Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2: Learn About Cryptocurrency

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago  (edited)

professor (3).jpg

Hello Steemian ..

Zaman berkembang begitu cepat. Semua hal digeser menjadi serba digital, uang yang selama ini kita kenal dalam bentuk kertas dan koin atau aset berupa emas dan properti yang nyata wujudnya, kini hadir dalam bentuk digital yang disebut Cryptocurrency.

Apa itu Cryptocurrency? Bagaimana cara kerjanya? Serta apa perbedaannya dibandingkan mata uang konvensional? Kelas saya pada Steemit crypto Academy minggu ini akan menjelaskan Cryptocurrency bagi kamu yang baru mengenalnya.

Apa itu Cryptocurrency?



Secara sederhana, mata uang kripto atau Cryptocurrency bisa dibilang adalah mata uang atau aset yang bentuk dan pengelolaannya secara digital.

Mata uang yang biasa dipakai untuk transaksi virtual ini muncul sebagai gerakan desentralisasi, agar pergerakan aset tidak bergantung pada pihak ketiga seperti bank dan pemerintah.

Artinya, transaksi yang dilakukan dengan mata uang kripto tidak membutuhkan perantara. Pembayaran berlangsung secara peer – to – peer, langsung antara pengirim dan penerima. Transaksi dicatat dan berjalan di atas sistem yang disebut Blockchain.

Layaknya mata uang di dunia nyata, yang banyak macamnya, seperti Rupiah, Dollar, Dinar dan lainnya, mata uang virtual pun memiliki banyak wajah. Sebut saja Bitcoin, Ehtereum, Litecoin,Steem, Ripple, Stellar, Dogecoin, Cardano, Eos, Tron dan ribuan lainnya.

Tercatat di Coinmarketcap, terdapat 9.826 jenis mata uang kripto yang sekarang beredar di seluruh dunia.



Cara Penggunaan Mata Uang Kripto

Selanjutnya, apa saja yang bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan mata uang digital? Berikut di antara cara memakai mata uang yang pertama kali ditemukan Satoshi Nakamoto ini.

1. Melakukan Investasi

Prinsip dasar ekonomi, supply and demand juga berlaku di cryptocurrency. Di mana harga akan naik ketika permintaan banyak dan ketersediaan terbatas. Semakin banyak yang melakukan investasi aset kripto, maka nilanya akan bertumbuh.

Namun berdasarkan grafik yang disajikan di tradingview, market Cryptocurrency tampak terus bertumbuh. Sehingga investasi kripto sejauh ini menampakkan potensi yang positif.


Graphic Total Market Cryptocurrency

Namun tetap jangan terburu-buru memutuskan berinvestasi di Cryptocurrency dengan pengetahuan yang terbatas. Karena investasi aset kripto masih tergolong kategori high risk (resiko tinggi).

2. Membeli Barang atau Jasa

Semakin ke sini banyak perusahaan atau organisasi yang telah menerima pembayaran dengan mata uang virtual. Berbagai jenis transaksi seperti perhotelan, restoran, penerbangan, hingga aplikasi bisa dibayar dengan menggunakan mata uang kripto.

Setidaknya, dua perusahaan yaitu Overstock dan Newegg telah menerima berbagai jenis mata uang kripto sebagai alat pembayaran. Namun, sebagian besar lainnya baru menerima bitcoin saja.


Transactions in with Bitcoin

3. Mining (Penambangan)

Penambangan merupakan salah satu cara menambah jumlah mata uang kripto. Prosesnya dilakukan dengan memecahkan perhitungan matematika yang rumit untuk menambah block ke sistem bockchain.

Perlu komputer dengan spesifikasi khusus dan tentunya keahlian yang tidak sembarangan untuk dapat menjadi seorang miner atau penambang. Oleh sebab itu, muncul jasa-jasa dan perusahaan yang membantu urusan ini, mereka pun dibayar dengan komisi dari transaksi mata uang kripto.

Bagaimana Cara Kerja Cryptocurrency

Seperti yang dijelaskan di atas, perbedaan Cryptocurrency dengan sistem keuangan konvensional adalah mata uang virtual ini sifatnya desentralisasi. Sedangkan model transaksi yang selama ini kita kenal bersifat tersentralisasi.

Contoh sederhana untuk menjelaskan sifat tersentralisasi yang berlaku pada model konvensional adalah ketika orang tua ingin mengirim uang bulanan ke anaknya di perantauan.

Beliau menggunakan layanan perbankan seperti ATM, Mobile Banking, atau datang langsung ke bank. Lalu, si orang tua tadi akan mentransfer uang yang ingin dia kirim ke nomor rekening anaknya. Transaksi ini menggunakan pihak ketiga yaitu bank sebagai perantara.

Proses yang terjadi sebenarnya adalah uang yang ditransfer masuk dulu ke bank, baru diteruskan ke penerima oleh pihak bank. Karena dilakukan secara real time, perpindahan tersebut tidak terasa.

Namun yang akan terasa akibat proses melalui perantara ini adalah si orang tua harus mengikuti kebijakan pihak bank. Seperti imbalan yang harus dibayarkan, berupa biaya administrasi, baik yang dikeluarkan saat transaksi dilakukan atau dalam bentuk potongan bulanan.


Illustration of Centralized Transaction Process

Sedangkan pada Cryptocurrency yang terdesentralisasi, tidak ada pihak yang berperan sebagai perantara. Transaksi langsung dilakukan antara pengirim ke penerima.

Setiap komputer yang berada di jaringan tersebut (di seluruh dunia) mencatat transaksi yang terjadi. Komputer-komputer tersebut dioperasikan oleh para miner atau penambang yang ikut mencatat dan mengawasi transaksi di jaringan.

Para penambang tersebut akan mendapatkan komisi dengan uang kripto yang digunakan. Namun seperti dijelaskan di atas, tidak semua orang bisa menjadi miner. Pemrosesan komputasi yang rumit untuk mengurai kriptografi yang digunakan membutuhkan keahlian khusus dan device yang memadai.


Illustration of Decentralized Transaction Process

Sifat desentralisasi ini yang menjadi ide pokok dari sistem Blockchain. Teknologi Blockchain sendiri adalah platform yang digunakan dalam transaksi menggunakan mata uang digital Cryptocurrency.

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Cryptocurrency


• Transaksi dengan Cryptocurrency dapat dilakukan siapapun, dimanapun dan kapanpun. Tidak bergantung pada hari kerja bank, batas negara, dan birokrasi.
• Ketahanan terhadap inflasi lebih kuat.
• Transparan karena pencatatan dilakukan sistem yang dapat di-monitoring secara langsung.
• Aman dari pencurian identitas.
• Lebih cepat dan praktis


• Rentan disalahgunakan seperti untuk money laundry, karena tidak memakai identitas asli.
• Nilai mata bisa tiba-tiba naik atau turun drastis dalam waktu singkat.
• Butuh keahlian khusus.
• Masih terbatas untuk digunakan jual beli di Indonesia.


Cryptocurrency di Indonesia

Dilansir dari CNBC , Indonesia sudah mengeluarkan izin untuk 299 Cryptocurrency, di antaranya Bitcoin, Ethereum, Xrp/ripple, Tether, Bitcoin cash, Binance coin, USD Coin dan lainnya. Walaupun mengalami penurunan, Bitcoin masih menjadi yang paling populer.


Bitcoin Still Dominates Crypto Market Capitalization

Namun, Undang-Undang No. 7, Pasal 1 Ayat 1, tahun 2011 masih menyatakan bahwa alat pembayaran yang diakui di Indonesia hanyalah mata uang Rupiah. Artinya, mata uang kripto belum bisa dipakai untuk alat transaksi di tanah air.

Meski demikan, keberadaan Cryptocurrency tidak ilegal. Kamu diperbolehkan untuk menyimpan atau memperjualbelikannya sebagai aset. Peraturan No. 5 Tahun 2019 menjadi landasan hukum untuk penyelenggaraan pasar fisik aset kripto di Indonesia.

Bank Indonesia (BI) dikabarkan berencana menerbitkan mata uang rupiah digital. Mata uang tersebut nantinya akan dikelola bank sentral. Guna melancarkan niat mereka, BI berusaha membangun kerja sama dengan bank sentral lain di berbagai dunia.


Tugas Homework

Buatlah Tugas Homework Dengan Topic di Bawah Ini dengan riset anda sendiri

1. Apa perbedaan mendasar antara Cryptocurrency dengan sistem keuangan konvensional?

2. Kenapa sistem desentralisasi dibutuhkan?

3. Apa yang mempengaruhi nilai mata uang kripto?

4. Kenapa tidak setiap orang bisa menjadi miner?

5. Kenapa transaksi Cryptocurrency bisa disebut lebih transparan?

6. Jelaskan bagaimana perkembangan cryptocurrency di negara anda?

7. Kesimpulan


  • Tugas Homework harus diposting di komunitas Steemit Crypto Academy. Steemit Crypto Academy .
  • Postingan minimal 500 kata
  • Plagiarisme dilarang di Steemit Crypto Academy.
  • Postingan Tugas Homework bisa di tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia (Hanya untuk Steemian Indonesia)
  • Untuk Tugas Homework, tambahkan tag #levycore-s2week6, dan #cryptoacademy.
  • Kirimkan Tugas Homework dari 17 MAY 2021 Hingga22 MAY 2021.




Get to know Cryptocurrency Digital Currency

Hello Steemian .. Times are evolving so fast. All things shifted to digital, money that we have known in the form of paper and coins or assets in gold and tangible properties in existence, now comes in a digital form called Cryptocurrency.

What is Cryptocurrency? How does it work? What is the difference compared to conventional currencies? My class at the Academy of crypto Steemit this week will explain Cryptocurrency for those of you who are new to it.

What is Cryptocurrency?



This currency commonly used for virtual transactions emerged as a decentralized movement so that the direction of assets did not depend on third parties such as banks and governments.

That is, transactions made with cryptocurrencies do not require intermediaries. Payment takes place peer-to-peer, directly between the sender and the recipient. Transactions are recorded and run on a system called Blockchain.

Like real-world currencies, many kinds, such as Rupiah, Dollar, Dinar, and others, virtual currencies also have many faces. Call it Bitcoin, Ehtereum, Litecoin, Steem,Ripple, Stellar, Dogecoin, Cardano, Eos, Tron, and thousands more.

Recorded in Coinmarketcap, there are 9,826 types of cryptocurrencies currently in circulation worldwide.



How to Use Cryptocurrencies

Furthermore, what can be done using cryptocurrencies? Here's how to use this currency that Satoshi Nakamoto first discovered.

1. Making Investments
The basic principles of economics, supply and demand also apply in cryptocurrencies. Where prices will go up when demand is pled, and availability is limited. The more you invest in cryptoassets, the more they will grow.

But based on the charts presented on the tradingview, the Cryptocurrency market appears to continue to grow. So crypto investments have so far shown positive potential.


Graphic Total Market Cryptocurrency

But still do not rush to decide to invest in Cryptocurrency with limited knowledge because crypto-asset investment is still classified as a high-risk category.

2. Buying Goods or Services

More and more here, many companies or organizations have received payments with virtual currency. Various types of transactions such as hospitality, restaurants, flights, and applications can be paid using cryptocurrencies.

At least two companies, Overstock, and Newegg have accepted various types of cryptocurrencies as means of payment. However, most of the others only buy bitcoin.


Transactions in with Bitcoin

3. Mining
Mining is one way to increase the number of cryptocurrencies. The process is done by solving complex mathematical calculations to add blocks to the blockchain system.

Computer with particular specifications andexpertise is not careless to be able to become a miner. Therefore, the services and companies that help this business appear are also paid with commissions from cryptocurrency transactions.

How Cryptocurrency Works

As explained above, the difference between Cryptocurrency and conventional financial systems is that this virtual currency is decentralized. In contrast, the transaction model that we have known is centralized.

A simple example to explain the centralized nature of conventional models is when parents want to send monthly money to their children overseas.

He uses banking services such as ATM, Mobile Banking or comes directly to the bank. Then, the parent will transfer the money he wants to send to his son's account number. This transaction uses a third party that is a bank, as an intermediary.

The process that happens is money transferred first to the bank, then passed to the recipient by the bank. Because it is done in real-time, the transfer is not felt.

But what will be felt as a result of the process through this intermediary is that the parents must follow the bank's policy. Such as rewards to be paid, in the form of administrative fees, either incurred when the transaction is made or in the form of monthly deductions.


Illustration of Centralized Transaction Process

As for decentralized Cryptocurrencies, no party acts as an intermediary. Direct transactions are made between the sender to the recipient.

Every computer on that network (worldwide) records transactions that occurred. These computers are operated by miners who participate in recording and supervising transactions on the web.

The miners will earn commissions with the used crypto money. But as explained above, not everyone can be a miner. Complex computational processing to parse the cryptography used requires specialized skills and adequate devices.


Illustration of Decentralized Transaction Process

This decentralized nature is the main idea of the Blockchain system. Blockchain technology itself is a platform used in transactions with cryptocurrency cryptocurrencies.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cryptocurrency

• Transactions with Cryptocurrency can be done by anyone, anywhere, and anytime. It does not depend on bank weekdays, state boundaries, and bureaucracy.
• Resilience to inflation is stronger.
• Transparent because the recording is done by a system that can bemonitored directly.
• Secure from identity theft.
• Faster and more convenient

• Vulnerable to abuse, such as for money laundering, because it does not use real identity.
• Eye value can suddenly rise or fall drastically in a short period.
• It needs special skills.
• Still limited to use buying and selling in Indonesia.

Cryptocurrency in the Indonesia

As reported from CNBC, Indonesia has issued permits for 299 Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Xrp/ripple, Tether, Bitcoin Cash, Binance coin, USD Coin, and others. But despite the decline, Bitcoin is still the most popular.


Bitcoin Still Dominates Crypto Market Capitalization

However, Indonesia's law only recognized means of payment is Rupiah. That is, cryptocurrencies can not be used for transaction tools in the country.

Although for the sake of it, the existence of Cryptocurrency is not illegal. You are allowed to store or trade them as assets. Regulation No. 5 of 2019 becomes the legal basis for implementing the physical market of crypto assets in Indonesia.

Bank Indonesia (BI) is reportedly planning to issue a digital rupiah currency. The central bank will then manage the money. To launch their intentions, BI seeks to build cooperation with other central banks around the world.


Homework Task

Make a Homework Task Post on the below Topics with your own research.

- 1. What is the fundamental difference between Cryptocurrency and the conventional financial system?

- 2. Why is a decentralized system needed?

- 3. What affects the value of cryptocurrencies?

- 4. Why can't everyone be a miner?

- 5. Why can cryptocurrency transactions be called more transparent?

- 6. Explain how the development of cryptocurrency in your country?

- 7. Conclusion


  • All homework posts should be posted in the community Steemit Crypto Academy .
  • Post Require a minimum of 500 words
  • Plagiarism is forbidden in Steemit Crypto Academy, Any attempt of plagiarism you will be reported.
  • For indonesian, the homework can be written in Bahasa
  • For Homework Task, add tag #levycore-s2week6, and #cryptoacademy.
  • Submit Homework Task from 17 MAY 2021 To 22 MAY 2021

Jangan Lupa Bahagia


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Hello, here is my assignment.

Learn About Cryptocurrency by @cryptogecko

This is my first assignment @levycore.

great Session here. Thanks for the lessons Sir @levycore.
Here is my home work
Waiting to hear from you...

Thank you for this very informative lecture professor@levycore
My assignment is coming in very soon insha'Allah

However this is the link to my last week's assignment given by proffesor@alphax which wasn't curated. Please have a look at this.
Thank you

Hello professor @levycore, nice lecture you gave here. Prof, the last homework i did was not curated, after i was graded 7, it has not been upvoted yet. Here is the link
Please check it so it can be upvoted. Thank you for your time. Warm regards.

hi, @levycore I learned a lot here I leave my research work so you can review it greetings.

Wow. This is a wonderful class for all.


Hello professor, here I re-publish my assignment from week 2 for the second time because in my first re-publication you did not grade it for me.

Hello teacher, here is my post, is waiting for your corrections. I posted the last sunday n.n

Excellent homework and great class professor @leycore. I will do my best to participate with you this time. Thank you so much for continuing to share this amazing knowledge.

Financial Markets Analyst.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Hello professor @levycore

Professor you skipped my homework post
Please attend to it..

Hello professor @levycore

My homework post was skipped. please professor do check it.

Goodday my professor @levycore,
This is the sixth day of my homework post which has been successfully verified by you but has not been curated.

Saludos @levycore, muy interesante su conferencia está semana, que bueno que hayan profesores como usted que se interesan en usuarios que están empezando en este mundo de las criptomonedas, será un placer participar en la realización de esta tarea, espero hacerla bien y sea de su agrado.

Can I partake in this homework

but it won’t be marked or curated.

Great lecture by you professor @levycore. I have made my entry for this task and I present the link to it below. Thank you.

Saludos cordiales Profesor @Levycore, felicidades por la excelente Clase referente a las Criptomonedas, muy bien explicada y con ejemplos claros que responden a muchas interrogantes, tengo poco tiempo en Steemit y este es un tema del cual me interesa aprender mucho, se que con esfuerzo y profesores como usted podre aprender y adquirir habilidades en cuanto a las Criptomonedas. gracias pronto estare compartiendo el enlace de mi tarea.

Bueno Días profesor @levycore puedo participar en su tarea (en español) soy de Venezuela.

Se pueden entregar las tareas en español

Hey professor @levycore this was an amazing lecture. Took me some time to write it down, but it was worth the time.

hope you enjoy reading it. You can find it here

Greetings professor, here is my homework for this week.

Hello respected @alphafx Below is my post link which get not curated yet. I posted that homework on time and you graded 7 on that.
I reminded you for multiple times but it still on pending. Plz help to get curation to this so that i can work on this week homework. THANKS

Very important and core lecture on cryptocurrency. when you were explaining it with the example of the parents sending money it was really very simple to understand the whole matter and what's happening. when you have just mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency, I think you are very just in explaining disadvantages as well. thank you very much professor for explaining with suggest simple words which is really understandable to anyone very easily and I have found many more interesting ideas and new things from your nice lecture.
#onepercent #bangladesh

Here is my homework of this lecture. Please suggest me any, where i can improve my homework. Thanks steem crypto academy professor @levycore

hello professor ,,thank you for this great lesson, I hereby submit my assignment post.

Good morning teacher @levycore , I see that you are wrong in the correction of my homework, I invite you to read carefully each point, each question is well explained, this grade is not for this task, surely you were wrong with someone else. Please read my homework again and rate it, as you will see, my homework is not edited.

I do not know the reason for their qualification but I hope that this misunderstanding is resolved since my task has no reason for a grade of this type, I have visualized tasks that do not make sense, and super incomplete tasks and still obtain a good grade.

Professor here I share the link of my homework so that it can be reviewed if you are so kind, thank you. Happy and excellent day.

Hi, Professor @levycore I have completed today's lecture reading and learn things that have enhanced my knowledge here is my homework post.
Crypto Academy Week 14 - Homework Post for @levycore | Cryptocurrency

Hello dear professor, Here is my homework submission for this week.

Looking forward to your next class.

Thanks a lot.

Hello @levycore, after reading your homework post, I decided to do the task you have assigned. Your homework post was clear and easy to understand.

I have finally finished the homework, you can find it here

Hello sir I hope you will be well. Thank you for your time to convey such a lecture dull of information.

Here is my homework: Crypto Academy Week 14 - Homework Post for [@levycore] Fundamental difference between the cryptocurrencies and conventional financial system | Decentralized System

Please check it and sorry for the inconvenience.

Such a great post of you

my homework

hello crypto prof @levycore this is my homework task for this week :

Crypto Academy Week 14 - Homework Post for [@levycore] // CRYTPOCURRENCY

Good class to attend @levycore.
People have come to misunderstand the word decentralization and centralization of the new social media house that has call it wise to join coin and post business expansion unlike a provision stores in our neighborhood that has chose to sale all items in their shop.
They sale all-inclusive packages to met their target does not say that a small retailer at my street that does not have enough idea to topup more package is centralized as some people think facebook is to steem.

All this body have a container of both decentralized and centralized characteristic. Now to hit the nail at the top, decentralization is simply means the takeout of money in-flow and out-flow from banks and government.

No one know if the era of the new money world (aka Cryptocurrency) money flow without the hands of the government does not also says that the brand of the so called (new money world) will not be another government tomorrow. For now is unproven.

Keep your good work @levycore and please vote me so that my reputation will come up to partake in the steemcryptoacademy. My SP is about 20 Sp to complete and my reputation is about 2 to complete too.

Please someone with heavy steem power to upvote me up so i will join class and also argue with steem professors.

Thank you.

Assalamualaikum Mr. @levycore.
This is my homework from professor @levycore. I do the best and a hundred thanks fot the great class professor.

Professor @levycore, ini adalah pekerjaan rumah saya minggu ini pada Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, pembelajaran tentang Cryptocurrency.

Wow thank you professor for such lessons....

This is my entry for your assignment sir

Buenas noches apreciado Profesor, aquí dejo mi tarea espero pueda corregirla , muchísimas gracias de antemano.