(1) What is TronLink and what is Tronscan? What are its uses? How do you verify a transaction status(including timestamp, resource consumption(bandwidth & energy), nos of confirmations) using Tronscan-- Examples, Screenshot? What are the different dApps can you explore using the TronLink wallet? Make a transaction(a micro-transaction) with Justswap or JustLend using TronLink wallet?Screenshot?
What is TronLink and what is Tronscan?

What is TronLink?
It is the main tool of Tron, which offers a variety of possibilities to manage the TRX, has no custody, and is directly connected to the Tron ecosystem, it is also capable of managing the TRC-10 and TRC-20 tokens, in short, it is the official wallet of Tron.
TronLink Uses
- Receive and send cryptocurrencies
- Makes it possible for users to participate in different processes such as governance and freeze/thaw
- Gives access and interaction capability to decentralized markets, applications, and exchanges on the network
What is Tronscan?
It is the Tron block explorer, which maintains all the transaction details in order to everything that has to do with transactions and all registered accounts, this offers the database of the blockchain. So that anyone can be aware of the process of every transaction.
Tronscan Uses
It works as a support for tron, since it offers dsitinta information that can help any user to Verify the entire process of the transaction (Addresses, status, Dates and times, Hash, costs, etc.)
It has the ability to create tokens
It also supports governance, you can enter contracts and manage resources from there
How do you verify a transaction status(including timestamp, resource consumption(bandwidth & energy), nos of confirmations) using Tronscan-- Examples, Screenshot?
The first step will be to go https://tronscan.org
Then we will place the address of the transaction in the search engine
Finally, it will give us the information we are looking for, we will see if it is already confirmed and if it has already been done, we can also consult other data such as the time and date it was made, the address of the owner and the contract, how much was the consumption of the transaction, among other things
What are the different dApps can you explore using the TronLink wallet?
As we know, this platform offers us interaction between different decentralized applications called dApps, which vary between them, these applications offer us different services, such as Exchange, games, and also a section called "others" where there are other varied applications, in total there are 34 Dapps, divided into:
Exchange: 11 dapps, where I highlight Sunswap and Justlegend, which basically serve as exchange platforms
Games: 12 dapps, in them we find games like Chainz Arena, also fighting and strategy games
Others: 11 dapps, here we find tronscan that we already said serves as the base data of all transactions in tron.

Make a transaction(a micro-transaction) with Justswap or JustLend using TronLink wallet?Screenshot?
First, we will have to link our tron wallet, in my case I will do it by Sunswap, previously downloaded the google extension, if they do not know how to enter, the key is in the pdf that they give us with the other steemit keys.
Then we will proceed to make the transaction, in the box we are seeing, where we will enter the trx amount that we want to change, we will also put in which cryptocurrency we are going to change it, in this case, it will use it for USDT
The next step will be to confirm the transaction and sign the contract in the tron extension. Finally, we verify and see that the transaction is complete. However, currently, I can't proceed next as I don't have a sufficient amount of TRX in my account.
I can say that this task is perfect to be the first, it gives us the information required to enter in a good way in this world, on my part I did not know everything related to Tron and that is why it cost me a little to make the transaction, so I see it necessary to have this knowledge because it is a platform that we are using indirectly even if we do not realize it, in the same way, it offers us many options in which to dive to make a profit, then, I am glad to have stumbled upon this task, from this moment I will be more attentive to this cryptocurrency and the entire universe of Tron, always remember that it is never too late to learn and every day is a new world.