Crypto Academy Week 7
Homework Post for [@gbenga] - Zengo
Homework Task 7
Hola mis amigos de steemit y lectores apasionados de las criptomonedas esta semana el profesor @gbenga nos deja de tarea explorar estos ecosistemas y explicar por lo menos uno de ella junto a un proyecto o protocolo en particular-
Hello my friends from steemit and passionate readers of cryptocurrencies this week, professor @gbenga leaves us the task of exploring these ecosystems and explaining at least one of them together with a particular project or protocol-
Wallets DeFI
DeFI Wallets
Dentro del ecosistema DeFi encontramos muchas aplicaciones descentralizadas, estas aplicaciones solventa muchos problemas común que ocurren en instituciones tradicionales o compañías de cualquier índole, una parte importante dentro de este ecosistema DeFi la conforman las wallets.
Esto suponen un medio importante para el intercambio de acctivos o simplemente para enviar y recibir pagos, hay wallets que soportan una cantidad infinitas de monedas asi como hay wallets que soportan wallets, hay de todo un poco en el mundo del DeFi.
Within the DeFi ecosystem we find many decentralized applications, these applications solve many common problems that occur in traditional institutions or companies of any kind, an important part within this DeFi ecosystem is made up of wallets.
This is an important means for the exchange of assets or simply to send and receive payments, there are wallets that support an infinite number of currencies as well as there are wallets that support wallets, there is a bit of everything in the world of DeFi.

Que es Zengo
What is Zengo
Zengo es una billetera que no cuenta con una clave privada, pero apuesta al umbral de firmas para crear recursos secretos matemáticos, adocenando en el dispositivo móvil datos y en lo servidores, para resumir es imposible que existe un punto único de falla y no tiene riesgos de perder sus monedas en caso de hackeo o piratería incluso. esta wallet es novedos.
Ya que no cuenta con las claves semillas otras de sus funciones principales es la de un sistema interno de ahorro, y dentro del protocolo compuesto de zengo también se pueden hacer prestamos y funciona como un lendingclub pero dentro de su cadena de bloques.
Zengo is a wallet that does not have a private key, but bets on the threshold of signatures to create secret mathematical resources, storing data on the mobile device and on the servers, to summarize it is impossible that there is a single point of failure and it does not have risks of losing your coins in case of hacking or even hacking. this wallet is new.
Since it does not have the seed keys, another of its main functions is that of an internal savings system, and within the zengo composite protocol, loans can also be made and it works like a lendingclub but within its chain of blocks.
Sus caracteristicas principales y mas relevantes son que aceptan multiples monedas, es un sistema estable y confiable que genera seguridad y confianza ademas que sus transacciones son instantáneas, tiene obcion para ahorrar dinero ya que cuenta con varias stablecoins en su lista de monedas también hace poco adicionaron la obcion de pedir prestamos dentro de la misma plataforma , una modalidad que esta de moda últimamente gracias a la tecnologia DeFi naciente.
Its main and most relevant characteristics are that it accepts multiple currencies, it is a stable and reliable system that generates security and trust in addition to its transactions are instantaneous, it has an obcion to save money since it has several stablecoins in its list of currencies also recently added the obligation to request loans within the same platform, a modality that is in fashion lately thanks to the nascent DeFi technology.
Alcanze social
Social reach
Actualmente cuenta con varias redes sociales, twitter es la mas influyente de todas , cuenta con una cuenta en github ya que la cantidad de proyectos creados con zengo es grande y tiene muchos desarrolladores acctivos y colaborando en el proyecto asi como
It currently has several social networks, twitter is the most influential of all, it has a github account since the number of projects created with zengo is large and it has many active developers collaborating on the project as well as
Mercado de intercambios que maneja.
Market of exchanges that it handles.
Practicamente puede haceptar cualquier criptomoneda con reputacion en esta wallet facilitando su intercambio entre ellas y establecoins entre ellas encontramos las tipicas como BTC, ETHER, MONER , DOGE y tambien encontraras otras mas extrabagantes como REVERSE y XOLO.
You can practically accept any reputable cryptocurrency in this wallet, facilitating their exchange between them and stablecoins, among them we find the typical ones such as BTC, ETHER, MONER, DOGE and you will also find other more extravagant such as REVERSE and XOLO.
En definitiva las walles descentralizadas llegaron para quedarse, quedo ya en el pasado las wallets sencillas donde solo se podian enviar y recibir pagos ahora ofrecen un monto de opciones , y muchas otras tienen hasta mercados internos, en el cual puede pedir prestamos y también ahorrar en establecoins y no perder el poder adquisitivo.
In short, decentralized walles are here to stay, simple wallets where you could only send and receive payments now offer a number of options, and many others have even internal markets, in which you can ask for loans and also save on stablecoins and not lose purchasing power.
Thanks for being a part of my class and for participating in this week's assignment. I hope you learned from the class as the aim of the school is to teach and allow people to learn alongside.
I remembered using Zengo sometime back and I enjoyed my activity on it. I did a lot of research before coming to a conclusion at the point that it was a non-custodian wallet
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