Crypto Academy Season 3 Week 7 Homework Post for Professor @wahyunahrul Submitted By @simeon00 Date:14-08-21

in hive-108451 •  4 years ago  (edited)


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"Question 1: Will DAPPS be able to replace centralized applications in other fields in the future?


In my opinion,i would say yes given the fact that Dapps is a decentralized blockchain-based technology that adhere to transparency and freedom in handling transactions, and also devoid of central control or authority, hence it will be able to replace centralized applications in other fields such as payments,storage,cloud computing,etc.

This is especially so considering their unique and important features which are lacking in centralized applications and those features are as follows:

  • Open Source
    This allows network users to know what is happening instead of only one person monopolizing the available informaton(s).

DAPP designs a new structure for business transactions. The participants are independent of any third parties and any alterations in the DAPP are decided through unanimous agreement.

  • Decentralized Consensus
    Prior to the invention of Bitcoin,centralization was to make sure that a business transaction was legally and officially acceptable. In this case, payment required that a transaction be pushed ahead through a monitoring Clearinghouse. But then, Blockchain-based DAPPS work on a client- server model, meaning that the nodes can connect directly with each other.

Interestingly, in a Decentralized Application(DAPP), a deal is processed through a unanimous or general agreement and this requires that the majority approve the nodes being processed.

  • No Central Authority
    Because of DAPPS, their is no reliance on a single server hence,their is no Central point of failure. The data stored in DAPPS are allowed to be decentralized across all it's nodes,which are independent of each other, and should one node fail,it will not impact on the other nodes and they run on the network accordingly.
    Various types of decentralized database systems such as Interplanetary File System(IPFS),BitTorrent, and independent DHTs, can be used to design DAPPS with this feature. In fact, DAPPS applications are extremely unusual and modern and with a system as if belonging to a future time.


"Question 2: Is there a possibility for DAPPS to steal user data?


The answer is no, considering the high security level that mark the Decentralized APPS(DAPPS) which is very certain.
As a blockchain- based app, automatically the level of security that characterizes the DAPP is the same as the security of the blockchain where it fits in, and indeed the blockchain network system is very secure.
Besides, because DAPPS are not controlled and owned by a central authority, participants or users have more confidence and trust that user data will neither be manipulated nor be stolen.


"Question 3: Explain the ways in which a DAPP promotes it's application to the public?


  1. DeFi DAPP is a modern Blockchain-based financial environment that is completely devoid of, or free from third party control. DeFi operates on reliable, distributed networks thereby letting and enabling anyone to see a variety of financial products and services from any part of the world.
    This implies that the public in general will encounter few problems when it comes to seeing and using financial services in comparison to traditional systems, yes, this is an example of how DeFi DAPP promotes it's application to the public.

Below is an image depicting DeFi, you may check it out.

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2.DAPPS can design peer-to-peer( P2P) marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay,P2P cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Drive, and also a P2P app market like the Apple App Store and Google Play,and all of this put together can work toward reshaping the business landscape through decentralization.

Of course, Blockchain can be used to move a world where all digital stores, media, content, services, and personal data are shared across platforms instead of being held on a centralized server by big organizations.


"Question 4: Choose a DAPP and do a detailed analysis that proves that the DAPP is a good one to use.


Type 111 is the DAPP of my choice given the fact that it is the mostly used DAPP today and many developers of DAPPS are very enthusiastic about designing applications with the use of this DAPP because it is produced from changing type 1 and type 2 DAPPS.
Type 111 is the type that the DAPPS developers prefer to use in making or designing applications that will be useful for different things which will help us in different areas of our lives such as social media,personal data storage, games,etc.
The images below depict the usefulness of
this DAPP in the areas of social media and personal data storage.

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Moreover, a type 111 DAPP known as the SAFE Network gives Decentralized data storage.


"Question 5: If you were a DAPPS developer, what kind of app would you like to create? Explain all the details of the DAPP plan that you will make.


If i were a DAPPS developer,i would like to create the type 111 DAPPS which impacts positively on people's lives in various areas such as games, social media,etc.


The DAPP plan that i will make will be based on taking the following steps:

  • Making a proof of concept(POC) so that stakeholders will grasp the idea. Once the POC is set up and displayed to the right people, there's need to make visual and technical designs. The proof of concept should be kept small if a smart contract or user interface is to be created to show how the end-to-end cycle operates. I will also make sure that the POC cycle be completed in not more than 2-4weeks.

  • After the completion of the POC,i will start working on the visual and technical designs and also know how the platform will look like.
    The technological aspect of the DAPP development is extremely important considering the multiple distributed ledger Technology(DLT) platforms on hand. Additionally,i have to make sure that i have selected the right platform based on my requirements of speed,scalability, consensus mechanism and public or private network practicality.

  • As soon as the development is completed, i will first have it launched on the test network, examine the code carefully and repair any faults prior to going live.

  • The next thing is to launch my dAPP on the production server after testing the code and it's practicality and when i am certain that it will work in line with my expectations.
    Another noteworthy point is that there is no room for bugs in the production environment, unlike a traditional app for which i can write the code, use the app effectively and then modify it again whenever needed.
    Concerning a public blockchain, every deed carried out on a live smart contract has a certain gas fee connected with it. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the codes are written efficiently and lacking faults.



The fast technological development in today's world is beyond our control and neither is it something we can contest, rather it is a fact that we have to get used to,and of course as time goes on, possibly in the future, there are bound to be more changes especially in the area of technological development.
These changes will also affect the applications we usually use today on our smart phones, laptops,etc as they keep on growing,thus this technological development has given rise to change from centralized Apps managed by a central authority to Decentralized Apps(DAPPS) that adhere to freedom and transparency in handling transactions.


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Hi @simeon00, Thanks for taking my class.
Based on the homework that you have made, here are the details of the assessment you get:

Aspects of Assessment
Personal opinion on DApps replacing Centralized Apps
Possible data theft via DApps
How to promote a DApps
Analysis of a DApps
DApps creation plan
Writing procedure and structure
Following the Rules and Guidelines

My Reviews and Suggestions:

  • Your assignments are not original, you take a lot of explanations from the internet and put them in your article, even though you put the reference but it is not good. Steemit is not a place to repost article content.

Thank you!