Is 13 years late too late? Whilst some consider that question seriously, there are groups of people focused on finding brand new cryptocurrencies, never believing life-changing profits can be achieved through investing in old financial instruments.
While Bitcoin, 13 years after it was time to understand and invest is a good way to invest a LARGE SUM of capital, if you have no money in your wallet, you might need to look for micro-cap opportunities, where you can be one of the very first holders, and make bank out of simple putting in effort regularly or getting automation to do the task for you.
There are only a few services allowing you to discover coins as soon as they are released, often coupled with token-checking it can help find next big gems.
Let us remind you of the immense success of SHIB token. Whatever one may know and think about it, the truth is: SHIB is an event in history that has never happened before and it made multimillionaires over the course of weeks, months, or one year, which is how long it took for its explosive growth to be in full bloom.
From $0 market worth to $77 BILLION worth a mere year later. Few have already forgotten, but those that actively seek out for the new SHIBs always remember, and never get discouraged.
Are you a fan of new cryptos or old cryptos?
Do you actually believe you can make life-changing profits from investing in coins a couple decades old?
Tell us more about your financial wins & losses. Have you missed out on SHIB, or were you early?
Have you maintained a firm diamond-hand grip on your tokens, or have they slipped away from your wallet due to paper-hand fear?
Let us join together in the mentality of new coins being more than worth exploring now more than ever, especially to truly make our lives a billion times better.
also posting on reddit: @maskci