Steemit Crypto Academy Contest - S2W3 - Blockchain in our lives by @malikusman1

in hive-108451 •  2 years ago 

Greetings fellow students of Crypto Academy, how are you all? I hope that by the mercy of Allah Almighty all students are well. Today is my 3rd post of this week and we will discuss blockchain in our lives in this post.


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My friends, blockchain is a wonderful technology and it has eliminated many of the problems of the world. Blockchain technology is a very new and it has caused a stir all over the world. Blockchain technology has solved a lot of people's tenshions and people are very happy with it, they consider it a blessing. Blockchain has changed a lot over time and people are using it in droves.


Photo taken from Pixabay

Friends actually, Blockchain is a distributed, unchanged database that makes it very easy to record transactions and manage assets in a corporate network. An asset, such as a cryptocurrency, a house and many other related things is an example of an asset. On a blockchain network, virtually anything of value can be recorded and traded and it is helpful for people in their daily lives. Below are some tips that show how blockchain helps us in our daily lives.


Friends, in some countries people illegally occupied the lands of others because the owners did not have records. This was an important issue but Blockchain solved it very easily. Many countries have now implemented blockchain to protect the ground data of their people and this is very helpful. Because of this, no one can illegally occupy another's land because the entire record of his land is already on the blockchain and it is difficult to change it.


In the past, in some countries, the Prime Minister or the President was elected on the basis of paper voting. And because of the paper voting, there was a lot of confusion. And it was very easy to falsify papers. But now in some countries, all voting data is now on blockchain, which means that no one can manipulate the vote. Blockchain have also reduced the chances of the fraud in the elections and this time Pakistan also intends to manage elections through blockchain.


My dear friends, thousands of patients come to the hospital every day and it is very difficult to manage all their data in a system or papers because system or papers may be lost. But now there are many hospitals around the world that save their hospital data on blockchain because it is much easier to check the data from here and his chances of getting lost are also zero percent. So we can see that Blockchain also solves the problems of hospitals.


Millions of children around the world go to school and university to get their education. It is not safe to keep all their data in one system. But Blockchain have also solved this problem and now many schools and universties all over the world save their data on blockchain thats impressive.

So from the above we can gauge how blockchain is making our daily lives easier and changing. Blockchain is indeed a wonderful technology and it has alleviated many of the hassles of people's daily lives. It is also solves the problems of other institutions like banks, bussiness etc.


There are many advantages to using blockchain in our daily lives but at the same time there are some disadvantages as well so let's first see what the advantages are. If I talk about the benefits of blockchain, then post will be much longer. I will tell you some of the benefits.



The first advantage of Blockchain in our lives is that we do not need any third party help. Sometimes if we go to the hospital the rush makes it very difficult to get our data from the management and we have to work very hard to get our data form the third person but with the help of blockchain we can see our data very easily. So, its first benefit in our daily life is decentralization.


Another major benefit of blockchain is its transparency. Because of this blockchain advantage, we can avoid a lot of fraud. Because all the data is on blockchain and we can see it at any time. This data is very transparent. Transforming data is very difficult but also impossible, the second biggest advantage of blockchain is transparency in my view.


Saving time is also one of the benefits of Blockchain, which is very important in our lives. Because if we need our record we can sit at home and check our record with the help of blockchain which can save us a lot of time. Besides, if we want to send money to someone with the help of blockchain, we can send it very fastly because the transaction speed of the blockchain is also very fast as compared to banks.


Blockchain is very secure and private. With its help we can make many transactions easily in our daily life securly. Because if we transact through blockchain, it does not share our personal information, which is a very good thing and also a great benefit. Because Blockchain only gives the information of our wallet address not about our name etc.


If there are advantages to something then there are disadvantages as well because nothing is one hundred percent perfect. Now I will tell you some of the disadvantages of this technology. So let's start.


Because it's a new technology and it's not so much famous in this world. Most people are not aware of this yet and do not know how blockchain technology works. People use it very little because they don't know much about it and that's why its adopted less. So the first disadvantage of this is that it is less adopted because it is not popular.


We are right that we can transfer money to each other very quickly with the help of blockchain transactions. But in this hurry we can also do a loss. If we transfer money to a wrong address with blockchain transactiom then it is very impossible for us to recover this money and in this way we will lose our assets and will face huge losses. So this is another disadvantage of blockchain technology which will harm us by sending payments to wrong address.


One of the disadvantage of blockchain technology is that it can be used for illegal purposes. Because whenever we transact through blockchain , our personal information is hided. And by taking advantage of that, people can buy and sell drugs from each other. It can also be used to buy illegal weapons and other these like things. Therefore, the transfer of money with the help of Blockchain for illlegal purposes is another disadvantage of Blockchain.


Anything that is online can be hacked. And blockchain technology is also online, and it can be hack. Blockchain data can not be changed at all, but our assets can be hack, which is a huge loss. Also, if we lose our private keys, it will be difficult for us to rocover the assets. So, these are some of the disadvantages of blockchain technology in our daily lives.


Blockchain technology is at early stages and has helped a lot of people and we should not doubt about the future of blockchain technology because its future is absolutely very bright. Because numerous sectors are being transformed by blockchain technology relatively. It offers an automated system for conducting business and maintaining financial records.

For banks and businesses, this equates to a quicker, less expensive option.Numerous changes are coming for business and our way of life as this new technology spreads and advances. So from this we can guess how useful blockchain technology. It is secure, fast and very private type of technology thats really helpful for the problems of many people.

With all these things in mind, we can estimate that how bright the future of blockchain is. In addition, blockchain technology is having a huge impact on the world. Because many business owners are now adopt blockchain technology in their business due to its incredible benefits.

The use of blockchain technology is spreading throughout the information technology industry and impacting the world very strongly. The majority of people are aware with well-known blockchain currencies often referred to as cryptos, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and many other cryptocurrencies. But blockchain is now much more than just a platform for online payments.

Because it is also adopted by many big business companies like Consensys Quorum, LVMH, MediaChain and many other big companies. And if we talk about the total number of crypto users in the world who use blockchain technology for their transactions, there are more than 300 million of them. So, here we can gauge how blockchain affected the world.


My dear friends, Implementation of blockchain technology in the health sector is very beneficial for the hospitals. Its will brings many positive impacts in the field of health sector if it implemented in health sector. Because many difficulties of the hospital can be managed with the help of blockchain technology. In the healthcare system, a blockchain network can be utilised to store and share patient data amongst hospitals, diagnostic labs, drug companies, and doctors. Lets discuss in detailed.


As we all know that whenever we go to the doctor for a check up, he gives the patient a report which is in paper form. And the patient's paper report is sometimes lost by the paitent and when the patient goes to the doctor again without the report, how can the doctor check that person, thus the patient and the doctors face a lot of problems.

And if the same thing is done with the implementation of the blockchain, then the patient's data can be permanently stored on the blockchain and it will be beneficial to both doctors and paitent. Therefore, we can gauge the positive implementation of blockchain in the health sector.


I am inviting @drqamu, @msquaretk, @tamighty, @josantos, @lhorgic, @yakspeace, @jueco and @chiabertrand to take part in this contest.



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I would really love to see the blockchain technology implemented for electoral processes, because in a country like mine, election has been a faux.

Success to you.

Yes, My dear friend I am also glad to see that Blockchain is being adopted so much now and it is making our daily life so much easier. This is a wonderful technology and it can save us from many frauds. Thanks for your precious comment on my post. I wish you best of luck for the contest.

Greetings 🇵🇰

As we all know that whenever we go to the doctor for a check up, he gives the patient a report which is in paper form. And the patient's paper report is sometimes lost by the paitent and when the patient goes to the doctor again without the report, how can the doctor check that person, thus the patient and the doctors face a lot of problems.

This you said is very important. Honestly sometimes one will need to undergo the same test again if the report is not in the doctor's records.

Blockchain has been one of the best technologies. The impact it's making is very great. I believe it will also be effective in health sector.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

I wish you good luck in your entry.

Kind regards!

This you said is very important. Honestly sometimes one will need to undergo the same test again if the report is not in the doctor's records.
Blockchain has been one of the best technologies. The impact it's making is very great. I believe it will also be effective in health sector.

Yes when the same paitent need to undergo the same test then think how bad this would be for both doctor and paitent. But Blockchain also come up with this solution. Now all the report data can be store on blockchain. So, the main point is that it will be very helpful for the health sector if the implemented blockchain technology in their system. Thanks for visiting my post friend.

Greetings from pakistan 🇵🇰.

Friends, in some countries people illegally occupied the lands of others because the owners did not have records.

Like those issues are very common in Traditional market. Those we resolved very easily from adopting Blockchain Technology.

Nice Explanation from you.

Like those issues are very common in Traditional market. Those we resolved very easily from adopting Blockchain Technology.

Yes my dear friend blockchain technology solves some of our major problems. With the help of blockchain we can changed the world into a digital world. If blockchain implemented in different fields of life then it would be beneficial for us. Thanks for visiting my post. Best of luck for the contest.

Greetings from pakistan 🇵🇰.

Agree with you. Tske care.

One of the disadvantage of blockchain technology is that it can be used for illegal purposes. Because whenever we transact through blockchain ,

Yes you are right. Adoption of blockchain in financial sector would pose such a problem because of annonymity.

is also online, and it can be hack..

Yes the hacking has been seen in the past but it is comparatively much secure than our conventional systems as stored information is secured with the help of cryptographic algorithms.

patient's data can be permanently stored on the blockchain and it will be beneficial

To secure the patient data, blockchain is best solution to avoid any data loss. In India, government has started giving online health cards and IDs to all the citizens which are meant to store the patient's health data online. With the implementation of blockchain, such attempts will florish further.

Nice work done.


Yes you are right. Adoption of blockchain in financial sector would pose such a problem because of annonymity.

actually, your personal information kept private on blockchain and the people take advantage from it. it is one of the big disadvantage of blockchain but I hope it will be solved in future.

Yes the hacking has been seen in the past but it is comparatively much secure than our conventional systems as stored information is secured with the help of cryptographic algorithms.

Brother everything that is online can be hacked. It dose not mean blockchain can be not hacked it can also be hacked but i agree with you the chance of hacking in blockchain is too low due to its privacy.

To secure the patient data, blockchain is best solution to avoid any data loss. In India, government has started giving online health cards and IDs to all the citizens which are meant to store the patient's health data online. With the implementation of blockchain, such attempts will florish further.

As paper reports are difficult to save for a long term so blockchain is the best option. And Nice to hear from you that India has adopt the blockchain technology in health sectors for storing the online health data. Brother thanks for visiting my post best of luck for the contest.

Greetings 🇵🇰

The future of blockchain is no doubt a bright one. With all the numerous sectors it has been accepted and used for both financial, clients and information computational. It's use is not negliable by any technologically inclined organization that want to see the light of the future.

Thanks for sharing a beautiful post.

Yes, it is the start of blockchain technology adoption and there is no doubt on the future of blockchain technology its future is very bright. Blockchain technology is very secure and transparent and its very helpful for us. Thanks for coming to my post and commenting on it.

Greetings 🇵🇰


Hello friend, you have done a great Job. It is true that Blockchain will help in Health sector to keep tracks of patients as well as health care workers, Have you thought about how it will help in Eliminating fake drugs?… Transactions on Blockchain cannot be changed, as such information between manufacturers of drugs and distributors will remain in tact. This will help solve this problem. Kudos!

Yes my dear brother blockchain technology is very helpful in health sectors to keep the paitent records. No brother I have not thought about how blockchain will help in Eliminating fake drugs. This is a very good idea my dear brother. Thanks for giving me this idea. Blockchain is also very helpful in eleminating fake drugs. Thanks for coming. Best of luck.

Greetings 🇵🇰

virtually anything of value can be recorded and traded and it is helpful for people in their daily lives

Yes, I think this can be seem with the exposure NFT projects have brought.

Have you heard that someone use an as a collateral to buy a house? He used it to take around 1. 2 million dollar worth of USDC for this project.


I’ve heard of a lot of use cases of blockchain but I. An tell you this is my first time of hearing about this. If this is the case then I think this is beautiful news☺️. How do they do that ?

Will they record the land and it’s initials somewhere else or they will make the land an NFT space with the owner known .

Am confused here , help me out 😂

permanently stored on the blockchain and it will be beneficial to both doctors and paitent

Yes and then the patient will not have to worry about keeping the paper safe because loosing it could mean a lot.


Nice information that you have shared with all members. Definately your post will help those who have great interest.

Thanks my dear friend for your feedback on my this post. I also invite you to take part in the academy contest. I would be beneficial for you.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Since 2016, agencies and companies have begun to develop blockchain technology to be applied in their activities on a large scale. Times are increasingly modern and the benefits provided are also very much, especially in terms of saving space and time and high security. It is almost impossible for hackers to hack existing data because blockchain has a formula that is difficult to change.

In the healthcare system, a blockchain network can be utilized to store and share patient data amongst hospitals, diagnostic labs, drug companies, and doctors.

You are absolutely right, but everything must be confirmed by the patient and the data entered must also be filled in a single format in a decentralized system because if something goes wrong, there is a history that we will know as soon as possible.

I wish you success with this contest and our knowledge will increase.

Since 2016, agencies and companies have begun to develop blockchain technology to be applied in their activities on a large scale. Times are increasingly modern and the benefits provided are also very much, especially in terms of saving space and time and high security. It is almost impossible for hackers to hack existing data because blockchain has a formula that is difficult to change.

Yes I also like the features of blockchain like security, time Saving , decentralized nature and many other these like benefits. Yes you are also right that there is a less chance of hacking in blockchain.

Yes my dear friend it would be also helpful for the paitents if blockchain is implemented in health sector. Thanks for coming to my post on my invitation..

Greetings 🇵🇰

You are welcome...
May you success in your contest..

It was nice reading through your article. You have present excellently well the advantages of Blockchain Adoption. But we all know that no matter how much best a system maybe, there's always a draw back.

In all the Cons you mentioned, I worry more for the illegal activities this might be used for which may result to heavy consequences. Security Structures.may be comprised, terrorism acts funded un-traced, etc which makes it delicate.

Anyway , thanks for sharing this piece.

In all the Cons you mentioned, I worry more for the illegal activities this might be used for which may result to heavy consequences. Security Structures.may be comprised, terrorism acts funded un-traced, etc which makes it delicate.

Yes according to this issues many people think blockchain is not good. But I hope Governments would take a keen step to eliminate these type of activities. Thanks for reading my post and for your valuable comment.

Greetings 🇵🇰

I will be good if steps are taken to eliminate such threats from the system. But hope that doesn't centralized the Decentralized system where central monitoring are done.

Anything that is online can be hacked. And blockchain technology is also online, and it can be hack. Blockchain data can not be changed at all, but our assets can be hack, which is a huge loss. Also, if we lose our private keys, it will be difficult for us to rocover the assets. So, these are some of the disadvantages of blockchain technology in our daily lives.

I totally agree with your opinion on this one, however online can be hacked so we must be very careful in maintaining our privacy.

Yes my dear friend Blockchain is very safe and its hacking chances are also less but we should still be careful because caution is necessary. Thank you for coming to my post and reading it. I am very happy.

Greetings 🇵🇰


Brother I hope you will be fine. Today you have explained the adoption of Blockchain and it's benefits and disadvantages in quite well manner. I want to mention somethings which i really got amazing these are:

Yes, brother you're right that the Blockchain in real estate is a big step as the record on Blockchain can't be manipulated so it is best to convert the written papers to Digital papers like NFTs.
And Blockchain is quite helpful in Medical, educational and transportational field.

You have explained the Drawbacks of Blockchain which are not hidden. Like Blockchain was used in past for the illegal transaction and the Blockchain was also used on darkweb for all the illegal works.

But we should keep our concentration on good things and need to improve them like the implementation of Blockchain in medical field will brought good results in near Future.

Best of luck brother keep it up

Your post again deserve Top position.

I want to invite you to visit my post also

Link to Mine Post

Yes, brother you're right that the Blockchain in real estate is a big step as the record on Blockchain can't be manipulated so it is best to convert the written papers to Digital papers like NFTs.
And Blockchain is quite helpful in Medical, educational and transportational field.

If all our real estate papers are keep on with blockchain as NFTs, then the possibility of fraud with us will be less. Because you know very well how the Patwaris in Pakistan are allowed to take bribes and make a legitimate occupation. If this is done then these cases can be controlled to a great extent.

I'm glad you learned a lot from my post and I'm glad you appreciated my post. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to my post and giving it your time. Best of luck for the contest.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Friends, in some countries people illegally occupied the lands of others because the owners did not have records. This was an important issue but Blockchain solved it very easily. Many countries have now implemented blockchain to protect the ground data of their people and this is very helpful. Because of this, no one can illegally occupy another's land because the entire record of his land is already on the blockchain and it is difficult to change it.

This has always been a problem in every country. Blockchain has provided transparency for each land sold out to be published and also provide records for already acquired land.

If we transfer money to a wrong address with blockchain transactiom then it is very impossible for us to recover this money and in this way we will lose our assets and will face huge losses.

The immutability of blockchain technology has been a great drawback though it provides transparency and I hope with time sometime will be done about it. Because a lot have loss their assets as a result of wrong address.

This has always been a problem in every country. Blockchain has provided transparency for each land sold out to be published and also provide records for already acquired land.

Yes, you are right. There is a similar system in our country. But if all this data is done on blockchain, then we can save from these types of activities. What do you think?

The immutability of blockchain technology has been a great drawback though it provides transparency and I hope with time sometime will be done about it. Because a lot have loss their assets as a result of wrong address.

Yes, In that case we could face huge losses and I think there must be some solution to this important problem. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with of luck.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Indeed the blockchain is a wanderful technology, and it has eliminate all the problem of transection, Also it has been so beneficial in all aspects of life such as, education, healthcare, business. Most person are adopting to this technology and it's growing very fast per day.

You have made an excellent and educative review about the blockchain and you have explained so well about the advantage and disadvantage of the blockchain.

Thank you for sharing my dear friend, and I wish you all the best.

Indeed the blockchain is a wanderful technology, and it has eliminate all the problem of transection, Also it has been so beneficial in all aspects of life such as, education, healthcare, business. Most person are adopting to this technology and it's growing very fast per day.

My dear friend you said well blockchain is very advanced technology and it is very helpful for the health sector, education , Elections and many other things. Now in these fields are also implemented blockchain technology in it after knowing the advantages of blockchain. thats impressive. It is also growing fast day by day. My brother thanks for your happy comment on my blog.

Greetings from pakistan 🇵🇰.

You have done a good job in analysing the advantage and disadvantages of Blockchain.

And the point your raise about our medical records being lost. I can remember one time I went to the hospital and was bedridden. During my stay in the hospital, my hospital records/ book got missing. It was so funny. I believe Blockchain will help solve this problem.

And the point your raise about our medical records being lost. I can remember one time I went to the hospital and was bedridden. During my stay in the hospital, my hospital records/ book got missing. It was so funny. I believe Blockchain will help solve this problem.

Did you really lose your medical documents? I am laughing a lot and I think Balockchain will solve this problem very well. I'm glad you liked the pros and cons of blockchain that i mentioned.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time for me.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Indeed you have explained so much about blockchain stating it advantages and disadvantages is a clear ans understanding way. I appreciate your efforts in breakdown your words.

Thank you so much for sharing your post with us.

My dear friend, first of all, thank you for visiting my post on my invitation and secondly, I am very happy that you like the Advantages and disadvantages of blockchain in my post. one again thanks for your precious comment.

Greetings 🇵🇰

It's not easy, our mistakes are heavy and the time we've lost will never come back, if you look through my profile the first thing you could notice is that I am pretty young. I live in a country where a week is a year and growing up earlier is matter of economic and psychologic survival, it is a rush and isn't easy, I would love a life with more security and possibilities but this is what I got

My life was a mess not so long ago but through determination, I have really improved in all the aspects of my life.

This knowledge will have a strong basis, not just me throwing nonsense words.

it to improve in every aspect of my life and how to use it on Steemit.
I guarantee you that it will indeed help you to be successful here on Steemit.

My dear friends, thank you very much for coming to my post and expressing your valuable thoughts. I hope you will get a lot of knowledge from my post and I will continue to do the same for you. Thank you.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Greetings friend @malikusman1

The adoption of blockchain is a big challenge for the global community especially for the lower class, knowing that there is still a good percentage of people who do not have and do not know how to handle a common banking product, such as a debit card for example, so it is very dicifil to make that important leap of integration to the opportunities provided by the new era.

I think your intervention is very good.

First of all, there are still a lot of people out there who don't know what blockchain technology really is. Also some people are illiterate and they don't know how to use mobile and they also don't understand blockchain because it is online technology. And I think the biggest reason for not adopting it is its less awarence.

Friend, I am very glad that you came to my post at my request and expressed your valuable opinion on it.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Great explanation my brother. As usual, you explained all the points in a very impressive way. Yes brother, the implementation of the Blockchain technology has benefited the whole world in all fields. it is a very impressive thing to know that the Blockchain technology has entered successfully in all the fields if the life including health, education, banking, sports, advertising, shipping, politics, in short, all the fields are positively affected by the Blockchain technology.

And if the same thing is done with the implementation of the blockchain, then the patient's data can be permanently stored on the blockchain and it will be beneficial to both doctors and paitent. Therefore, we can gauge the positive implementation of blockchain in the health sector.

Yes, brother the implementation of the blockchain technology in the medical field will surely of a great benefit. With this, the doctors can store the permanent and unchangeable records of the patients. Moreover, the most important point to be notice here is that the patients are able to find out and contact their related and highly experienced doctors worldwide with the help of the Blockchain technology.

Thanks a lot for such a nice entry.

Yes brother, the implementation of the Blockchain technology has benefited the whole world in all fields.

Yes because due to this we can get many advantages from this. Because it is transparent.

it is a very impressive thing to know that the Blockchain technology has entered successfully in all the fields if the life including health, education, banking, sports, advertising, shipping, politics, in short, all the fields are positively affected by the Blockchain technology.

Yes now it has been used in many fields of life such as health sector, politics and many other things thats impressive. Its result was also positive.

Yes, brother the implementation of the blockchain technology in the medical field will surely of a great benefit. With this, the doctors can store the permanent and unchangeable records of the patients.

Yes blockchain technology is very good and wonderful and it is helpful for us as well as it is beneficial for doctors and patients. Thanks steemdoctor for visiting my post and sharing your thoughts with me. I visit your post soon.

Greetings 🇵🇰

You have written so well about blockchain on how it's changing life. Indeed blockchain is a blessing to the world.
Thanks for sharing.

Yes Blockchain has changed our lives and it has solved many of our problems and now it is growing rapidly which is a great thing. I am very happy that you come and comment.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Thank you so much for inviting me my friend, the impact of blockchain in our daily activities can never be looked down upon. Every aspect of life is gradually adopting this technology. Success on the contest.

Thank you so much for inviting me my friend, the impact of blockchain in our daily activities can never be looked down upon. Every aspect of life is gradually adopting this technology. Success on the contest.

First of all I would like to thank you very much for commenting on my post on my invitation. It is a very happy thing for me. Yes, blockchain technology is adopting by a lot of people because it has so many benefits and people are using it so much. Once again thanks for your comment.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Another major benefit of blockchain is its transparency. Because of this blockchain advantage, we can avoid a lot of fraud. Because all the data is on blockchain and we can see it at any time.

No doubt, the transparency of blockchain technology is one of it's more at important aspect because it improves security and trust

No doubt, the transparency of blockchain technology is one of it's more at important aspect because it improves security and trust.

One of the biggest advantages of Blockchain is that it is transparent and its other major advantage is that it is secure. But do you know the reason for its low adoption? The reason for its low adoption is that people are not aware of it yet. Thanks brother for giving your time to me.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Blockchain is very secure and private. With its help we can make many transactions easily in our daily life securly. Because if we transact through blockchain, it does not share our personal information, which is a very good thing and also a great benefit. Because Blockchain only gives the information of our wallet address not about our name etc.

Yeah brother, blockchain has a high security and I believe this happens to be one of the major reasons why people are adapting to blockchain. Your post is full knowledge. Thanks for sharing and best luck in your contest.

Yeah brother, blockchain has a high security and I believe this happens to be one of the major reasons why people are adapting to blockchain. Your post is full knowledge. Thanks for sharing and best luck in your contest.

Yes due to its decentralized and secure nature many people are now adopting it. I am very happy that my post give you knowledge. Thanks for your valuable comment.

Greetings 🇵🇰

I feel that blockchain being used for elections is really great and I feel that it will make elections more free and fair. It will also help for the accountability practice.

I feel that blockchain being used for elections is really great and I feel that it will make elections more free and fair. It will also help for the accountability practice.

Yes, this is the issue of almost all countries because whenever there are elections, there is a lot of manipulation in them. If elections are held with the help of blockchain, it will be very helpful. Thank you for your valuable comment on my post.

Greetings 🇵🇰

I think the blockchain technology is the need of the future world. The blockchain technology has brought many innovations in the world and every field of the world is impressed by the blockchain technology.

Friends, in some countries people illegally occupied the lands of others because the owners did not have records. This was an important issue but Blockchain solved it very easily. Many countries have now implemented blockchain to protect the ground data of their people and this is very helpful. Because of this, no one can illegally occupy another's land because the entire record of his land is already on the blockchain and it is difficult to change it.

Yes brother you are very right that the blocks in technology has been adopted in maintaining the land records. Many developed countries of the world have opted it to maintain the land records of the public.

Good luck for the contest.

Yes brother you are very right that the blocks in technology has been adopted in maintaining the land records. Many developed countries of the world have opted it to maintain the land records of the public.

Yes, if blockchain technology is adopted for land records, it can be very profitable for us and we can avoid a lot of fraud. Thank you very much for your valuable comment on my post.

Greetings and blessings 🇵🇰

It is one of the best article. I read the whole post and enjoyed a lot you discuss about every aspect in a very beautiful way. I like the most...

    Blockchain is very secure and private. With its help we can make many transactions easily in our daily life securly. Because if we transact through blockchain, it does not share our personal information, which is a very good thing and also a great benefit. Because Blockchain only gives the information of our wallet address not about our name etc.

In this paragraph you tell us about the security of Blockchain system which is really authentic. I really appriciate you.
My best wishes are with you please keep on working with this passion.

In this paragraph you tell us about the security of Blockchain system which is really authentic. I really appriciate you.
My best wishes are with you please keep on working with this passion.

Yes blockchain technology is a very high secure because we don't need a third person. we can easily transact with each other. Thanks for coming to my post and giving me time.

Good Morning 🇵🇰

Amigo has creado una publicación muy informativa y detallada sobre como la Blockchain a logrado y/o logrará ayudar a todos nosotros en nuestra vida cotidiana, me complació bastante leer tu publicación y todos los beneficios expuesto en ella ligados al mundo Crypto 1ue tengas mucha suerte en el concurso

Mis queridos amigo, me alegra saber que han obtenido conocimiento de mi publicación y espero que también les guste mi publicación. Muchas gracias por visitar mi publicación por mi invitación. Seguiré haciendo lo mismo. Seguiré compartiendo la publicación con ustedes. Gracias