RE: Blockchain, Descentralización, Explorador de bloques- Crypto Academy S5 - Publicación de tarea para la Tarea 4 by @katyuskavlqz

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Blockchain, Descentralización, Explorador de bloques- Crypto Academy S5 - Publicación de tarea para la Tarea 4 by @katyuskavlqz

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Greetings @katyuskavlqz, thank you very much for being a part of SteemitCryptoAcademy this fourth season and for your efforts in this 4th task of the fixed courses for beginners.

Your grade on this assignment is as follows:

Presentation Style (Markdown Usage)1.6/2
Following Standards (Guidelines)1.6/2
Quality of Content (Subject Matter Mastery)1.5/2
Spelling and Grammar (Writing Fluency)1/1



A pretty good task in which you should have given a little more original and explanatory answers.

Try not to write answers so similar to what you saw in class.

To take part in #club5050 you must be powering up at least 50% of your earnings, and over the previous 30 days, any cash-outs or transfers must be matched by equal or greater power-ups.

Thank you @katyuskavlqz for your effort in carrying out this publication, I hope to continue reviewing your future tasks.

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Gracias prof. Por su calificación y orientaciones seguiré esforzándome en mis siguientes publicaciones.

Buenas noches prof. @nane15 mi tarea fue verificada por usted pero aun no ha sido curada ya mañana se cumplen 7 dias de su publicación. Saludos.

Buenas, puedes repostear esta tarea, solo coloca [Repost] en el titulo, y deja el enlace de la tarea original en el repost, además una captura de pantalla de la calificación que te otorgue.

Entendido profesor muchas gracias! Saludos