Crypto Academy Week 16 Homework Post For @pelon53 - Hashgraph Teknology

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago  (edited)

On this occasion I will try to answer questions from the homework given by professor @pelon53, as for this week's class related to Hashgraph Technology, well I will answer one by one.

1. Describe in detail the Gossip protocol, which is used in Hashgraph.


Gossip protocol is a protocol that is in Hashgraph technology. As the name suggests, the information protocol is a system for disseminating information. as we know gossip is a community activity to provide information and then the information is spread to other people.

To be clear, let's say that a neighbor bought a new car and he told my father, then my father told me, and I told my friend, so that the information spread widely. that's how the gossip protocol works at least

So from the example above, we can see that the gossip protocol work system is not much different from the community activities above. The information protocol working system is that nodes on a network send information to other nodes randomly so that information can be distributed properly. with this working system the security on the gossip protocol is very good.

the gossip protocol on hashgraph technology is better than the proof of work found on the blockchain in terms of transaction speed to transaction costs. and when validating data the gossip protocol can be said to be more secure.

with a working system above the gossip protocol, it can lighten the load received by a server, so that it can expedite the transaction process without any obstacles

2. Explain Tolerance to Byzantine Error in Hashgraph.

On the Hashgraph network there is a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT). The BFT function is separate to ensure data security on the network. As for tolerance on the Hashgraph network, it is used to detect errors in the network so that the consensus reached is safer from crime. because on the hashgraph network if a consensus has been reached, a transaction cannot be canceled, therefore tolerance for Byzantine Faults is required.

With the use of Byzantine Faults Tolerant (BFT) against hashgraph networks, it can prevent crime to manipulate information for their benefit. As for the form of tolerance in order to reach a consensus, at least 2/3 of the nodes have reached the consensus, this can be said to have met the requirements, and at least less than 1/3 of the incoming malicious nodes. If these conditions are met then a consensus has been reached and cannot be changed again.

With the above conditions at least being able to overcome the crimes that entered before a consensus was reached

3. Make a comparison between Hashgraph Vs Blockchain, for the voting process in your country, which technology would you choose? Why?



  • Consensus Algorithm used is virtual voting and gossip protocol
  • the security method used is Asynchronous Byzantine fault Tolerance so it has a high level of security
  • Hashgraph's transaction speed is around 10,000 transactions per second so it's definitely better than blockchain technology
  • Hashgraph technology transaction fee is very cheap only $0.0001


  • The consensus algorithm used is proof of work and proof of stake
  • The security method used is a cryptographic method, the level of security is also good.
  • Transaction speed Blockchain technology is only capable of about 10 to 100 transactions per second depending on what protocol is used.
  • Blockchain technology transaction fees can be said to be very expensive around $50

I think Hashgraph technology is very suitable for use in voting systems in Indonesia because this technology is very concerned with the level of security. by using this technology, a vote in the Indonesian state will reach a very fair agreement. because the system on hashgraph technology has several requirements that are very helpful in voting in a country.

by utilizing the consensus algorithm found in the hashgraph such as Virtual Voting it makes it easier for a country to vote so that when a consensus has been reached, the vote cannot be manipulated and changed

4. Explore Hedera Hashgraph. Show screenshots.

let's explore the features contained in the Hedera Hashgraph.

visit the Hedera Hasgraph website there are several options to explore such as, Network, Devs, Use cases, HBAR, Governance, and About. let's try to see one by one


  • let's visit Network. on the Network we will be able to see services and information. in the service you will find the service token options and service consensus. while in the information option you will find options for how it works, explores, and the dashboard.


  • let's visit Devs. in Devs we will look at Tooling and Resources. in tooling you will find options Docs, Hedera SDK. while in Resources you will find options for Integrations, Fees, open source, and learning center.


  • Let's visit Use cases. in Use cases we will find payment options, tokenized assets, fraud mitigation, identity, data compliance, permissined blockchain, case studies, enterprise, healthcare, and gaming


  • let's visit HBAR. on HBAR we will find overview, account creation, as well as wallets and exchanges


  • let's visit Governance. in Governance we will find organizations and companies involved in Hedera


  • let's visit About. In About we will find a selection of teams, journeys, roadmaps, user groups, careers, media, news, blogs and papers.



Hasgraph technology is a very good technology if it is implemented in everyday life. with this technology can overcome crime and fraud in voting. this is very useful to improve fairness in reaching an agreement. however, this technology is not yet very popular among the general public.

CC: @pelon53
CC: @steemcurator02

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El protocolo de Gossip es necesario profundizar con las ventajas y desventajas, otros tipos de protocolo.

En cuanto a la tolerancia a las Fallas Bizantinas, hay que profundizar un poco más.

Justificar el texto.

Espero seguir leyendo tus publicaciones.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Protocolo Gossip.1.5Explicó el protocolo Gossip.
Tolerancia a Fallas Bizantinas.1.6Explicó la Tolerancia a Fallas Bizantinas.
Hashgraph Vs Blockchain (proceso de votación).1.5Hizo su comparación y escogió su tecnología
Explore Hedera Hashgraph.2.0Exploró la plataforma Hedera Hashgraph.
Originalidad0.7No es original
Presentación/cumplimiento de reglas.0.7Justificar el texto.

Calificación: 8.0