Hello everyone, I am happy to make submissions of my homework for the weekly crypto academy course. this week with professor @pelon53 is all about ROOT HASH Y ÁRBOL MERKLE. He has done well with his lecture and also his resource really guided me to work around my assignment.
I will be making submissions based on the questions that have been asked by the professor. And without further submissions, I will like to start the ball rolling.
The evolution of cryptocurrencies and of course DeFi systems has really made it possible for the existence of decentralized financial systems. Upon the innovation, it has really done so well and has always improved upon the number of users it records. But one thing we have failed to understand is that, the success of this cryptocurrencies is fully based on security of this blockchain technology upon which they are built on. Here, we could see how the blockchain systems brings together the block of data being processed using hashtags which always gives them value and thus giving them some form of uniqueness. This way also propels assets that has been used or spent in the system.
What we should also know is that, the said hashtags or hashes connects information from different sources about the blocks which are in pairs. This is done until it reaches a complete data or information upon which all transactions and hashes in the blocks are made. There is a term known as the Merkel Tree. This is where you actually see how this said hashes connect together.
Question One: Explain in detail the hash rate
I will define hash rate as the rate at which the computational power and speed uppon which a computer finishes the mining process which is completed by the transactions process of solving hash algorithms. Miners will be able to be able to solve complex algorithms only if they have more hash rates. Hash rates are inn the units of seconds or measured in seconds.
Mathematical formula for Hash rate = number of hashes solved / time
Lets look at this scenario.
Assuming we have a computer of high power is able to calculate 200,000.00 with 60 seconds. Lets see the hash rate of the question above using the hash rate formula given above.
Hash rate = number of hashes solved / time
Hash rate = 200,000.00 with / 60
Hash rate = 3,333.33 h/s
It is very necessary to have a very high rate always, this is because looking at the BTC mining, you need to have high rated machine that will be able to mine faster and the more they are able to solve this complex algorithms, then the high chances you stand of making more earns. Just in the PoW, miners see it to be a race, this is because, you will need a more powerful machine and power to mine and based on that you turn to get more rewards but those who are not able to utilize much power and also they do not have machines that are powerful they turn out to loose a lot or rewards.
So there is no doubt that, it is very difficult to mine BTC and also other PoW blockchains. They are very expensive and also power consuming, the devices also responsible for the mining at high hasj rate are also expensive and consumes so much power so if you are not able to cater for this you woud'nt really have what you want.
I will provide a screenshot containing a BTC hash rate. The Hashrate Unit/s, the Hash and then Hashes Per Second
The chart below will show previously, the rate at which BTCwas mine and the hash rates and also showing the current hash rate of BTC
Question Two: Make the following Merkle Tree:
Transaction (tree leaves): Steem1; Steem2; Steem3; Steem4; Steem5; Steem6; Steem7; Steem8.
I made it to the Root Hash. And put every hash generated using SHA-256 , show screenshots.
Tell the steps to follow to verify if Steem6 is included in the Markle Tree.
Hash: 7760E25BCB80ADF1DD92DB339BF5790A59E90CD54EFA072F1250DCE13FA97045
Hash: FE00506E91CF52BC4B35321E6B978D1A7349397B19C6C1C01E095971FDEC9741
Hash: A9418332E0C351D6A50C835AA9E57D514F0573C231D491E97726DB8A5844F2DC
Hash: 22F4EC8E20C9CCAF2C313B23F18981B1C73BF39081BCD739E5D998A95A46AB30
Hash: 2A3C87336683AB0DDFA56AFEFC740E6C13A02FEA0A43D6797343B26D7AF0C57B
Hash: A7BAA6DE0C0658E9E3681966E542BACD116529F5AE9A2D9126CDB1C1D5BC1278
Hash: D441688DDA7F9285E8811728DD9A3955CF74F0A3C7600C1589D0F1D3B48FFAC7
Hash: F2E38ED4FF662087B6E9BEAFA4158EBC488B995732057BDA019A6A77FFB5F9F5
Hash: A5568957014F6AC3866923C7DE20D375E706B8D8C9F453636E90B9965ABEC62B
Hash: 18D25196DB699F6AB9222B7302EB8A6F6EBFADEC703C07DD5DB8D9455913A499
Hash: D118E137F92A0DBEA138B6BF70C7714153A7BC393CD0272A44BD94864645224B
Hash: A81D57BA11AEDFA9EFBBA42F6523D75D1EFA50B22C5E3557A21CEFFE87DDFC4A
The branches are still up to four, so we will go a step further by using them to generate second-level branches, so as to reduces the branches to two. They are:
Hash: 8A248C05E69C4F1AA403AD18A7F445FF500C42483DA425CE0C980CDB2FD1AD9B
Hash: 8B0935AEAB3F51BFA2B0750703EE2387E2B20EB19B0D24227E180C03A851AF17
After I have successfully created the second-level branches, the next step is to generate the root hash.
Hash: 9C2FC83F36D59B8ED5033D2BCC417728583C8DAA0AA9868FD374BE3619D6E4F9
I finally created the Merkle tree for all the inputs and their respective hashes.
Question Two B: Tell the steps to follow to verify if Steem6 is included in the Markle Tree.
To be able to verify Steem6, the miner should be able to know the hash Steem5,
Hash of Steem7Steem8 and then, he must also know the hash of Steem1Steem2Steem3Steem4. So looking at the data I have already provided, the steps you will follow are stated below;
Step 1
First, using SHA-256, I generated the hash for Steem6.
Step 2
Since I already know what the hash of Steem5 is, I will use it, along with the hash of Steem6 I generated in Step 1 to calculate the hash for Steem5Steem6.
Step 3
Since I already know what the hash of Steem7Steem8 is, I will use it, along with the hash of Steem5Steem6 I generated in Step 2 to calculate the hash of Steem5Steem6Steem7Steem8.
Step 4
Since I already know what the hash of Steem1Steem2Steem3Steem4 is, I will use it, along with the hash of Steem5Steem6Steem7Steem8 I generated in Step 3 to calculate the hash of Steem1Steem2Steem3Steem4Steem5Steem6Steem7Steem8
Hash of Steem1Steem2Steem3Steem4Steem5Steem6Steem7Steem8 is referred to as the Merkle root hash.
Question Three: Using the SHA-256; you must place each complete hash in the Merkle Tree.
Transaction (tree leaves): SCA1; SCA2; SCA3; SCA4; SCA5; SCA6; SCA7; SCA8. Explain each step, show screenshots
Hash: 13E0A04BB0E669E1C638DBE3A704743F99F162B25245E4D8C064D35BA38FA8C8
Hash: 27849353A9C8CC4E948EB6E5748EDD79CB83513D8C0ADAF3E8C83D3792C9149B
Hash: 67E872F952C105C35E0BCE130536D061F4999DCA5593754BA9BA7BE59B8E7C0D
Hash: 491928A32BAE70A12FA251412BBFD7C9999F317BA6BF577C283C724225270A43
Hash: 99C078C39CDE7F47799E0E8691460A9F3E83E78D498EA989308FCFCC58907B19
Hash: 7A648D887B124DB14E96E23BA92783E7F26D00957C19B9B8229632C2C1873729
Hash: 7E0BBD6BA4BA9896F9911AF46B06DD2C47535F9C80B29D693FDF6B9319D0D68E
Hash: 562ABCEEB497E1FE7AE275A883FD5EF9D92A05F5C19D82ABAA0DC1571B7DF3AD
Hash: 91B09BBA815748166FB36413342C7E4E7E809F4BAC538C0418841A4476B527EF
Hash: B49B48697A3ACBC5E3D2E36B6EE49C44020D88E664C5C1AA7A7CF34058177379
Hash: F026924CD1285FF92C2A2DE9B9313027EB67273A82375C939348C887F6B52F77
Hash: AA55EC5A6B11393B289C4B2B6916172ACC2941C5C978FB1D7BF02696BAB323A4
The branches are still up to four, So what we will do is to further use them to generate second level branches, so as to reduces the branches to two. They are:
Hash: F50DC120CBF6C46923037F6D7F41D4153ECC9AB7430DDA662C142DB1FFE483F7
Hash: A3D8CA8494CC426ABD5E1FC5FA0FEAE4F2B2ECE4C4CECDCA05E19EB66542533F
After I have successfully created the second-level branches, the next step is to generate the root hash.
Hash: CB40CA6DB72DD507CF9118963F94B7740822258E74AFB0FD45D89DB35D24B386
Finally, I will create the Merkle tree for all the inputs and their respective hashes.
If the number of leaves on the tree is odd, what should you do? Explain.
In cases where the leaves on the Merkel Tree are odd, we will not be able to calculate the root hash. This is as a result of its nature, it is designed to be calculated in even not odds. I will live an example below in a screenshot so you could see it practically.
But what is done here is that the last leaf should be doubled in other to get a parent leaf either than that, there is no other way.
So what I explained above in a short sentence is shown below here.
you can see that the tree has 7 leaves, leaves, so we should double the last leaf by creating another SCA7 which is then merged with SCA7 to get SCA7SCA7. That will now be the parent hash
There is no doubt that hashing is the heart of blockchain technology. Apart from the security, it gives to the platform, miners tend to receive rewards each time they verify hash values by solving complex math
The lecture was really deep and touched deep on how the blockchain actually works. I want to thank the professor for the lecture and also his time in making this resource. it has really guided me in making my submissions.