If we don't go back too much to the history of viruses that have touched man, we can start talking about the SARS virus going through the coronavirus to the pox of apes.
Is animal disease spread caused by man or the animal's origin?
People lived before Covid-19 in near-health and economic stability In recent years, however, his greed has increased the exploitation and interaction of animals and their environment by domesticating them, Significantly, to meet the needs of the market on the one hand and to increase profits on the other, Without many or studies of the consequences, creating an increase in serious illnesses, Another new emergence, more deadly than its predecessors, has led to widespread fears, as has happened with coronavirus. And making the human-animal relationship out of the natural framework, especially after increased transmission and rapid spread of disease among humans,
The collapse of health systems has made matters worse for the world's most powerful countries, despite their pride in their health infrastructure until just before the pandemic.
Thus, the relationship between man and animal is the least that can be said to have been unstable. especially when we have reached today's chickenpox caused by a virus transmitted to humans by infected animals who are often infected, It is not unlikely that in the near future we will hear about a new virus for pets or other organisms close to humans. especially if we don't keep track of their health and development, and by other factors we get where we are. such as logging, occupation of forest areas, displacement of a number of animals to other areas and climatic warming of the Earth.
The vaccination series remains inadequate and ineffective in light of the evolution of physiological structures and virus industries that also develop against vaccines in progress And experiments have confirmed the failure of the hypothesis that viruses are a seasonal disease associated with winter, It depends on the level of vaccination and where people are. and, on the basis of the emergence of variables.
the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), D. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a number of factors compounding the challenges. It also called for vaccination and provision of enhanced doses to those most at risk, including the elderly, chronically ill, immunocompromised and health workers.
Future studies say that the Earth's heat is increasing, and therefore the strength and quality of viruses are also at stake.
Human beings in general and institutes of science and health in particular are obliged to reconsider their working methods and encourage increased research and studies in schools and health academies, increase their budgets, coordinate among them globally, and not monopolize information because the adversary and enemy are single, attacking human health every time with a different and unstable immune system.
According to the foregoing, Mansan has been called upon to continuously intensify surveillance of wild animals, so as not to miss out on identifying the causes of transmission and transmission to humans, and to take care of their health and treatment on an ongoing basis.
As the foregoing shows, we need to review the infrastructure of health systems in all countries of the world that collapsed during the coronavirus onslaught, and divert some of the military funding towards health to protect the population from the invisible enemy of viruses.