Hello to everyone here present once again in this beautiful community where i learn about crypto each day by the help of the amazing crypto professors like @wahyunahrul. Today by the mercies of God, I'll be talking in Audios Decentralized music platform. Without wasting much of our time let's get started with the homework proper, as I'll be answering certain questions on the basis of the introduction given to us by our Professor.
What do you think about the presence of the Audius platform in the music industry?
Audius for me is the revolution of the music industry, with the Blockchain technology growing and taking over the world at an exponential rate. Many innovations are being made on every aspect of world and it happens that this time the Audius platform comes to redeem the music industry. The presence of Audius brings a drastic change in the industry by providing freedom to music artists. By freedom i mean authenticity, quality and security on their arts. Both for already established artists and upcoming artists.
Where i come from in Cameroon, we have several upcoming artists looking for a platform where they can gain attention and get income from their arts. The Audius comes in to remedy to such situation by making them upload their content in a secured and transparent platform all by giving them a platform where they can earn money from their arts without involving a third party who can dupe them from their talent and work.
Every music uploaded in the platform has a particular timestamp which makes it possible fir the author to claim ownership of their work just as the copyright. The uploaded contest stays on the platform forever since it is based on the the Decentralized Blockchain technology. To this effect for any music artist to receive payments, he must provide rights of ownership to prove that he is receiving payment of his own arts.
Finally i think that Blockchain and music can go well and Audius has begun a new journey into such great step. As such it is important that they improve on copyright and legal issues on Decentralized platforms as it is for every decentralized system.
With the governance system used by Audius, do you think that system has made Audius a fair and fully decentralized platform? If not, please provide your suggestions for the system that Audius uses to make it more fair and decentralized
I think the governance system used by AUDIUS is fully and fair in decentralization. This platform makes it possible for any user to take part in making decisions which is the main quality in any decentralised system. The governance is done by voting , this means that every user can give his opinion based on the amount of AUDIO token he holds. These users can vote for relevant updates on the platform such as, future and feature development. This aspect gives power to the lovers of music and not more the music managers.
Audios is very transparent, which is another great aspect of Decentralization. Unlike in the music industry now where there is so much dark in many transactions of the music label owners which cheat the artist of their monetary rights. The artists sometimes go for concerts and end up not getting paid, because the manager took away the artist's share. This issue is tackled by Audius coz everything is on the Blockchain
The Audius platform based on this is decentralized because users are given the ability to make alterations and give their point of views which will enable them to all enjoy and benefit from the network, rather than a central administration taking every decision.
Audius in my opinion is fully decentralised because it it built on the Ethereum Blockchain which is the second most known and largest Blockchain network. It is also very secured and reliable. The AUDIO which is also the ERC-20 token is used as the security mechanism. If we are talking of decentralisation, security is one of the major keys. It is on this stand that i can say Audius is fair and fully decentralised
In addition, the idea of a third party is completely removed from the AUDIUS platform. This is the basis of the platform, as the platform makes the author to get copyright access and to claim complete ownership to his work without the help of a third party. Meanwhile in a centralized body, this cannot be possible because the central administration does all the work. This removes the idea of a manager of a music company taking charge and decisions of each song released by an artist and how much that artist gains. We see without doubt that AUDIUS is very decentralised.
Explain how to do 2 types of staking on Audius complete with illustrations. (Image Required)
The Audius platform allows 2 types of staking to be done which are; Staking as node operator and as a Client/artist. To be able to stake on this platform, we need to connect to a metamask wallet and be in possession of tokens (AUDIO) in that wallet.
- Operator Staking
Audius is decentralised and is built on the Ethereum Blockchain system. The node operators are the storage spaces of data on the AUDIUS platform. This is done inorder to maintain network continuity, data and content store on the platform.
The first type of staking on the platform is done by the node operators and the more operators stake AUDIO token, the more the platform security increases. And this requires that the users get well equiped hardware systems to be able to operate effectively.
Properties | capacity |
SSD (for content node) | 2000 GB |
SSD (For Discovery Node) | 200 GB |
vCPU | 16 GB |
These node operators choose to either do a discovery node or a content node. But they will have to supply at least 200, 000 AUDIO token. And they can also do both content and discovery nodes.
- Staking Delegation
This type of staking is cheaper and it allows every user is able to chip in with the little they have. Here, the AUDIO token is delegated to node operators and then the rewards they get from the operation iss then shared to the delegators according to the amount they delegated.
Now talking of how to connect to metamask, i downloaded the metamask app and got back into my browser in desktop mode to connect the wallet to the AUDIUS platform through the link, and this page appeared and I clicked on dashboard.
As i clicked on that link, it redirected me to this page and i couldn't find the connect wallet option.
To this effect i couldn't proceed in the connection to the metamask and couldn't complete this question.
Show the steps to create an account on Audius. (Screenshot Required)
- Step 1
Firstly to create an account on Audius, you need to type the link in the url bar of your phone. If you are using the web version to do that. As for me i used the app itself, so i went to my Google store and searched for the app then clicked on download.
- Step 2
After downloading, you open the app and click on sign up as it is below, you imlnput your email and press next.
- Step 3
Then another page opens where we add the password we desire. And we need to put the password as 8 characters with at lease a capital letter, small letter, number and symbol. This is to ensure good security.
- Step 4
Now we can complete the signing up either by Twitter, Instagram or by inputting it the way we wish. But i chose Instagram.
- Step 5
After that i had to log into my Instagram account from the Audius app and which i did successfully.
- Step 6
Here now was a confirmation message from Instagram app, at this juncture I was sure i have successfully logged in to my account.
- Final step
Here i checked in to my account and began by following 3 persons as required by the app and after that, all was okay and set for me to begin using my app.
Finally i was set and account was created.
Explore and explain the features available on the Audius application or website. (Screenshot Required)
Exploring this platform was quite easy, all i needed to do was to type in the url then proceed to clicking on the explore option at the top left corner.
After which i logged in to my account and began the journey.
Clicking on the explore takes us to another page where i would just click on the sign in button coz i already created an account previously.
After signing in, i began with the feed option, and this tab shows us the music streams on the platform. And it has a mixture and variety of tracks and albums. In a nutshell, it is where new stuff are found. One can also search The music he or she wants from the feed like musics, artists, users and even albums.
This one follows the feed tab directly and here what we can find is a list of tracks which are in high demand. These tracks are ordered in accordance to their number of plays. So the 1st on thee list is the most played track. This can be more specific by week, day, or all time
In this option, we have stuff like reposts, follows, likes etc. Where we can easily relate with the platform. Since it is a music platform, we can relate with this platform on the basis of the following,
- Just For You : content is customized based on your recent views and listens like heavy rotation, underground trending and trending playlist.
- Playlists To Suit Your Mood : Based on your mood, musics which relate to them are been put together. Like if you're feeling emotional it gives you songs on that.
- Artist You Should Follow: shows us trending artists based on number of followers and reposts of tracks.
Displays artists that are trending based on the number of followers and reposts of tracks.
The next is the Favourite, here it is the first option under the library tab and it contains the list of tracks a user has marked as favourite. Unlike the others, it is dependent on the user's choice and taste
In this tab, once a user listens to any music it ends up here. As i joined Audius i listened to one music so it will show only one in this tab.
This is the menu that enables us to see the newest stuff on Audius including your favourite artists. In this option, we can directly share, Play, repost Posts.
And lastly, is the setting tab. Here it is located at the top left corner together with the notification bell. On the settings we can find the AUDIOS and Rewards where we can connect to other wallets, and keep track of tokens and rewards. We can also edit the user's information like the display name, handles and profile pictures.
Explain in detail how the mechanism of uploading music content on Audius.
Two nodes are mainly processed on the Audius platform, namely the content node and discovery node. As seen earlier, the content node requires more capacity (storage space) since it's activities include activities like **streaming, adding playlists and liking contents.
The upload of contents is first received by the content node which is a group of smart contracts which are hosted on other Blockchain Networks such as Solana, Ethereum and even POA. This uploaded content is given an identity by first verifying and processing it into a reference code with a specific timestamp. It is on this basis that copyright is founded. The transcoded data is then replicated and transfered to 2 other content nodes to provide relevant proof that the particular track exists on the network by publishing the content. The user's info is then added to validate the ownership of that content.
When the processing by the content nodes is completed, the indexing and data hashing which is done by the discovery data is done. This process gives the process a unique hash code. And finally the track is posted on the Discovery node and readily accessible like hot cake to users. Once that process is completed, the artist or author is sent a notification.
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Upload your original music to Audius and show the proof using a block explorer. (Screenshot Required)
To upload music on this platform we need to visit the platform site on desktop mode. Because the normal mode can't support that. And the first thing we do is to log into our account and click on upload as seen below in our screenshot.
After that we click on browse to upload and it redirects us to our phone folders where we choose the file to be uploaded.
Once the file is seen and chosen, this page shoes up and we need to click on next.
On this page, we have the ability to modify and set the preferences of the music including mood, name, display picture, genre etc..
Once that is done, then we can proceed to next
After i added the information of the music i pres on continue and it begins to upload.
Here the process of upload begins and the bar seen there shows the progress of the upload.
At last, that is the completion of the upload and i just have to click on view track page.
The confirmation message of the upload then appears and asks me to share on Twitter.
Finally i get back to my profile and i see my music there ready to be listened by other users.
Technology has come as a redeemer to every field in the world, especially in the introduction of crypto and Blockchain technology. With the entrance of the AUDIUS platform, many issues on the aspect of music industry has been remedied such as copyright infringement and theft. With this platform, no one can claim ownership of what he doesn't have.
Music monetization in the AUDIUS platform has helped many struggling artists in the music industry coz they can now claim what duly belongs to them without the participation of third parties such as music labels and managers. Same goes for the copyright and song ownership.
Thanks to this amazing course by @wahyunahrul, i have come to the understanding that there is more to music than it seems with AUDIUS.
Written by @majerius