SEC S17-W1 || Steem blockchain Sequencers

in hive-108451 •  6 months ago 

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all doing Great and having a good time. I am happy to tell you that I am taking part in the Steem Blockchain sequencer Contest . We are going to learn about how blockchains like the one on steemit work. Blockchain are like digital notebook that keep information safe and clear. They use something called transaction sequencing to make sure everything is correct. In this Contest we will learn about the Steem blockchain sequencer. Its an important part of how Steemit works. We will also talk about how blockchain decide on thing together and why its important.

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Understanding Transaction Sequencing from My Perspective

The blockchain is like digital ledger or record book that keeps track of transactions just like bank keeps track of your money. Now let dive into the main building blocks of a blockchain and how transactions are sequenced

1. Blocks:

Imagine each block as page in the record book. It contains a bunch of transactions kind of like entries on a page in your checkbook. These transactions could be anything from sending money to someone like when you transfer money to a friend using a payment app or even more complex things like buying and selling digital assets.

2. Transactions:

These are the actual actions or records of what's happening. For example if you send $10 to your friend that a transaction. If someone buy a digital artwork online using cryptocurrency that another transaction. Each transaction gets recorded in the block.

3. Consensus Mechanism:

This is like the rulebook or the way everyone agrees on what valid and what not. Different blockchain have different way of doing this. For instance some blockchain use something called Proofs of Work where miner solve puzles to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain. other might use Proof of Stake where validators are chosens based on how much cryptocurrency they hold.

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Now lets talk about how transactions get sequenced or ordered in a blockchain

1. Transaction Creation:

Whenever someone wants to make a transaction like sending money or buying something they create digital message that says what they want to do. This is like filling out a form before you make a payment online.

2. Transaction Propagation:

Once the transaction is created its send out to all the computers or nodes in the blockchain networks. Its like sending out invitation to a party to all your friend.

3. Transaction Verification:

Every node in the network checks the transaction to make sure its valid. They look at things like whether you have enough money to make the transaction and if your digital signature matches. Its kind of like having multiple people double checking your work to make sure everything is correct.

4. Inclusion in a Block:

Valid transactions are then grouped together into a block. Think of it like batch of transactions being added to the record book. Miners or validators compete to be the ones to add this block to the blockchain.

5. Consensus:

The network needs to agree on which block to add next. This is done through the consensus mechanism we talked about earlier. Once there agreement the block is added to the blockchain and the transactions inside it are officially recorded. Its like everyone coming together and saying "Yep this looks good!"

6. Block Confirmation:

Once a block is added to the blockchain its considered confirmed. Its like sealing the deal. Subsequent blocks are added on top of it creating chain of blocks which is where the term blockchain comes from.

Understanding the Blockchain Sequencer Journey

let me walk you through how the Steem blockchain sequencer work Think of it as me sharing my experience of how transactions are processed and recorded on our platform.

Transaction Submission:

We are constantly engaging on Steemit whether its posting content commenting on others posts or transferring tokens. Each of these actions is like transaction and we submit them to the Steem network.

Transaction Pool:

Once we submit our transactions they hang out in what known as the transaction pool. It's like a waiting room where our action queue up waiting for their turn to be Processed.

Sequencing Algorithm:

Now here where the magic happens. The sequencer step in acting like our personal traffic director. It uses smart algorithm to decide which transactions should be processed first considering factors like transaction fee and timestamp.

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Consensus Protocol (Delegated Proof of Stake DPoS):

The Steem blockchain uses DPoS which mean we have a group of elected witnesses who validate transactions and create new blocks. We the community vote for these witnesses to represent us.

Witness Selection:

We play crucial role in selecting these witnesses by casting our votes for our preferred candidates. Once elected these witnesses become responsible for validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain.

Block Production:

With our elected witnesses in place they work together to create blocks containing validated transactions. It's like they are ensuring the smooth flow of our interaction on Steemit.

Block Validation:

Once a block is created it undergoes validation by other nodes in the network. They check to make sure our transactions are legitimate and follow the rules of the platform.

Consensus Agreement:

If the majority of nodes agree that the block is valid its added to the blockchain. This process ensures that we are all on the same page about the validity of our actions on Steemit.

So as Steemit users we are part of this incredible process of creating validating and recording transactions on the Steem blockchain. Its like we are contributing to the smooth functioning of our own community driven platform.

A Users Guide to Understanding Transaction Sequencing

1. Proof of Work (PoW):

  • In PoW miners compete to solve complex mathematicals puzzles to validate transactions and create new block.
  • The first miner to solve the puzzles get to adds the next block to the blockchains.
  • Transaction sequencing is indirectly influenced by PoW miners include transactions in the block they are trying to solve based on transaction fees or other Criteria.

2. Proof of Stake (PoS):

  • PoS selects validators to creates new blocks based on the amount of cryptocurrency they hold and are willing to 'Stake' collateral.
  • Validators are chosen in a deterministic manner with those holding more cryptocurrency having higher chance of being selected.
  • Transaction sequencing in PoS is typically more predictable validators have known order in Which they will propose block.

3. Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS):

  • DPoS is a variation of PoS where token holders votes for limited number of delegates to validate transactions and produce blocks on their behalf.
  • The elected delegates or witnesses take turn creating blocks in predetermined order.
  • Transaction sequencing in DPoS is controlled by the elected witneses who prioritize transactions based on various factor such as fees or timestamps.

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4. Proof of Authority (PoA):

  • PoA relies on a limited number of approved validators known as authorities to validate transactions and create new blocks.
  • Authorities are typically trusted entities or individuals chosen by the blockchain network organizers.
  • Transaction sequencing in PoA is controlled by the authorities who may prioritize transactions based on Specific criteria or rules.

5. Proof of Burn (PoB):

  • PoB requires users to 'burn' or destroy cryptocurrency tokens to earn the right to validate transactions and Create new block.
  • The more tokens a user burn the greater their influence in the consensus process.
  • Transaction sequencing in PoB may be influenced by the burn rate or Amount of tokens destroyed by Participants.
Understanding the Essential Roles of Nodes in Blockchain Transaction Sequencing

1. Full Nodes:

  • My View: Full nodes are like the backbone of the blockchain. They have complete copy of all transaction ever made on the blockchain.
  • Example: Its like having detailed record book of every transactions in town. Full nodes make sure everything in order and follow the rule.

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2. Light Nodes (or SPV Nodes):

  • My View: Light nodes are like the 'lite version of full nodes. They dont store all transactions but rely on full nodes for information when needed.
  • Example: Think of light nodes as people who don't carry heavy bag but instead ask others for directions when they need to find something. They trust others to have the information they needs.

3. Mining Nodes:

  • My View: Mining nodes are the ones trying to solve puzzles to create new block and add them to the blockchain.
  • Example: Imagine a contest where people compete to solve Puzzles. The first one to solve it gets to add a new page to the town record book (the blockchain) with bunch of transaction listed on it.

4. Validator Nodes:

  • My View: Validator nodes are like judges in competition. They check if transactions are valid and propose new blocks to be added to the blockchain.
  • Example: Just like judge ensuring that contestant follow the rules in a game validator nodes make sure transaction meet all the requirement before adding them to the blockchain.

5. Listening Nodes:

  • My View: Listening nodes are like information carriers. They passively listen to what happening in the network and share important update with other.
  • Example: Think of listening nodes messengers who deliver news from one part of town to another. They ensure everyone stay informed about what going on.

6. Archive Nodes:

  • My View: Archive nodes are like historians. They keep complete history of all transaction and blocks ever created on the blockchain.
  • Example: Picture archive nodes as the town library storing old records and documents. They help us look back and understand how things have evolved over time.

Different types of nodes in the blockchain network have their own roles to play ensuring transactions are process verified and recorded accurately. Together they maintain the integrity and reliability of the blockchain justs like how everyone in town work together to keep things running smoothly

Decentralization and Governance: Keys to Steem's Success

1. Decentralization:

  • From My View: Decentralization means power isn't in the hands of just a few. It's about sharing control among many user making sure no one has too much influence.
  • Example: Picture big potluck where Everyone bring something to Share. Decentralization on Steem is like that with lots of people contributing to decision and no one person calling all the shot.

2. Governance:

  • From My View: Governance is about how we make decisions and keep things running smoothly on Steem. It's like having rules and processes in place so everyone knows what's going on and has a say.
  • Example: Think of governance as the steering wheel of a car. It helps us navigate and stay on course. On Steem governance lets us propose changes vote on them and make sure everything fair and transparent.

Impact of Steem Governance Structure on Transaction Sequencing and Network Security

Now let see how our governance structure affect how transactions are sequenced and keeps our network safe

1. Transaction Sequencing:

  • From My View: On Steem the order of transactions is decided by elected witnesses. These witnesses are chosen by us through voting and they make sure transactions are processed fairly and efficiently.
  • Example: Imagine you're part of team organizing a school event. Each member has a role like deciding the order of activities. Witnesses on Steem do something similar prioritizing transactions based on what best for the community.

2. Network Security:

  • From My View: Our governance structure helps keep our network secure by making sure power isn't concentrated in one place. Everyone has a say in decisions making it harder for anyone to take advantage.
  • Example: Think of network security like guarding a treasure. Instead of one big lock we have lots of smaller ones each with its own key. This way if one lock fails the others keep our treasure safe. Similarly on Steem our decentralized governance makes it tough for anyone to harm our network.

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Practical Example: Witness Elections

Lets look at how this works in action with witness elections. We all vote to choose witnesses we trust to validate transactions and keep our network secure. These witnesses play a vital role in deciding which transactions come first based on what best for the community. Its like having guardians watching over our town making sure everything run smoothly and fairly

I am inviting @raaji @neelofar @el-nailul

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Wow, what an incredibly detailed and informative explanation of how blockchain transaction sequencing works, particularly on the Steem platform! Your breakdown of the key concepts, from blocks and transactions to consensus mechanisms and different types of nodes, really helps to demystify the process for readers.

I especially appreciate how you've used relatable analogies and examples throughout your explanation, making complex concepts more accessible and easier to understand. Comparing the blockchain to a digital ledger or record book, and likening transaction sequencing to filling out forms or organizing a town event, really helps to paint a clear picture in the reader's mind.

Furthermore, your discussion on decentralization and governance sheds light on the importance of community involvement and transparency in maintaining the integrity and security of the Steem network. It's fascinating to see how everyone plays a role in the decision-making process through witness elections, ensuring fairness and efficiency in transaction sequencing.

Overall, your post serves as an excellent guide for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of blockchain technology, and particularly how it operates on the Steem platform. Thank you for sharing your insights in such a clear, engaging, and educational manner! #comment


Congratulations! Your comment has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Thank you so much for such a great comment

Greetings friend,
You've done an amazing job at explaining each question in a way that's easy to understand. Your knowledge about Steem platform is impressive, and the examples you provide make everything perfectly clear. Great work, all the best in the contest.

I'm thrilled to hear that my explanations were helpful and that you found my knowledge of the Steem platform impressive.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Saludos cordiales amigo hamzayousafzai, un placer para mi saludarte y dejarte este comentario en tu participación.

Muy bien explicado cada interrogante, tienes mucho conocimiento sobre nuestra plataforma y tus ejemplos se entienden perfectamente.

Te deseo muchos éxitos y bendiciones.

Thank you so much for your feedback

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Greetings my friend @hamzayousafzai! Your detailed explanation of blockchain transaction sequencing is fantastic! You've made complex concepts easy to understand with relatable analogies and clear examples. Keep up the great work! 🚀📚💡 All the best in the contest, success for you! 👍

Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement I am glad to hear that you found my explanation of blockchain transaction sequencing helpful and easy to understand.

Understanding Transaction Sequencing from My Perspective

Sequencing transactions is like putting together pieces of a puzzle, making sure each action fits into the bigger picture. It's similar to organizing a party, where every guest's arrival needs to be coordinated to ensure a smooth event. My experience with sequencing transactions is like being the conductor of an orchestra, ensuring that each note is played in harmony to create beautiful music.

The blockchain is like digital ledger or record book that keeps track of transactions just like bank keeps track of your money.

Comparing the blockchain to a digital ledger is like understanding it as a virtual accounting system, keeping a clear record of all transactions. It's similar to how a bank tracks your finances, ensuring transparency and accuracy. My observation is that this analogy simplifies the concept, making it easier to grasp for those new to blockchain technology.

Decentralization means power isn't in the hands of just a few. It's about sharing control among many users, making sure no one has too much influence.

Decentralization is like a potluck where everyone brings something to share, ensuring a fair distribution of power. It's similar to a democratic system where decisions are made collectively, preventing any single entity from dominating. In my opinion, decentralization fosters inclusivity and prevents monopolies, promoting a more equitable environment.

All the best

I love how you have illustrated the intricacies of sequencing transactions and the concept of decentralization through relatable analogies

Reviewing just how every computer system in the blockchain network confirms deals resembles sending invites to an event to all your pals for a detailed check. Each node makes sure deals stand, similar to numerous individuals double-checking your help precision. After that, legitimate deals are organized right into blocks, like sets of RSVPs contributed to the record publication. The network accomplishes agreement on which block to include following, much like every person settling on celebration strategies. When included, it's validated, securing the offer, as well as succeeding blocks produce the chain-- the significance of blockchain innovation!

That's a fantastic analogy for explaining how transactions are verified and added to a blockchain network

Thanks a lot for your feedback brother.

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You have said that blockchain is like digital ledger or record book that keeps track of transactions just like bank keeps track of your money. Yes dear you are true in that. Blockchain keeps all our data. The graph you have drawn is so valid and authentic one.

Your post has given us a complete insight to Transaction Sequencing. PoW and PoS has defined very beautifully. All the Nodes are defined very well too. STEEM is a decentralized platform and it's governance is running very smoothly.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

The consensus mechanism on on this platform is very efficient and very fast that's why I always say it is one of the best successful mechanism because it is focused to beat and have shine where other consensus mechanism cannot.

Thanks for sharing such quality article, wishing you the best please keep it up. Kindly drop a comment to my post using the link