- In detail, explain your understanding of the Mimblewimble protocol.
Demonstration of MimbleWimble :
The word MimbleWimble firstly when heard this word this led me to Harry potter spell that stops people from spilling the secret xd, but here we are talking about MimbleWimble in different sort of formation that deal with blockchain technology and drive the scalability privacy and negotiability with others. MimbleWimble basic means to distort the information with outsiders just compare this with spell of harry that it ceases blockchain ain't transfer the information of transaction between people. Thus now you guys understand the basic concept of this terminology and systems means.
Every one need privacy in their lifes and some people don't like that there information rotates with other people so for their means becuase of such desire the technology came in to being with review petitions of different protocol to allow such platform which provide privacy scalability fungibility and dependability towards a common platform which alter pure privacy in their transactions. So the data stored in MimbleWimble can easily download and substantiate although transaction are hidden and secure from outsiders from this anonymity develops and generates more privacy rather than blockchain though all transactions are ain't revealed with others rather than in a secure area MimbleWimble.
MimbleWimble is a blockchain protocol that allows for a completely private transaction platform through a unique security framework that is markedly different from that of the pseudonymous Bitcoin cryptocurrency. ... Its distributed ledger is also relatively more compact than the other chains in the crypto space
So this protocol enables the users to conglomerate with them and designed such protocol to the moon. Though different treaty and agreements were setup with MimbleWimble, we will conquer them in below quest with detail. So my understanding are pure and ratio decodendi means clear about MimbleWimble.
Beside this protocol provides flexibility and less bulk transaction to handle which alter the system to work with more speedy and the issue of anonymity is also settled by the scalability and fungibility of MimbleWimble
Although one thing to share with you guys when i was researching about MimbleWimble one more confidential thing confronted from my eye that Tom elvis jedusor is also solent person and people said that he anonymously founded it and its scalability and negotiability is more advanced thanBitcoin said by founder.
The bull of Grin was termed design by me becuase when application of MimbleWimble that is Grin inaugurated i was shocked that there price boom and that was big miss by many players.
- Discuss in detail how the Mimblewimble blockchain protocol works.
Working of MimbleWimble:
The protocol designed in one unity of command that is privacy the main concept that made a differentiate with others. So the Working is also based in silent nodes how??? So here the protocol makes the aggregation of all input and output transaction and records them in single panel and they are originated in a small blocks and orginate into new transaction dissolve all the user in it and that's where the game of MimbleWimble* and outsiders remains a outsider and this thing remain constant in public too.
Lets exaggerate the working with the help of example which will concise and unclog our concepts.
✓ The working deals in interpersonal verification process between traders for making it effective and efficient.
✓ Those A trader who received coins from the subsequent trader are first mingle step of MW.
✓ Now trader A wants to make transaction against further trader his scalability is not reveal where did he got coins at first instance this eill be obscure from third party and outsiders.
✓ The trader is assumed to be secure carrying privacy status with him and from whom he made the multiple transactions are substantially a outsiders and they are not being aware of any subsequent transaction record of A.
✓ Outsiders having finest and adequate knowledge of specific transaction that deals only with them and redundant and obiter dicta statements if other parties are evacuated from him and Outsiders only carrying the burden of responsibility of such transactions that embedded with them only.
Integration of MimbleWimble working:
Coinjoin working strategy:
GREGORY MAXWELL derived the concept of combining pattern if transaction in a bunch of basket means ledger which gives all the necessary details and cuts the redundancy and repeated data, whilst bitcoin correlated with coinjoin but different is main that is reliability scalability and fungibility process. Not like BTC BLOCKCHAIN which show all the transactions detail publically.
The working if MimbleWimble is also based in coinjoin with same process above but different mechanisms involved the bullet points are subjected belwo;
✓ They are based in compaction study if blockchain which alter the combining transaction process.
✓ Transaction are hided from outsiders by combining the amount in a random way
✓ fungibility and traceability is prohibited in coinjoin, and commonsense also speaks hoe a person finds specific trader in random transaction.
✓ bulk transaction are not merely seems but one big transaction carry the users amount with flexible manners and random way which obscure the traders data.
✓ Coinjoin working in a compact manner that it maintain the scalability more speedy that it cuts all the redundancy statement and data and maintain all the necessary data in big Block which provide security and privacy.
Pedersen Cryptographic Scheme creates this synthesis between traders and got verified becuase trapped has been evacuated by this scheme and miners are confronted void in traders view becuase the transaction are validated without thier consent.
The learning of validation concept leads me to think about validation and i found that these validation of transaction occurs in manner that all the data and redundant items cutting of done than the limited data are randomly combined and added and input always be equal to the output which is universal though every transaction are settled according to the protocol and assets are transferred when it make confirmation between trader interpersonally verifications and all transactions are simultaneously summaries in protocol.
- Discuss in detail your understanding of Confidential Transactions (CTs).
Building concepts of CTS:
CTS By G Maxwell
CTS* confidential transaction was adapt by ADAM BACK , which enlightened the concept of privacy and security in such manner where the MW and BTCs precedes them and it provides the fungibility in more detail that paves in manner of multi signature scheme between data that merely deals with input and output system. So enabling MimbleWimble much effective and efficient hence for achieving more scalability and security of amounts they entertain user to advance Further privacy of transaction.
Confidential transaction bases are with multi signature schemes which eliminates UTXO and traders are just based on their signature power to attempt teh transaction.
Commitments of Pedersen demonstration one big clue is that no need of addressees affirms although the transactions are settled under a blind signature process that will be held between aggrieved parties. The transaction can be arranged in negotiable instrument between two parties and they are termed to be the key holders of taht particular transaction whilst this will be obscure from public.
Dealing transaction in such a secure manner will alter public interest and rather than BTC blockhain that involves in distributed ledger and deals with public ornament this would be so unlawful towards private parties those ain't want to share their interest with other since amount and address codes all are generally embedded with publically in ledger, contrary using CTS provides the user to involve interpersonal communication means only they are liable and active members of their transaction which is purley hidden from public and outsiders those who even contrast them with transactions.
Pedersen commitment also illustrate that CTS is not only different from BTC but preceding the actions of MimbleWimble to that they committed that addresses amounts even private keys are means under private authority no one having power to check the them embed the blinding factors that implementated input and output data that circulated between sender and receiver. Blinding factor came from sender and receiver means that those action that are negotiated between send er and receiver in terms of addres and privatethat are transfer between them are hidden from public and Outsiders.
ZKP zero knowledge protocol which deals with with coding of data from input to output sources and these encryption inly enable between known and private parties that aggrieved on a particular agreement of transaction the main source Pedersen commitment base in common signature which alter the transaction further. They are validate transaction as per commitments of aggrieved parties and without involvement of third parties.
You can understand this encryption by Fred wants to transfer 10 coins to sam ultimately fred contains 20 coins. The transaction as per CTS will be transferring 20 coins to sam but only aggrieved coins will encrypted between **fred and sam remaining would be reversed back to Fred in his wallet as per previous order. Thus this enlightened me that they actually make a trap for outsiders to ain't attains the user by such operation.
- How do you think Mimblewimble Protocol can be utilized on the Bitcoin Network to enable anonymity of transactions and improve scalability?
The MimbleWimble protocol enables the trader to shift their positon and this was the dynamic disaster towards blockhain that they loosing their reliability. MimbleWimble was generally came to challenge the blockchain scalability which trigger most of the users mainly those that are the mentors and experience person. So they are tense because of the scalability issue but managing their transaction in blockhain somehow, howbiet inauguration of MimbleWimble victimised the scalability of blockhain first then took reliability fungibility and ultimately the core area security.
MimbleWimble becomes the advance technology which thoroughly works on the scalability area and after coinjoin advancement with MimbleWimble they totally change the shape of platforms giving high security towards input and output data and they maintain the efficiency towards block size and there storage. This data cuts of the redundancy obiter and maintain the data input and output addressed name with hidden sections.
For further illustration of scalability and reliability lets explore the MIMBLEWIMBLE PROTOCOL link provided to you will meet us the MW protocol where more authentication can be obtained lets walk through it.
The above image of MW protocol provides limited information just regarding the transaction that is held and its sec which is useless for every individual. You can see the blocks and block i highlighted nothing could extract just block name and hash 953748 provides evacuated data which is not usefull for us. But if you are the person who developed this transaction will merely be happy because releasing how secure platform he/she using.
The above picture shows when i opened the block 953748, some people thing while opening they would get something or any clue or any sort of working that they can judge the transaction means. But ultimately nothing could be seen. As you all know and we had deep talk about the process leys make it more concise no address,data ,name amount for concealment from third party, this what the scalability of MimbleWimble i illustrated.
The above chart show us clear that MW ain't shows the transaction records whilst Blockchain open up whole information and blocks. Where traders who want manifest their traders cam use blockchain consensus whilst to protect and won't mean their transaction to reveals can use MW.
- State the Pros and Cons of the Mimblewimble protocol.
The scalability of MW is one of the main stream of this protocol, increase the capacity of more transaction that urges the data into more fragments and thus this would lead to more bulk data in big block which ultimately maintain more data with small block division which alter efficient and scalable data structure.
Reliability and Privacy :
This leads to maintain goodwill in traders view because his funds are insecure hands thus it alters more reliability with network (MimbleWimble). The priority is security which every users means and needs, if your alter privacy teh reliability automatically came into your feet and your platform will boost towards moon. This technique is implied in MimbleWimble protocol.
Security and trust:
The anonymity of users are the core part of security in MimbleWimble though they are anonymous and third party is confuse regarding transaction of mixed data and through security they alter the trustability feeling in traders that the transaction are hidden. Whilst the blockchain technology the user amount and data are traceable but here this thing is eliminated.
Teh users always wants themselves unknown and this strategy is implied towards business man that they maintain such status that they are unable indentify and appear anonymously every where though MimbleWimble provides big trader a benefit to anonymity their data and name. No transaction records and history are available for outsiders to stalked their accounts and data.
The Negative act ELIMINATION provides by MimbleWimble protocol. Tainted coins are circulates and there value and risk taint to those who accept them thus will leads to them less beneficial process thus ultimately MimbleWimble provides anonymity process where this would be impossible to find the user and won't discriminate current holder because of fungibility of MimbleWimble
Moment transaction and speed:
The volatility un MimbleWimble us high because of containing immense data in one block, so this thing alter different issues, such as to many data takes time which transaction towards whole data is not possible at moment ultimately matters speed also where transaction takes time to encoded and decodes.
Coevality between users:
This is the main part of interpersonal communication, that is one user is aint active at the time transaction then there will be barriers creates to proceed the transaction.
loss of accountability:
The centralized system become strong centralized after MimbleWimble and control of central authority or state control is seems to be vanishes, thus hackers and negative people try to use this protocol in destructive side.
Pros are very beneficial for us if we try to alter some disciplinary actions towards cons and try to overocme them we will be move towards more advancement because of this protocol. How is thought some idea which provide more fruitful result towards MimbleWimble:
✓ There should be central authority where innovation motivation and communication can be observed and each person work in their own means.
✓ Mixed structure and horizontal functionality should be design so each trader or user can sentence their ideas.
✓ Merger of blockchain and MimbleWimble would be great, where both try to overcome there weak areas.
- Discuss in detail at least a Crypto that uses the Mimblewimble protocol.
Crypto merger with MimbleWimble:
MimbleWimble protocol based privacy scalability and fungibility we had details discussion on each terms above. Here we analyses one crypto asset to conglomerate MimbleWimble and illustrate a fruitful consensus among them. There are crypto which made merger with MimbleWimble are monero, grin and other also, as per my learning i got sources and sanctions on Grin crypto coin,so lets exaggerate Grin
The coin launched in 2019 a coin supported by MimbleWimble protocol, this coin obey the privacy and reliability process and works on (POW). This coin attached its sentiments and fundamental with MimbleWimble to acquire the position in market by obtaining scalability with MimbleWimble. They also urges censorship electronic consensus which provides reliable and fungibility towards recorded transactions. Grinn having a elegant mechanism that provided us lightweight blockhain structure which become the supporting and encourage floor of MimbleWimble protocol.
This coin worked hardly in past years to compete its mean towards MimbleWimble protocol support finally their hardworking pays off and MW mainnets were designed subsequently.
Why MimbleWimble mainnets came with grin by many articles and research i came to this point that MimbleWimble is based on scalability fungibility and reliability status. The Grin coins aims are also similar not only but implementation also and theur working which alter the protocol to maintain better agreement with hem to provide a coin to so thier merger empower the coins reliability and fundamentally strong which is a good opportunity for traders in crypto.
One more thing to enlighten that there categorical working towards (POW) which emphasizes MW to maintain more probability to grin although coinjoin assimilation is also a constructive feedback that empower the Pedersen commitments also that is functionally influencing and virtual essentials of Grin.
The MimbleWimble is unique advance and elegant protocol providing beneficial roots in their transactions records, however blockchain also deviated whole world and we also first learn all the mechanism from blockchain further as technology is showering more results and hypothesis are inaugurated so we can't neglects the importance of blockchain in our life becuase they provided us the immense and elegant technology which maintains ledger and block chain and etc you all guys are familiar though as per MimbleWimble protocol us also better options and advance technology that still grooming and very rare people are known of this just like we compare IOT and blockchain same MimbleWimble and blockhain** contrarily reflects some drawbacks.
Professor @fredequantum illustrated and chooses excellent lecture, which not only urges us to make post but truly increases our knowledge towards advanced protocols. Thanks professor fir providing us such a knowledgeable lecture that advances our knowledge.