efforts.

Your post provides a comprehensive analysis of STEEM's resilience amidst market fluctuations and changing trends. I particularly appreciate the focus on on-chain metrics and relative strength assessment to make informed investment decisions. Your insights are valuable for both seasoned investors and newcomers alike. Best of luck with the engagement challenge!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Wonderful presentation in given theme of engagement challenge. You are absolutely right about the current prices fluctuation in your given chart. That's definitely reflects the market price and analysis different results. Well good to see your participation and given to us clear acknowledgement. Wishing you good luck.

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you found the presentation engaging and insightful. Indeed the fluctuating prices highlighted in the chart are indicative of the dynamic nature of the market and its crucial to analyze these fluctuations for informed decision making.

As an individual Steemit lover, I value your wise perceptions about our dynamic local area. How about we dive into the key perspectives you've featured:

Dynamic Community:

  • The versatility of the Steemit people group is to be sure admirable. In spite of changes in STEEM's digital money esteem, our individuals stay connected with, sharing considerations, making content, and supporting each other. This relentless faith in Steemit's potential keeps the stage alive and flourishing in any event, during testing times.
  • It resembles a clamoring virtual commercial center where inventiveness rules, and images may very well be the new showcasing cash. Members sashay through the computerized roads equipped with canny procedures and an energy for engagement¹.
  • Keep in mind, it's not just about the substance; it's tied in with talking the Steemit tongue that resounds with the stage's crypto-adroit occupants.

Zero in on Development:

  • Steemit's advancement throughout the long term mirrors watching your most loved application on your telephone ceaselessly improving with each update. Redesigns like Steem 2.0 have reinforced the stage, resolving issues and upgrading ease of use.
  • This obligation to improvement guarantees that Steemit stays serious and applicable in the always impacting universe of cryptographic forms of money.

I wish you success in the competition.

your post is incredibly insightful and well structured providing valuable insights into STEEM's resilience in the face of market fluctuations. Your analysis of the platform strengths and its ability to adapt to changing trends is commendable. Keep up the great work...

Thank you very much for your kind words and appreciation! I'm glad to hear that you found my analysis insightful and well-structured. Steem's resilience in navigating market fluctuations is indeed a testament to its strength and adaptability as a platform

You have mentioned some beautiful qualities of steem here, present some reason why steem is a resilience asset. Active Community, Focus on Development, Adapting to Change, Rising STEEM Price are the some important features you have mentioned here. Yes ofcourse these are very true and it makes your post sublime.

Along with that you have mentioned a long list of steem fundamental which makes it easier for the reader to understand steem and it's related activities. Your post is really an amazing one my friend. happy to see your beautiful post here.

Wish you get succeeded in this contest friend.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and encouraging feedback! I'm delighted that you found value in the points I highlighted about Steem's resilience as an asset.

Excellent work dude. Steemit's development is growing with each update, and the STEEM 2.0 project would undoubtedly boost its attractiveness, which would probably convert into a relative price gain and attract new investors to the network. Your post gives in-depth study of STEEM's resiliency in the face of market swings and changing trends. I particularly like the emphasis on on-chain indicators and relative strength assessments to help investors make educated judgements.

Thank you so much for your encouraging words! Its truly exciting to witness the evolution of Steemit especially with the STEEM 2.0 project on the horizon.


Focus on Development ,rising steem price, adaptability, strength,active community participation are most key factors for making this blockchain more resilient.Steem protocol upgrades how are responsible in strengthening the overall ecosystem you have also explain in your best way which I really like and I really learn from it.

I wish good luck to you in this participation

thank you so much for your beautiful feedback

My pleasure ☺️
Keep on staying engage with other users too...