in hive-108451 •  3 years ago  (edited)




Before we talk about the potential application of blockchain in health care industry, it will be nice we know what blockchain, is all about. Blockchaincan be defined as a system that provides total access to record informations in a manner that it can't be compromised, in general a block-chain is a digital ledger comprising of transactions that is shared across the whole network on the blockchain.

Blockchain has a blocks in it and each blocks contains valid number of transactions, let's say a new transaction occured in a block-chain, the record of that particular transaction is included in the participant ledger, it won't be over emphasize that blockchain is decentralized hence the various decentralized database are been managed by various participants the Decentralized database is called (DLT), meaning distributed ledger technology.

In blockchain there are blocks, hash, miners, all have major factor they contributes to making blockchain functional, in blockchain transactions are been recorded with the use of immutable cryptographic signature called hash.

In the world today there is a high-rise of new technologies such as the IoT, this has contributed to the uprising of key development of various things around the world, at this phase we will highlight more about the potential application of block-chain in our health care industry.

Research and Discuss the potential applications of Blockchain in the Health care industry

From my introduction I'm sure you now have an overview about blockchain technology and what it offers, if you watch very well in the world today you will understand that health care services have improved courtesy the construction of smart healthcare system.

Smart healthcare can be defined as a medical system that inspires medical clay data as an associate which works in peer-peer with electronic medical records, electronic health have acquired alot ever since the inception of medical internet of things which makes use of IoT, and data transmission. As we speak today the smart healthcare industry has been on a great uprise but they are still faced with minor problems like information security and all the rest.

At this stage blockchain has the answer because it has major fantastic characteristics which includes total security, decentralization, anonymity, and auditability, and all the rest, now the merging of blockchain and health care industry will be incredible because it will accelerate the the traditional health care protocols thereby providing more information's, and enhance maintainance,

It will also accelerate medical alliance chain that involves government and individual's, at this phase our medical industry will experience an uprise. We are still talking about the potential of blockchain in the health care industry, let's elucidate further.


Blockchain has a roll, that is redefining various data's and providing governance as a result of individual healthcare applications, blockchain is able to execute this because of its adaptability and capability to segment, secure and distribute, medical data and services in a precise manner.


The rate of rapid development in the world today is massive in all ramification, new technologies coming to fruition, as I speak blockchain technology is at the peak of many uprising development round the globe especially in the health care industry. Galvanizing the abstract blockchain-based healthcare technology is highly acceptable and it's conceptually in various layers here I will talk more on four various standard layers.

they includes data source, blockchain technology, healthcare applications, and stakeholders. Blockchain is highly decentralized so it enables stakeholders to gain massively from the benefits blockchain technology offers.


source representing blockchain based workflow for healthcare applications

From the image uploaded you will find out that the workflow consists of four various standard layers including the raw data, blockchain technology, healthcare applications, and lastly the stakeholders. application of of blockchain in health care is highly commendable initially all information gathered Courtesy the state of health of an individual are been printed and issued accordingly.

But ever since the inception of blockchain technology you can easily galvanize data's from medical devices, labs, social media's, etc and include the data collected in a block on a public blockchain for total accessibility. the gathered data will turn to becoming big data, block can't run without data's as they are pivotal courtesy block based health care. Block technology is at the fire front of raw data layer that is seen as a standard framework to creating a more standard and secured healthcare standardization.

Blockchain healthcare application can be classified in various ways and they includes, data management system this includes various forms including sharing of global scientific data, it can be distributed for intensive research and development (R&D). The second one we have data management and data storage, a clear example of this development is the (cloud based storage application), in conjunction with the EHRs.

we also have the representation of SCM application this works in conjun with various clinical trail's pharmaceutical audition. Lastly we have the IoMT, this includes the conjugation of healthcare internet of things and it's Medical devices, it's infrastructure and medical devices and security are Paramount. Lastly we have the stakeholders later.

It won't be overemphasized whom stakeholders are in general terms, these are group of persons who gain massively from blockchain based health care applications, such as user's, why users are seen vital here is that the have a layers of effective share and consistently managing data's without infringing on the security and privacy of the blockchain.

blockchain based healthcare management



As we speak today there have been a great improvement concerning the process of electronic health related data, healthcare data storage, and the Privacy of patients data regulations, today updates are emerging from left to right and new technology is upgrading too we have new opportunities for healthcare data management as well as convincing patients to access and share health data's.


Blockchain provides massive security, immutability, and absolutely transparency, all this are characteristics of a blockchain, equating it to healthcare you will find out that block has the capability to solve critical issues in a splendid way. As a result of this I will show some steps regarding data management flows on blockchain technology.

The category of the work flow that I'm going to show constitutes alot including, data sharing, data management, data storage, etc.



From the image uploaded you will understand that primary data are been gotton from from the total interaction bet doctor and patient, the data contains medical history, and other vital informations. Your health status is always accessible with the use of your phone.

and it's been validated through a distributed ledger, here we are talking about blockchain, the role of block-chain in health will continue to improve overtime trust me.


When we talk about impact what we mean is what blockchain has brought to the development of health care, this depends on where you base, and the technology around your country of residence but from what I gathered the covid19 pandemic have really turned things apart that people now do things in a technological way.


Ever since the inception of blockchain technology there have been a positive impact, as a result of the problems health care was facing then, here I will highlight most of the great impacts.


With the use of blockchain trust me the integrity of your medical record will be enhanced totally, thereby giving an accurate medical records of your health status, let's say you had a test as a result of your I'll health, the record of that test will be kept accurately.

Since blockchain can't be altered nobody can change the status of your medical record, since it's on the public domain anyone can have access to it.


Duplication of health record happens easily, using blockchain totally eradicates such gesture Also manipulation of data is never acceptable on blockchain technology, once a data is entered on a blockchain trust me it can't be altered easily.


Whenever someone is I'll, you depends on the third party most times, but the potential application of blockchain in health care industry have brought that into minimum, block technology makes it budget friendly for individuals asking for solutions for the maintainance of their health status.


Inception of blockchain technology on HEALTH CARE enables the whole health care industry to keep track on data records of various patients, doctors will be updated regarding various processes including blood pressures, sugar, levels, malaria, fever, and other HEALTH related issues.

If you keep on updating patients on their health status you give them hope that they have enough life to live, block technology brings all this into existence.


From my homework post I'm sure you understood what blockchain is all about and the fantastic characteristics it has and what it plans to Achieve if been adopted globerly in our various health care sector. Once again a blockchain is a distributor ledger at which various informations are been stored by so doing making it very difficult to be altered.

Ever since the inception of covid19 pandemic the way our health care developed was massive that even medical report are now seen online with total accessibility, that's where smart comes to fruition, when we talk about smart healthcare we are talking about a medical system that enables medical clay of data Workin in peers with electronic medical records,the way Medical data's was collected back then in 1990's trust currently now there has been a change of mind-set.

In the world today there is an uprise in technology and blockchain is at the peak of every new innovations. Blockchain offers a more secured and accessible informations as a result of individual's medical condition, and it has helped in minimizing the inception of third party.once again thank you very much professor @yohan2on.


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Hello @kingcent,
Thank you for participating in the 3rd Week Crypto Course in its 4th season and for your efforts to complete the suggested tasks, you deserve a 6/10 rating, according to the following scale:

OriginalityCompliance with topicConsistency of methodQuality of analysisClarity of structure & language

My review :

A generally accepted work in which you made an attempt to highlight the importance of the application of blockchain technology in the field of health care. What is wrong with this work is the absence of a clear methodology, which made the information scattered and sometimes repeated. It also did not present some of the completed projects in this scope and the extent of their efficacy.

Thanks again for your effort, and we look forward to reading your next work.