Crypto Academy Homework Task Season-2 Week-5 Post For @yousafharoonkhan by @sadiaanyat

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago  (edited)

This week lecture was about the centralized and decentralized social media. I learnt much from this lecture and now going to do my homework task. This is my homework for professor @yousafharoonkhan

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Question no 1 :
Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms . (answer must be written in oun words, copy paste or from other source copy will be not accepted)

Social media

Social media is a platform where the people connected with one another. Social media helps the people to stay communicate with one another throughout the world. Many applications are there which are using for communication and are considered as social media applications such as whatsup, facebook, tweeter, steemit, etc. Now these social media application are categories in two types. Mean that there are two types of Social media platform: Centralized and Decentralized Social Media Platform.

Centralized Social Media  Platform

Centralized social media is a type of social media where a central party always exist. There is a central person or owner of the application who run the whole application. That central company or person has the whole authority and have control over the applications. He issues the order and set the rules which are followed by users. The users don't have right to say anything or change anything. The users are given a platform and they use it without having zero control/authority. The central authorities has the whole control. They make sure that the users are using the application conveniently without having any error. If any error occur, the central authorities are responsible to remove it as soon as possible. The centralized social media platforms are own by a single person or multiple person and only the owner have right and control.

There are many Centralized social media platform we are using in our daily life;

Whatsup is most commonly used centralized social media platform. This application is used to communicate with each other throughout the world. The people stay in touch with their close ones through this app. But as this application is centralized, so the user can just use it. It is own by Mark Zuckerburg and he has ful control over this app. He set the rules and user have to follow them. He even has the authority to change the application in any way and no one can ask any question to him as he has owned this application. It is centrally located in America.

Facebook is most famous centralized application which is also owned by Mark Zuckerburg and is head quarter is in the Silicon valley. He run the application in his own way. He has full control over the user personal information. The user is just able to use this application to stay in touch with world. He don't have right to bring some change and you cannot be blocked there anytime. The registration process is actually a little bit complex.

Decentralized Social Media Platform

There is no any central authority or owner in case of Decentralized Social Media Platforms. It is not controlled by a central person and there is no specifically a main head quarter of Decentralized applications. The users have the right to express their ideas and thoughts about how to run the application. The user have more control on his own profile and personal information. There is no central authority and user have ownership over his own account.

There are many decentralized platform we are being using in our daily life;

The Steemit is a most common decentralized platform which is getting the attention of millions of people. There is no central authority or real time emloyees which is controlling it and have owned it. The users are free to express their thoughts over this platform. The steemit is a platform where the user has control over his personal information and earn by expressing their thoughts over any topic. There is no bound of topics on Steemit platform. You can register yourself on this platform just in few steps.

Blockchain is also a decentralized platform. There is no central authority in case of blockchain too.

Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms

There are many centralized and decentralized social media platforms which we used in our daily life. They both are used in different ways but the purpose is same to connect with the world. They both are different in many ways. Sometime the registration process is a bit lengthy in case of centralized platforms. They both are also unique in term of user's right. The user has more right in Decentralized platforms. And many more other difference are there. Some are discussed as follow;

Difference Between Centralized and Decentralized Social media platforms

Centralized Social media PlatformDecentralized Social media Platform
The system has more control as compare to the user. There is a middlemen who have the control over users accountThe user has more control over the system . The whole system is in user's control
There is a central authority/owner in case of Centralized platformThere is no any owner or central authority in case of Decentralized applications.
Central media is not open source mediaThe decentralized platforms are open sourced
There is always a central party who have full control over the platform. The central authority even have the access to the user's personal information too. The user has full authority on his personal information. There is no central person who have check on the user's personal information. SO the user's privacy remain confidential

As your account is handle by the central authority and as it has full access over your personal information, even you password too. So if you lose your password of your account so you can recover it.

The registration process is a bit lengthy and hectic

As the user is responsible to manage his account and no central party is involved here, so if you lose your password, you cannot recover it. You have to save your password very carefully. Always keep a backup of your password so that you can recover it in case of losing it.
It is decided by the central authority that which person will use the platform and which user will be blocked. You can be blocked from centralized platform any time and you cannot say anything because they have the right to do so. The user have full authority. So you are free from fear of being blocked with any reason.
The centralized media can be hackedAs there is no central authority and data is no store at a central place, so it is not possible to hack the decentralized applications.
There is always a head quarter of centralized applications as Facebook, Whatsup, Microsoft etc. There is no physically any building in case of decentralized platform, like blockchain.
The registration process is easy.


Question no 2 :
Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

Both platform are useful in there own way. Both are trying to connect the world. The centralized media firstly introduced to the world. There were the lack of user authority. The users were limitized in many ways. They can only produce some content, communicate or share something with each other. But if they even produce a content which is against the policy, they can be blocked.

This week point of central media was covered by the Decentralized applications. The users have authority on the Decentralized platforms. There is no any central authority so the users do not need to follow the rules or do not need to afraid of being blocked. The users are free to express their thoughts on any topic. From account creation to account handling, everything is easy and safe in this case. The user have full authority over his own personal information. The user knows that decentralized applications cannot be hacked.

So i think the Decentralized platforms are the future of social media. Here you are free to express your thoughts and opinion on any matter very openly. You know that there is not any central person/owner who can block you. This is not like that there are not any rules in decentralized platform, but the users have the full authority to express their views and to create content on any topic. They express there opinion and are rewarded too.

Facebook is a centralized social media application where the user can create the content but on limited topics. But they are not rewarded as much as in case of decentralized platforms. In decentralized platforms, you are rewarded as much as you deserve. Moreover, in centralized applications, you first need to get famous(youtube) if you want to earn. But in decentralized applications like steemit, you just create a quality content and you are rewarded for that.


Question no 3 :
How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

First of all, i want to describe the steemit platform. Steemit is a decentralized platform where the users learn and earn at the same time. The user just need to get registered. Once he complete the registration process, he can earn money by creating the quality based content. There is no limit of topic. It is gaining popularity day by day because it is user friendly and easy to handle/use for the user.

Now if we talked about that how steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook then there are many factors of steemit which make it better than the above two. First and most important is earning margin.

Earning Margin: Steemit is a platform where you can earn as much as you deserve. If you generate a quality based post, you will be rewarded for that. You just create account here and start creating the quality content. You don't need to wait for the followers or to get famous over this platform to earn. You just start right after the registration process get completed. While in other hand, in case of facebook and tweeter, it doesn't happen. You have to wait until and unless you get high number of followers. If you hit a specific number of followers only then you can start earning over these two platforms

Account suspension: Account suspension is a second thing which make the steemit better than tweeter and facebook. Tweeter and facebook bound the user to the specific topics. You cannot express you opinion freely. You can be blocked by the owner or the authorities without any reason, any time. But steemit does not block you without having a solid reason. The only thing, which is not allowed here is plegiarism. But even if plegiarism found in your post, you are warned not only once but for three times. And even if your content is plegiarised, the you will be blocked. But you always get the warning for that. But in case of tweeter and facbook, it does not happens. You can be blocked because the users do not have any authority.

Limitations: Tweeter and facebook limitized you with the topic you can talk about. You are even bounded with the length of sentences. You can be blocked if you violate the rule. But in steemit, you can express your views and thoughts on any topic. You are free to express your opinions. There is no limit of how to write or in which language you can write. This is user friendly platform which facilitate user almost in every point.

Hacking: As tweeter and facebook are the centralzied platform, it's mean that these are owned by some person. There is a head quarter of it. All the information is stored on a central place/server computer. So there always a risk of being hacked. But in case of steemit, the users data is not located centrally. It is decentralized platform which cannot be hacked.

Registration process: The registration process of steemit is quite easy and done in just few minutes. But facebook and tweeter registration process is is lengthy and a bit hectic too.

Support and guidance: On steemit platform, there are some CRs selected by the curators which are responsible to guide the users. Users are free to ask anything about steemit platfrom from the CRs and they help them imidiately. This not happen in case of Facebook and Tweeter. You have to manage each and everything by your own. There is no one to teach you or guide you.

So all these points and many others make the steemit batter than Facebook and Tweeter. It is a user friendly platform which an interesting front-end which attrcat the user attention and easily understandable. Here you can earn and learn with having any difficulty and many people are their to guide you and support you.


Question no 4 :
What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

Steemit has change the life of thousand of people around the globe. The people are rewarded very good amount by creating the quality based content. The people are free to talk about on any topic. There is no any limitation on steemit. If you have talent, the steemit platform will help you to bring a very positive change in your life.

It doesn't require you a treasure of information about everything. If you are good in cooking, or singing, or poetry, or music, or motivational, or photography or anything, you can be successful on steemit. But the need is just to work smoothly and with patience. You will learn and earn over here as much as you want.

On steemit, the people create a content and if it's quality based then the they will get a high votes and will get the money too. There are many people around the world who are earning through this platform. Many people are running their home expenditures, filling their educational expenditure by working on steemit.

Not only earn and learn, steemit also helps you to improve your writing skills. You get to familiar with multiple minds here. You get a good chance to improve your language which help you too outside of it at your work place to get success.

Moreover, Steemit introduce you to the digital world. As the world is getting digitized more and more day by day, so the need is to become more fast and to participate in this race. The steemit teach you many ways to become digitize.

Steemit does not bound you to work for specific hours. You can work over here whenever you want without any restriction. You don't need to follow anyone's rules and regulations. But the content should be creative and it much meet the quality. If you are jobless, then don't need to worry. because steemit provide you a very good chance to earn from home. Many people are there who are not just fulfilling their own expenditures by earning through this platform, but also helping other. So we can say that steemit is playing a vital role in our life and changing our life to the great extent. It soon will be a platform with thousand of millions of steemians and will bring a very positive change in everyone's life throughout the world.


Question no 5 :
How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience

It is quit easy to earn money with steemit platform. You don't need to be very educated to work on this platform. You just need to create a quality base post. For that, you don't need at all to have some prior knowledge or need to take classes to learn work on it. You can share anything from your skills. You can write about your past experiences, or show you cooking skills, or write something about music, or anything. Your post will be upvoted if it is quality based. Then you will be rewarded money.

Different communities are working over here. You are welcomed to articipate in running contest in each community. You may get help from the community CRs. If your post selected in top 4 or 5, you will be voted by curators. Moreover, you can write anything over here. Share you daily life routing to showing your specific skills, everything and each topic is allowed. If you are good in cryto world or want to learn about crypto currencies, then there is a community on steemit known as Steem Crypto Academy. You will get to learn a treasure of knowledge here. Each week you will be assigned 5 to 6 task. If you do your homework, and if the professors give you upto 5 grade, you will get the upvote from curators. Its not the end. There are cooking cntest, poetry contest, photography contest. Even every skill is welcomed here.

The coin use on steemit is SBD and Steem. You are rewarded in SBD. The SBD is abbreviation of Steem dollar. You need to convert the SBD into steem. Then change the Steems into your currency and withdraw the cash. The process is so simple.


Question no 6 :
How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

There are multiple communities on steemit regarding to different topics. For example for the poetry expert person, there is a separate community. A community exist there for the people expert in cooking. Photography, music, writing, inshort there are multiple communities and it make it easy for users to post their content in more appropriate place to increase the chances for upvote. There are multiple steps to create community on steemit.

1- First of all, click on the wallet button. Login there using the password. There will be a button named as community. Click on that.

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2- Then enter the title(Cannot exceed 18 charecters). Enter the description of the community. and click on the Next Button

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3- You will be asked to save your password. SAve that and click on create community.

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4- The community creation cost is 3 steems. Click on Ok.

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5- Then i performed logging process again and community is created.

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6- Click on Get started and you will move to your own created community. Here you can make some changes.

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Twitter share

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Facebook share

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In this homework, i get to know that decentralized social media will be more powerful and useful in future as it facilitate the user in many ways. Moreover the steemit platform is discussed in detail in this task.

Thanks to the professor for the useful course article.


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Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • look fine homework

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade : 7.5

Thank to you sir for appreciating sir.