Steemit Crypto Academy - Season 4 - week 1 - post for @yohan2on - internet of things and blockchain Technology

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 


Good day all members of the Steemit Community, how was your day, in this assignment i will be writing about how the future of IoT (Internet of Things) dependence on Blockchain to get better. Firstly I will be describe what a Blockchain is, IoT and how a Blockchain interact with the internet. Thank you.

A Blockchain is composed with multiple interrelated blocks orderly. It can also be said that a Blockchain is formed by multiple chains of interrelated blocks that are orderly interconnected together. The Blockchain uses a decentralized distributed transaction ledger to share data among on the node on the network. In the blockchain, that is activities on the Blockchain are not control by administrator, developer or a centralized node, but are controlled by all active account, nodes or user on the Blockchain, these attributes help to make the Blockchain secured.

These Blocks can be said to work like pages or ledger, record book, documents or files that keeps record and detail of transactions that have or will occur, when a block enters a Blockchain it is said to be permanent, because it can't be modified, deleted, changed.

This is why a Blockchain can also be described as a decentralized distributed transaction ledger, that uses smart contract to automate transaction agreement that can never be modified, alter, or manipulated after entering into the blockchain.

Internet of Things IoT refers to the interrelated and interconnected devices that are able to receive and send data or information over a wireless network connection without interruption.

Internet of Things can also be describe as the interconnectivity between devices that are connected through the internet together, These devices must have the ability to transmit and receive signal, information and data. Examples is the usage of ear pud that are connected using Bluetooth as medium of connection. When this connection are successfully one can send, share or receive information, data or messages the wireless connection. In simple terms, the Internet of Things are set of device that operate over the internet on a large range.

Household devices:
Thanks to Internet of Things, you can easily interact with some of you devices for example, using phone in replacement to remotes and the use of remote to open doors and automatically opening of car door with remote.

With the involvement of IoT in the security sector crime scene has drastically reduced, because it has aided in the capture of world deadest terrorists, etc. It uses gadget like satellites and CCTV cameras etc.

In the offices a lot has evolved, with IoT operations, some office activities has been reduced, conference calls can hosted from any location and some tools in an organization is control with using phones enlighten and supervise of staff etc.

As said before the Blockchain is composed of multiple blocks that perform it activities on a decentralized and peer to peer network, therefore applying Blockchain to Internet of Things would result to devices sending and receiving information from or to a private or encrypted device, making it difficult for any third party to access your information and account etc.

Some disadvantages of IoT
Centralizing :
This is the process whereby an application Is been controlled from by a node, administrator or it's developers, the users activities are controlled by a node. This makes the system not to be reliable because information and data can be easily modify or manipulate.

The Internet of Things (IoT) are very expensive install, the equipment and maintenance are costly in the market, large and professional trained operator are needed to install it and these makes it to be expensive.

The Internet of Things (IoT) interacts to all systems through a cloud which is not secured from third parties and cyber criminals. This might actually under gird the framework of city areas in order to shape interchanges considerably effective. A genuine deterrent for IoT is that it actually relies generally upon incorporated stages, it makes risky information difficult for programmers.

Blockchain can help to improve IoT with it's decentralized nature. The blockchain operates in a decentralized way and has all record of transactions stored on it, which can not be modified, or manipulated and distributing this information using an encrypted system thereby maintain data integrity and confidentiality, this features can help to improve IoT.

Because whereby users has total control over there data, meaning user has freedom to perform all transactions since there information are secured with blockchain encrypted system

A uniform shared communication model to perform the large numbers of transfers between nodes will fundamentally decrease the costs caused by working with large concentrated servers and it can differentiate between the calculation and capacity needs across all the systems that structure IoT.

Because if any file and documents are attached to a Blockchain it can not be alter, deleted or manipulated by any party, and application built on Blockchain are created in a distributed manner so those files are considered safe and secured from third parties, because criminals can't easily manipulate, even if they succeed in manipulating one node, other nodes will detect it.

A decentralized Internet of Thing(IoT) will be equipped with the following amazing features which the Blockchain can offer.

Distributed system of File sharing,
Peer-To-Peer networking,
Security etc.
The decentralized, independent, and anonymously abilities of the blockchain make it, an excellent step or direction to follow for IoT gadget and devices. In an IoT Company, the blockchain can help to keep an unchanging record of the historical backdrop of it gadgets, making it reliable and sustaining the data integrity. This will enhance the capabilities and ability of different gadgets without the help of professional humans.

Integrating the blockchain technology, IoT will be secure, maintain integrity of data between gadgets in an IoT organizations.


Filament is a technology-driven IoT organization, establish to develop IoT project in partnership with blockchains, this idea was invented by a developer named ERIC JENNINGS. This structure was developed to successfully allow blockchains and IoT use higher technology equipment provided by IoT companies that performs it operations using Smart contact which is a Blockchain feature.

Filament is IOT organization that designs and develop hardware and software based on Blockchain technology, and are integrated with the IOT technology. Filament has a block suites called Blocklet, and it's responsible for ensure data security and integrity, and the services are used by companies in the transportation, energy and manufacturing sectors.

It uses DLT technology which help to improve cybersecurity and reducing cyberspace crimes, Filament has also produced device that help transmit information to the blockchain once you plug it into it USB ports.

Filament has helped the development of many IoT products in the market, its focused basically on Blockchain and IoT based products, that are cost effective, more secured, reliable and efficient to users.

Filament develops highly tech hardware and software Blockchain and IoT equipment that are is structure and more extensive.
Due to large radio waves in filament, IoT network will work more intelligently, therefore ensuring that the users can inter-communicate, more conveniently and effectively from close or far distance.
It is desires to improve the partnership of blockchain with IoT, it's aimed at improving the businesses models that was in use, with the use of high-technology, in order to better users experience in internet of Things (IoT).

Advantages of Filament:
Filament improve the security and safety with the help of blockchain, because filament protect Internet of Things (IoT) networks and devices from being hacked or manipulate by criminals.

Filament gives you advance technological software and hardware tools in other to improve user interactions with computer systems.

Filament is developed with a distributed ledger technology system (DLT) which gives IoT user freedom and independence to perform activities on their account without interruption from admin or developer of the systems.

It helps in development of IOT to expand more to every part of the world also with the help of blockchain technology it presents a more secure and reliable structure.


In the pharmaceutical sector, today a lot of fake drugs are sold out to different pharmacies worldwide, so an IoT Blockchain based application Called Mediledger was developed to help solve issues of fake drugs, it was developed to help improve on knowing accurately define the life cycle of drugs and detect changes in ownership of prescriptions. This application is aimed at checking transparency and trace ability of drugs.

Water sector

A lot of water are wasted daily, due to spoil taps, leaking pipe or carelessness of users. So an industry came about an IoT Blockchain based application called "Puck", at the slightest signal of leakage, this software automatically shut down the water source, preventing the wastage of water in our environment

The importance of the partnership between blockchain and the IoT can't be overemphasized, the technologies used by this two entities has been of great benefits to the world and these evolutions have been on accelerating speed. With Filament in the picture, it will help to galvanize and provide improvement in the great technologies use by the entities and integrating a system that will benefit various organizations around the world. There is no doubt that the two technologies need each other to perform effective better.


Thank you professor @yohan2on

#yohan2on-s4week1 #cryptoacademy #steemexclusive #promo-steem #blockchain #iot

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