Crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners’ Level - Homework Post for WEEK 7: [Decentralized Apps (DApps) - Future Apps From Blockchain System] by @manchochris for Professor wahyunahrul

in hive-108451 •  4 years ago 

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Will DApps be able to replace centralized applications in other fields in the future?

Absolutely yes, in fact I anticipate that in the next five years we shall be seeing more of the DApps as compared to the centralized apps. I base my confidence on prof. @wahyunahrul’s lesson which has clearly explained the special aspects of DApps. I believe that if many people get this information and lessons about DApps, then there is no doubt about DApps replacing centralized applications.

Everyone loves security and privacy of their data and this is exactly what DApps is providing, then why wouldn’t people join such a special platform with special features. I think DApps needs just more promotion and educating people about how these DApps operate just like prof. @wahyunahrul has done. This will give it a great mileage.

Is there a possibility for DApps to steal user data?

If I understood Prof. @wahyunahrul’s lesson very well then the answer is NO. The reason is very simple. The way DApps operate is that developer develops the application with an open source code for everyone to access to ensure that this data is not re-used since it can be accessed by everyone.

The DApps are not controlled in a central place by the developer or owner as compared to Centralized applications like facebook. Insead DApps work in a pear to pear way where users can interact with one another without any central person. The systems are automated on the blockchain network using smart contacts therefore data security is guaranteed since the blockchain network has no central person controlling the user's data.

Explain the ways in which a DApp promotes its application to the public?

Promotion is one of the best ways to notify the public about anything. Now from my research I noticed that one of the ways that DApps use to promote its applications is airdrops. These airdrops bring many people on board. I mean who does not want to enjoy free tokens? If people join through airdrops and in the due course fall in love with the services the DApp provides then the App will gain momentum and it will eventually attract many investors.

The other way is through Social media, this includes twitter, facebook and other social media channels. We all know that if there is anything you want to spread very fast, then the best place for you to go is social media. Therefore DappRadar uses social media platforms like twitter to promote its applications

DappRadar also uses its website to promote it’s DApps. Whoever logs on to the website is able to see a number of these Apps.

Choose a DApp and do a detailed analysis that proves that the DApp is a good one to use. (Provide proof with screenshot).

There are so many DApps but among these I will choose Uniswap DApp and I will educate the steemity community about this DApp with a clear analysis as per my research.

From I was able to identify this application and I found out that it is a very good application because it petroys the special characteristics of DApps. Below is how it works;

How The Uniswap DApp works.

This DApp is more of a market exchange for crypto currencies and tokens. To access this DApp please go to this website

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Before you can proceed to make any transactions with the Uniswap DApplication, you have to first connect a wallet to it. For example for my sake I used Trust wallet.

Let me show you the step by step process you go through to add a wallet to Uniswap;

At this point if you are using a phone, you select the option of phone and if your using another device you select the QR code option and the click on connect

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Then we shall be redirected to another page wish prompts you and shows you the services you will expect to get after you have connected your wallet to Uniswap. Let me show this process below;

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This is almost the end of the wallet connection process because after this we see that we are able to connect our wallet to the Uniswap DApp.

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At this point you are able to Swap and exchange from one crypto currency coin or tokens to another as long as they are tradable on the Uniswap exchange.

If you were a DApps developer, what kind of app would you like to create? Explain all the details of the DApp plan that you will make.

If I were to develop a DApp application, It would be a research application where there are experts and researchers. The researchers would post their needs and the expert is rewarded with app tokens upon satisfying the researcher’s needs. This means that the researcher will buy the app tokens which they use to reward the expert for their work.

The Best way To embark on this Project.

Plan the Design having it in mind that the code should be open source and include all the special features for a DApp .

Find out how much time and finances this project will cost you and check viability to help you decide on whether to proceed with the project or not.

If you have finally developed the application, go ahead and list this DApp on every DApps website including and

After this is done, you can now run some sort of a promotion campaign through an air drop basically to let the public know about the DApp application.

My Conclusion

In my option, I strongly believe that DApps will take over the central applications in time to come. I have gotten a very big chance to learn more about these DApps from Prof. wahyunahrul lesson and I also added on some more research which has helped me realise that actually DApps are the best Apps currently in the world. If the community keep learning more about DApps like I have done today then there is absolutely no doubt about its flourish.

I would like to thank you Prof. wahyunahrul for this wonderful lesson, it has been amazing and it gave me great insight of the blockchain future. I look forward to your next lesson for week 8.

@manchochris from Uganda.

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