Crypto Academy Trading Competition - S6W1 | Team Crypto-Empires

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 

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Hello Steemians!

We already know that the Steemit Crypto Academy Season 6 has more focused on real Crypto Trading. Therefore, this is your chance to prove your understanding and ability through real practice in crypto trading using the knowledge gained so far in the Steemit Crypto Academy.

This is the first week of team trading contests and today I wish to present all the details about these interesting contests as a guidepost and cordially invite you to join with my team.

Our team name is "Crypto-Empires." You can also join my team to get better support and earn extra rewards for each of your crypto trades. Below I have outlined very clearly what you need to do for this.

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We have already announced that Season 6 will be more focusing on crypto trading. Therefore, the Steemit team has organized some very interesting Team Trading competitions to show the trading knowledge and skills you have acquired so far from Crypto Academy.

Over the past few weeks, we have presented various lessons on crypto trading. And we saw that you all participated in those lessons very skillfully. So this week we are not offering lessons like that. But instead, you can use the knowledge you have gained to trade in the cryptocurrency of your choice and submit a wonderful post that includes all the details of your Traded Cryptocurrency Pair.

Here I will guide you by pointing out the shortcomings of your Trading Strategy and giving you more suggestions as a Team Leader. So I know this will be a great experience for all of you.

Basically, there are 5 Teams in this Team Trading Competition. I'm going to lead the 4th team, the "Crypto-Empires" team. As the first step, you can join any of these teams, depending on your preference. But you are not allowed to change your Team after joining. However, you must change your Team in the next week. For joining with our Team, you can use the #crypto-empiress6w1 tag in your Trading Posts. Once you have selected the team, we will see what you need to do next.

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You can trade any Coin/Token (can be spot/contract/margin trading, etc.), and make a post of each one. Here you are totally free to Trade every day and post every day. But you should follow the below-mentioned content in your submission.

  • The name and introduction of the project token, and which exchange can be traded on, project/technical/team background, etc.

  • Why are you optimistic about this Token today, and how long do you think it can rise?

  • How to analyze the token? (Here you can use the Technical analysis knowledge learned from our courses and clearly explain the Trading Strategy that you have used to analyze the token )

  • Your plan to hold it for a long time or when to sell? (Here you should justify every point briefly.)

  • Do you recommend everyone to buy and the reasons for recommending/not recommending.

  • Anything else you want to share about the token/project.

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This is an important part of this competition and you need to fill in our Google formcorrectly to be a Winner and the Winning Team of the week. Therefore, I will briefly explain to you the process of filling in our Google form in a clear manner.

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First of all, you should Open our Google form in your web browser. Then, you can include your traded Coin/Token symbol Indicating buy/sell, Entry price, Exit price and Profit/loss details up to 5 Transactions. Let's look at an example,

In the below screenshot, I have clearly highlighted each important point and how to fill in Trade details for a Buy Entry.

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Screenshot was taken from (Buy Entry)

Let's look at another example. Here I have pointed out a case of loss as an example.

Screenshot was taken from (Buy Entry)

If you are a Futures Trader, you can fill the form like the below screenshot.

Screenshot was taken from - (Sell Entry)

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After filling in your Trade details, you need to upload a short video clip of those 5 Transactions. The video clip should clearly show the Name of your Coin/Token, the date of your Transactions, Entry and Exit points. We will carefully check those video clips comparing entered Trade details. The language of your exchange should be English.

Screenshot was taken from

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Image Created by MS-Power Point

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  • You must submit your Trading Post Posts in the Steemit Crypto Academy community.

  • You have to include all the details in your own words without including someone's words in your content. The concept can be the same but your content should be unique.

  • You must include at least 300 words in your Trade posts.

  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in the whole Steemit platform and you will not receive any privileges.

  • All the screenshots and images should be fully referenced and the referenced images should be copyright-free. And also, include your user name as a watermark in every screenshot.

  • You should use our main tag #crypto-empiress6w1 in every Trade Post if you are willing to join our Team. As usually, you need to include #cryptoacademy and your country tag among the first five tags. Furthermore, you can include relevant tags such as #trading-contest, #trading.

  • According to new rules changes, only people actively, and successfully, participating in #club5050 will be eligible to get rewards for the Steemit Crypto Academy Posts.

  • Your Trade Post Title should be [ Your Trading Pair Name ]-Steemit Crypto Academy | S6W1 | Team Trading Contest Post for Crypto-Empires. As an example, BTC/USDT Buy | S6W1 | Team Trading Contest Post for Crypto-Empires

  • Trading Competition will run from Sunday 00:00 February 20th to Saturday 11:59 pm February 26th UTC Time.

  • If you have a reputation of 60 or above, and a minimum SP of 300, then you are eligible to partake in this Trading Competition. (You should not have any power-down history during the past 30 days and your effective SP should not be delegated-in SP). And also, if you have used any buying vote services to build your reputation, you will not be eligible to partake in this Trading Competition.

  • Remember to submit your Trade details in the Google form on Saturday.

  • If you have any queries related to this Trading Contest, you are totally free to ask anything in the comment section.

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Hello sir Every post will be graded or not

Every post will be graded soon

When sir, some teams have given grades to posts.

Wow amazing idea. I definitely join this contest.

can it be futures trading?

Of course.

Aye captain🏴‍☠️

Hello, I’ve been taking trades and documenting over the week but I haven’t posted them

Can I post more than once in a day?

No only one post per day.


That's really a superb uniqueness in the academy. I would like to know that how many posts can we made within a week? Is there any limit or we can post as much trading posts as we can?

Here you are totally free to Trade every day and post every day.

Thanks professor for your quick responce. Another question is also wandering in my mind.

I would like to know that can we post more than one post in a single team in only one day?? Did all the posts that are published in a particular team will be curated or some qualifications needed?? Is there any marking scheme of the Trading posts, or not? Please clarify these.


You can make one post per day, up to a maximum of 5 posts for the week.

Thanks dear curator for clearifying the confusion.

It is literally a very good idea to showcase our knowledge that we have gained through various lectures of Crypto Academy.

Professor I want to ask something, Do we have to trade only one pair or we can trade different Crypto assets and In this case, what we have to write in the title trading pair?

Like suppose, I trade 5 different crypto pairs and I'll make 5 different post related to all these 5 trades which I have made, then Is this right?

Here you are totally free to Trade every day and post every day using any currency pair.

You can make one post per day, up to a maximum of 5 posts for the week.

Sungguh pemberitahuan yang sangat berguna bagi para pengguna steemit, khusus yang begitu aktif dalam platfrom ini, saya sangat mengharapkan komentar dari anda yang merupakan sebuah kehormatan bagi saya dapat berinteraksi dengan anda walau tidak secara langsung, tetapi saya sangat mengharapkan komentar dari anda agar saya dapat termotivasi untuk terus berkarya lebih bagus lagi di dalam platform steemit ini.
Hormat saya untuk anda 😇

Okay, thanks for reply.

This means some of us are out for this week's competition, since there there are less than 5 days from now 😐
A maximum of two posts per day with a total of 5 posts for the week would have been helpful. My suggestion.

This one is a unique and interesting contest. I also hope to participate. Let's test the knowledge we got from the first 2 weeks on crypto trading.

Dear prof, Entering the team tag is enough for joining the right?

Yeah. And also, you should submit above mentioned trade details on saturday using my google form.

Dear prof, If it’s a spot trade, how to enter profit details if I’m not going to close it before Saturday? Because the coin I invested can be below the expected profit level.

It is not necessarily to show your trade results today. , You should justify your reasons properly. However, you can still show your results on Saturday. If you don't sell that token on Saturday. You can include the entry points. Then we will calculate your profit or loss according to the market rate.

For trading can we use demo wallets or only real exchange accounts we must use.

Here you must use Real exchange accounts and real trades

Oh ok. Thanks for clarification.

Really nice initiative . My questions are :

Are we going to get our posts curated on daily basis. If we post, say five times a week, are we going to receive curation rewards on all the five posts as before?

Can we participate in more than one team per week. suppose, some one make 2 trades in a day and post them with tag of two different teams. Is that allowed?

At the end, is it mandatory to have done 5 trades to fill google form? Aren't any less no. Qualifying?


You can't join with two teams in the same week. In the relevant week, you must stay in the selected Team. We will grade your Trade Posts after according to the quality of your trading strategy and all the above mentioned facts. So you will be rewarded same as before.

You can fill the form using your top 5 transaction. However you need to submit at least 1 transaction

Does this mean that there will be no more lessons?

Two weeks lessons and Two Weeks Trading Contests.

Professor, will the post created daily be reviewed and possibly voted on?

We will grade your Trade Posts after according to the quality of your trading strategy and all the above mentioned facts. So you will be rewarded same as before.

Such a great initiative professor, I actually have got some questions:

  1. If we do 2 trades in a day so can we make 2 posts in a day, or only one post regarding the trade is allowed?

  2. When do we have to fill out the Google form? before participating in the contest? or when the week was about to end?

Even if you do several trades in one day you can post only one post.

Include details of all trades in a single post.

You need to fill the google form on saturday.

Please my dear professors @andabdu.navi03 and @reddileep, this is the sixth day and my work has not being rated, please this the link

We have to wait until Prof @abdu.navi03 submits his verified post. Then sc02 will begin to vote on your posts.

You have not followed proper rules to make your repost. You need to include a screenshot of your grade at the start of your repost

Please it has not being rated sir @reddileep

Unfortunately Im unable to help you at this movement as I have already resigned from the Crypto Professor Role. However I already informed your case to the relevant professor
According to my investigation, he has already replied you previously regarding this case.

Thank you sir, is so sudden to resign

I have informed to the relevant professor. He will grade your homework soon.


Please prof @reddileep i would like to ask, in the Google form we are to fill in five trade details right, the post we are making would it be to explain the trading strategy for each of those trades in the Google form?

In fact, you need to include trading details of the Transactions that you have used to create the Trading Post.

Ok prof now the video upload will it comprised of proof of the 5 trades in the google form will fill out or just for one of the trades

If you have done 5 trades, you should show the relevant details of those 5 trades in a single video.

Ok that will mean 5 video uploads then for 5 trades

Absolutely not. It should be a single video including all the transaction details.

Ok thanks for the clarification response prof @reddileep

This is interesting Prof. But my challenge is can i use MT4 for my trade, or which do you recommend i should used please?
Secondly, if i am talking on spot trading, can I used the coin i bought long time ago?

You can use any real Trading platform.

Spot Trading allowed But you should take your entry from today onwards.

Ok my reason is because i want to know if i can use MT4 platform to carry out my trade. Thanks

You should you an exchange platform. Then you can show your Trading history.

Ok thank you

Please how do you show your exit points if you’re keeping the coin for future benefits

You can show your entry points and current loss or profit. Additionally show your bought coins in the video clip

Oh okay. Thanks for the clearance

Professor how should i make a video? A screen recording is preferable or not? And one more thing i made a technical analysis today on a coin and took their pictures how about the video should i show you the transactions record?
And i was busy because of studies though i am free from today can i make multiple post in a day?

In the Video clip, you can use screen record. But you should go to our exchange account and should the transaction details that you wish to include in the Google form on saturday.

You are not allowed to post multiple posts per day. Only one post per day. Total only 5 posts.

Professor i am trying to upload the video but they are not allowing me to upload more than 1 item.

You can upload only one file. Try to upload it inba single file.

Hello Professor! I wonder, do we need to enter the market with a demo account or a real one?

It should use real one. This is the time to prove your understanding about Crypo Trading using real Trades.

Ahh I see.. Thank you prof

This is a good opportunity to use the knowledge we have gained through last weeks lessons.

Prof, Is there a range for trading amount or can we do it using any amount?
Is the trading amount affected to the team score?

There is no any specific range. You can trade any amount as long as the exchange site allows.

Trading amount will not effect to the team score. Because total profit will be calculated as a percentage of you invest and profit.

Thank you for the information prof.

Hello professor.
Actually, I want to ask that If we are making a post today let's suppose then, is it necessary to post that trade results??

Like I have taken entry in that trade, So, I will only add entry details of that trade as I want to hold it for sometime. So, It is good to post only trade entry details and screenshot of entry on exchange.

It is not necessarily to show your trade results today. However yu should justify your reasons properly. However you can still show your results on saturday. If you don't sell that token on saturday. You can include the entry points. Then we will calculate your profit or loss according to the market rate.

Ok, thanks for quick reply.

Gone thru this now trading seems a easy task. Thanks for sharing comlex things in easy way.🙏


I'm tottlay impressed with this idea, nice initiative form SCA.

A quick question professor, when carrying on the trade, is it thaf we must use the trading startegy thought in week 1 in trading contest week 1, and we use the knowlege in week 2 for the trading contest week 2?

I woukd live you to get back to me on that, Thanks..

You can use any strategy which you learned from any season any week. In addition to that, you can also follow your own strategy.

Can we make a short trade for this task . what will be procedure for that

Of course, You can make any type of Trade. But you should demonstrate all the steps of your Trading setup such as used Trading Strategies.

Hello professor..

Will you please clear the reward system for the competition week...

Mean whether all the participants will be curated or you will pick some top traders...IF it is, then what is the criteria to get select as a top trader ..???

Señor @reddileep quisiera hacer dos publicaciones (viernes y sabado) pero igual son obligatorias las 5 transacciones?

De ser asi, podria publicar solo 2 veces y hacer el video de las 5 transacciones?

No tengo mucho tiempo para publicar operaciones comerciales los 5 dias correspondientes

The 5 transactions are not mandatory for filling the google form. You can try for at least 1 transaction for filling it. But it loses the ability to be a winner in this contest.

Pero profesor, mi publicación sera elegible para votar por el curador?

Tengo otra preguntar, como puedo poner una orden con stop en Binance? Con una orden stop limit?

We will grade your Trade post after studying your trading strategy and other relevant things. Then you will be eligible to get rewards.

To know about stop-limit further , refer this post. Contact me for anything else.