Steemit Crypto Academy | Homework Summary- Learn About Cryptocurrency

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 

professor (4).jpg

Kelas ketiga saya pada minggu ini di Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2: Learn About Cryptocurrency telah berakhir, Batas waktu untuk tugas minggu ke-14 adalah 22 Mei 2021, dan saya telah memberikan review dari semua tugas yang telah dikirimkan. Dari 220 postingan tersebut, saya melihat ada peningkatan dari jumlah postingan pada kelas minggu lalu.


Pekerjaan rumah minggu ini adalah tentang Learn About Cryptocurrency, Saya sangat ingin melihat postingan-postingan dari para murid menggali lebih dalam lagi tentang dasar-dasar cryptocurrency dan mengkaitkanya dengan platform Steemit ini. Saya melihat hanya sebagian kecil saja yang memposting seperti yang saya harapkan.Untuk 3 Postingan terbaik minggu ini adalah :

AuthorPublished Articles
@asajLearn About Cryptocurrency
@wahyunahrulLearn About Cryptocurrency
@allbertLearn About Cryptocurrency


Masih ada yang melaukan tindak plagiat minggu ini walaupun jumlahnya sangat kecil , Di Steemit Crypto Academy kami mengatakan "TIDAK UNTUK PLAGIARISME". Kami terus berupaya memberantas plagiarisme di platform ini.
Selain soal plagiarisme, saya juga melihat beberapa peserta kurang menggali lebih dalam lagi tentang tugas yang telah diberikan yang membuat mereka mendapat rating rendah. Jadi, saya sangat menyarankan Anda untuk selalu memahami dan mengexplore lebih banyak lagi referensi untuk pekerjaan rumah anda.


Saya berharap kelas yang saya berikan minggu ini dapat memberikan pelajaran bagi para murid untuk memahami dasar-dasar Cryptocurrency.
Bacalah dengan seksama setiap tugas yang diberikan oleh profesor dan selalu baca postingan update terbaru dari @steemitblog agar anda memahami peraturan di Steemit Crypto Academy.




My third class this week at Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2: Learn About Cryptocurrency has ended, The deadline for week 14 assignments is May 22, 2021, and I have provided a review of all submitted assignments. Of the 220 posts, I saw a drastic increase from the number of posts in last week's class.


This week's homework is on Learn About Cryptocurrency, I would love to see the students' posts dig deeper into the basics of cryptocurrency and how it relates to the Steemit platform. I see only a small portion of those who post as I expect. For the 3 best posts this week are:

AuthorPublished Articles
@asajLearn About Cryptocurrency
@wahyunahrulLearn About Cryptocurrency
@allbertLearn About Cryptocurrency


There are still plagiarism this week even though the numbers are very small. At Steemit Crypto Academy we say "NO TO PLAGIARISM". We are constantly working to eradicate plagiarism on this platform.

Apart from the question of plagiarism, I also saw that some of the participants did not dig deeper about the assignments that had been given which resulted in them getting a a low rating. So, I highly recommend that you always understand and explore more references for your homework.


I hope the class that I give this week can provide lessons for students to understand the basics of Cryptocurrency.

Read carefully each assignment given by the professor and always read the latest updated posts from @steemitblog so that you understand the rules at Steemit Crypto Academy.

Jangan Lupa Bahagia


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It's a pleasure to do your assignment.

I hope the class that I give this week can provide lessons for students to understand the basics of Cryptocurrency.

Yes, it did. Thanks for recognising my efforts.

Hi teacher!!! My homework it's waiting for your correctiom . Please.. this si the link. Thank You for You work

Terimakasih telah memilih saya sebagai salah satu dari 3 terbaik pada kelas anda prof.
Saya berharap postingan saya bisa bermanfaat bagi teman-teman semua.

Hello professor, I submitted my homework some days ago and I'm still waiting for review. Here's the link

Hello, professor @Levycore

You have not reviewed my homework s2werk-5 still. Please check it as 5 days has passed. Here is the link.

Thank you.

Thank You very much Professor for mentioned me. It's such an honor being in your list. Crypto really changed our lives.

Dear sir its been 5 days and my post isnot even checked.

Hello Professor @levycore it was really a great lecture and I learnt a lot.

You have also reviewed and rated my submission post but it has been upvoted and it expires soon.

Thanks a lot as I wait in anticipation for your next lecture.

Hello Professor, my homework task has not yet been curated. Please find here attached link to my post
Cc: @levycore

Hello sir my previous homework post has not been checked please check it.

Sorry to interrupt your time, but I want to inform you that my post has not received curation from you. Indeed, I won this week's contest and have received curation from steemcurator01, but I see 2 other winners have received curation from both steemcurator accounts, only I haven't got it from you. I hope my post can be curated as soon as possible, because it's been 7 days. This is the link of my homework: